Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Understanding the Patient Intake Process – Essay
Although, there are ways to make it easier for both the patient and the medical billing specialist and that is to use online registration. However, let us discuss the current process first. Although, the actual process may vary from practice to practice, the main objective behind the process is to obtain Information from new and established patients while he/she Is checking In at the practitioner's office, the hospital, or health clinic. Patient flow can be maintained if the medical practice implements an effective intake process.The intake process is just as important in serving satisfied customers as how he/she are treated during the process, time waiting in the waiting room to be taken back to the exam room, and time spent with the physician. If any of the processes are caking in organization, there will be unsatisfied customers, or patients, which, in turn, leads to less customers, or patients, that the physician administers treatment to. The process begins before the patient eve r steps foot inside the practitioners office.As soon as the patient calls the office to make an appointment the intake process begins because when a patient calls to make an appointment, the individual in charge of scheduling usually gathers the person's full name, telephone number, address, date of birth, gender, reason for the appointment, the name of the health Lana (If the patient has knob and the name of the referring physician (If the patient Is referred) (Valueless, Bases, Newbie, & Gaggers, Chapter 3-Patient Encounters and Billing Information, 2008).Then the office employee schedules the patient for the appropriate amount of time according to the reason for the visit. When the patient comes into the office the day of the appointment, if he/she is a new patient, he/she must come in early to fill out paperwork.One way that this can be made easier for patients, as well as medical staff, is for the medical practice to have online registration available to the patients. Online re gistration is a tool used by medical facilities to allow patients to register his/her billing and medical information before coming into the office for the first time. Because the patients are responsible for filling out the registration, there are fewer errors and less work for he staff member responsible for putting the information into the computer program. Furthermore, the patients look at it as a convenience (Sporran Solutions, 2011). Patients view this as a convenience because it enables him/her to fill out their information on his/her own time- at any time day or night.So, instead of having to fill out the information when he/she arrives at the office, he/she can fill it out beforehand and have less time spent in the waiting room (Sporran Solutions, 2011). Online registration also enables medical staff to receive and chart information more accurately and efficiently. So how does it work? When the patient calls to make his/ her first appointment the staff member that he/she is talking to tells him/her that they are able to register online before their first appointment (Sporran Solutions, 2011). The patient fills out the information and once it is completed the staff member can put it into the system, print it, and prepare the patient chart before the visit; physician reviews medical history more quickly (Sporran Solutions, 2011).
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Identity: Through Others We Become Ourselves
Through Others We Become Ourselves Rachel Sealy-Fisher In this essay, I will be discussing how people create identities for others through propaganda and language usage, perceptions and first impressions and how we accept these identities because of fear. I will use the films: Avatar and Memoirs of a Geisha as well as the novel: We Shall Not Weep by Johnny Masilela as references. Everyone creates identities for others. Often this is sub-conscious or unintended. We sometimes create these identities because carefully compiled propaganda and language have been used on us.From what we hear, we form identities. In the film, Avatar, Colonel Quartich, head of the Avatar programme, tells Jake Sully â€Å" Every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud, wants to kill you and eat your eyes for Jujubes. †The colonel informs Jake about the dangers on the planet Pandora, accurately portraying his negative feelings about the planet. He creates an identity for the Na’vi, the natives of Pandora, that they are savage beasts, referring to them as â€Å"blue monkeys†or â€Å"roaches†.He sets this negative identity in Jake’s head before he even meets the Na’vi. Mabena, Duma’s grandfather in Johnny Masilela’s We Shall Not Weep tried to keep Duma enlightened about his Ndebele past and creates a negative identity about westernisation and Duma’s interest in music. Mabena insists that Duma keep the values of his history alive. Duma, however, is disinterested and absorbed in urban life and jazz music. Through this, Mabena creates a negative identity for urbanisation.Identities are also created by first impressions and perceptions. How we first see someone is often how we will think of that person in the future. In the movie, Avatar, Neytiri, a Na’vi and daughter of Chief Moat, is asked by Jake why she saved him when a Pandorian creature was attacking him. She says, â€Å"You have a strong heart. No fear . But stupid! Like an ignorant child. †She tells him this on their first encounter. She instantly gets the impression that Jake has good motives, but is stupid and ignorant.However, we see Jake isn’t as ignorant as Neytiri first makes him out to be, but he has a lust for learning the ways of the Na’vi. The Na’vi have also created an identity for humans, or ‘Sky People’. They believe they cannot learn how to ‘see’. Chief Moat says to Neytiri when she asks if she may try to teach Jake to see, â€Å"We have tried to teach other Sky People. It’s hard to fill a cup that is already full. †Moat is implying the ‘Sky people’ are unwilling to learn that it is difficult to change their reluctance to learn.Sayuri, a Geisha from the film: Memoirs of a Geisha created an identity for the chairman, who she met as a young girl, as a kind, caring and loving man when he stopped to buy her a cup of sweet ice and told her to smile while she was crying. He, in return, has created a beautiful, fragile identity for Sayuri, and falls in love with her, but refrains and tries to protect her instead. These are just examples of how we all create identities for others based on perceptions and first impressions.Although we may be aware that our identities may be created for us, and often by us, we still choose to accept that this is who we are. We accept the identities that other people have created for us as who we are, rather than creating our own identities and finding our true self. Sakamoto Chiyo in Memoirs of a Geisha accepts the idea that she is a worthless slave as she is afraid of what her okiya mistress may do to her if she questions her position. She remains silent, believing she has no voice.Later, when she becomes Sayuri, she does what others say she must do, such as selling her mizuage to the highest bidder to become a true geisha. She does all this for fear that she may not fulfil her goal and b ecome a true Geisha. In conclusion, we all create identities for other people and ourselves. These may formulate through brainwashing propaganda and language usage, perceptions and first impressions. We often accept these identities because of fear that those around us will not accept us. Many films and novels are written around identity creation.Avatar, Memoirs of a Geisha and We Shall Not Weep are simply three examples of identity creation and acceptance of these identities as our own rather than creating our true identity, that isn’t influenced by others, but purely ourselves. Word count: 765 words Bibliography: Masilela, Johnny. â€Å"We Shall not weep†1 May 2012 www. Kwela. com/we shall not weep www. beyondintractibility. org/bi-essay/identity-issues Memoirs of a geisha. IMDB. 2 May 2012 http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0397535/ Films: Avatar Memoirs of a Geisha Novel: We Shall not Weep- Johnny Masilela (June 2002)
Monday, July 29, 2019
Topcoder Case Study
If you were a senior manager at TopCoder, what are the main capabilities you would need to develop to succeed at running the firm? Are these capabilities similar or unique from managing a more traditional firm In order to develop and execute the highly non-traditional business approach and vision of TopCoder, the senior management has to regularly challenge existing industry practices and innovate better methodologies to improve the quality of deliverables to the client. . Since the business model for TopCoder is highly reliant upon participation from the develop community they need to keep a continuous track of the activities in their forum and need to devise the competition in such a way that it attracts more and more better quality coders. To make this happen, the senior management has to develop high level of marketing skills so that they can promote their product and keep the coders interested. 2.The main challenge which company faces is that though the customers are getting hig h quality defect free products in a short span of time they are usually suspicious of the product quality since they do not have any relationships and in person/on call interaction with the developer community. Due to this suspicious outlook of the customers, the management needs to have high level of negotiation and convincing skills so that they can keep the customers. 3. Software product requires regular maintenance and updation after certain period of time and thus vendor selection for development is a long term investment.Now, the customer knows that the developer community of TopCoder is usually interested in complexity of the competition and intellectually challenging tasks and thus the top coders in the community might not take up such tasks. Thus, it becomes very important for TopCoder management to keep the clients interested. 4. The TopCoder community is innovation and competition driven, thus managing innovative and creative people who can be blunt and too direct to the customers may diminish and even destroy the reputation of company with he customer thus they need to be capable to handling not only the customer but the coders, who are primarily independent and can move out at any given time, given a better opportunity Most of the capabilities required by the senior management at TopCoder are rather similar to managers at a more traditional IT company, but the fact that they have to manage both the customer relationships, as well as the virtually located coder community, which can be challenging.Also, they have to additionally handle the feedback from both these communities and have to keep a balance between these two parties, which I not desired to such an extreme from a normal IT manager. What are barriers to entry in this type of a business? TopCoder is competing with in the tough and saturated space of IT Product development and Services. Gaining a market share in the high tech industry with already established and trusted brands along with re latively newer but technologically advanced businesses is a mammoth task. The entry barriers are the result of competitive behavior by existing businesses within the marketplace.TopCoder faces a variety of entry barriers that must be overcome or adapted to in order for its non-traditional business approach to create trust and standing with the customers and gaining a foothold within any given marketplace. According to the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, the most common entry barriers are: 1. Established businesses attempt to prevent new competitors from entering their market because they could lose business and profits. 2. Absolute cost and capital advantages of existing business 4. An existing large company with high bench strength is more capable to cope ith new competitors by developing high complexity products at a lesser cost than a new company. 4. High entry barriers present a difficult challenge for new businesses to overcome to be profitable in the market. If t he barriers are too high, incumbent businesses in the market have a distinct advantage over any new entrant which can prevent the new business from being a significant threat to their market position 5. There can be many customers, who prefer contracts of multiple projects with an established brand which may prevent them to source their requirements to a relatively smaller new company, 6.Several times the processes and specialized business knowledge available with established companies are aligned with the processes and business needs of the customer and they prefer to work with each other. 7. Having worked in multiple projects together and knowing the quality of deliverables customers develop a preference to certain companies 8. Some customers, such as banks, have a lot of sensitive and secure data which they want to share with only already established and trusted IT firms 9. Usually high performing IT firms have a highly sophisticated infrastructure and quality control mechanism i n place.
The Effects of Nursing Interventions to Enhance Mental Health and Assignment
The Effects of Nursing Interventions to Enhance Mental Health and Quality of Life Among Individuals with Heart Failure - Assignment Example The study is investigating the effect that nurse intervention has upon individuals suffering from heart disease. The incidence of anxiety and depression is recognized as a comorbid condition of these patients, accompanying the physical deterioration of diagnosed patients. In the interest of identifying nursing strategies that will improve patients’ perception of well-being, the authors focus upon two intervention strategies; mutual goal setting where the nurse works with the patient to establish and prioritize personal goals, and supportive-educative where patients who need to learn self-care but cannot are given guidance, support, and instruction. The literature review is well done and thorough, using recent sources for those aspects of the discussion that require timely analysis, e.g., fourteen years before this study, it was well known that quality of life issues was subjective and personal, so employing and an older source is not a critical issue. The authors have establis hed the validity, quality, and credibility of their sources. When the authors begin discussing and citing information based on psychological studies, however, advances in that area of research require up-to-date sources and older studies would lack reliable data. In this case, those aspects of the literature review that require modernity are properly supported with research performed within the previous few years of this study, and the sources used are reliable and known in the field. The authors are nurses, as are the research assistants they employed.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Answer the question - Essay Example s who represented philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato produced perfect harmony to his paintings, which was an important aspect for ancient artists. The painting is asymmetrical with the main focal point being Aristotle and Plato who are the only two people standing at the front of hall with sky adjoining them as well as being centered in the hub of the composition. There is good tone in the painting with the light raying through the window creating obscurity on the ceiling of the domes giving it a three dimensional effect. The primary and secondary colors match perfectly each object and figure. Renaissance was about an artist expressing social views using paintings that could represent scholars and politicians conveying their different views. Renaissance presented a man, his visual world as well as his environment, which created the passion for skill and knowledge for the same (Rapelli 107). The painting has details on the shading and tones which highlight different Greek philosophers explaining their different beliefs and theories to each other making it a very triumphant piece of
Saturday, July 27, 2019
2010 Chilean Mining Rescue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
2010 Chilean Mining Rescue - Essay Example In 2010, the San Jose mine got bought by the Minera Andes bought 49% of the shares of the company. This was a company owned by Marcelo Kemeny and Alexander Bohn (Scott 56). They diversified the San Jose mine in the production of copper. The two, Marcelo and Alexander, were the ones in charge of the company when the incident happened in 2010. Marcelo was the son of Jorge Kemeny who started Minera Andes in 1957, the company that later took charge of the San Jose mine. The San Jose produced approximately 2,700 kilograms of copper daily in 2010. This was approximately $22,000. The production of gold in the year 2010 was 12,549 ounces. Further, the gold deposits as per 2010 were worth up to a billion dollars. This was the importance of the company to the copper mining industry. The company together with other copper mining companies provided the largest part of the government revenue. With Chile being among the leading producer of copper, the San Jose mine was at the centre of private mining companies that were fast producing copper (Amy et al 4). Until the 2010 incident, the San Jose mining company had been growing in terms of it profit margin. The profit margins had been on an upward trend. Despite the various minor accidents, the company had been able to increase its productivity. The change in ownership of the company, in 2010, helped to further increase its productivity. There was a new management and more capital available for investment. However, the 2010 incident dealt it a significant blow (Franklin 32). In the year ended December 2010, the Minera Andes, which owned 49% of the San Jose mine company, recorded a net income of $ 30.9 million. For the same period in 2009, the company had recorded a $26.8 million income. This indicated a rise of $4.1 million in income. . The company reported an $18.8 million net income in the final quarter of the year. It is worth noting that Minera Andes had bought the 49% shares of San Jose mine in 2010. This
Friday, July 26, 2019
Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve & Monopoly Essay
Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve & Monopoly - Essay Example For the electricity industry, increase in business can greatly reduce unit/average costs and that is why natural monopoly is popular in this industry. In most cases, government might want to regulate natural monopolies such as this one. The regulations to be employed are direct legislation and administrative regulations of prices and entry into the industry (Joskow & Rose, 1989). Several reasons exist on why the government might do this. The two major ones are to prevent consumer exploitation and increase in the unit/average cost of production. Since, in natural monopoly there is absolutely no competition, the monopoly can sell its products at any price. This could result to consumer exploitation hence attracting the interest of the government to regulate monopoly. Moreover, since such industries have no competition, other investors might venture into it to break the monopoly. By doing this, they would increase the cost per unit hence rendering production uneconomical. The government will therefore step in to regulate their operations with an interest of saving the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Who was to blame for the banking crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Who was to blame for the banking crisis - Essay Example After the Great Depression of 1930 the world economy faced a dangerous financial crisis. It all began when sky rocket property prices in the United States started decreasing and this impact soon spread all over the financial sector. The Global Financial Crisis initiated in July 2007 with the credit crunch when US investors lost confidence in the investment of mortgage property. This all compelled US investors to inject a large portion of capital into the financial market. By September 2008 the crisis got worse and hit all stock markets globally and made the market volatile. The consumers started losing confidence in properties and the stock market and were in a position of fear what could be lying ahead of them (Broman, 2012). The banking industry has seen many fiscal crises in the past, the notable one of them being the one that started in the 1930. Since then many countries have seen ups and downs when it comes to their banking industry. The most recent one of them being that in 2007; which changed the perspective of many investors and regulators. It all took one Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt for the Wall Street crisis panic to spread worldwide and affect other countries, developing or developed. The causes were smaller in person and unimportant but together, they caused huge economies to collapse and endure great loss. The reasons were as followed: On a general note, the global financial crisis began developed its roots in 2007, July, when the US investors started to lose confidence in the values of subprime mortgages, resulting in a liquidity crisis. This lead to the US federal bank adding a notable sum of capital into the financial market but nevertheless, the issue persisted such that by 2008, the stock markets around the world became seriously volatile and subsequently crashed. The Global market braced them for they feared the impending doom that approached them. Questions pertaining to the liquidity of banks, a fall in the availability of
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Bullying and harassment can be a problem in healthcare workforce Essay
Bullying and harassment can be a problem in healthcare workforce culture. Create a position statement addressing the role of the - Essay Example Dealing with such issues is primarily necessary in order to develop a healthy work culture within the organization (Bullying and harassment at work: a good practice guide for RCN negotiators and health care managers, n.d., p.1). The present study addresses the role of healthcare organizations and their team members in response to issues arising from bullying and harassment, relevantly discussing on the ANMC competencies as well. Bullying and Harassment in Healthcare Organization: Bullying generally involves making wrong use of one’s power to frighten or hurt the feelings of others who are less powerful. Such behavior is usually malicious and insulting in nature, and nurses in organization are most commonly the victims of such behaviors. Harassment is essentially different from bullying in that it involves intentionally affecting the self-respect of men and women working in organizations. Bullying and harassment are either targeted to individuals or they may affect individuals in groups. Although effects of such acts might vary with individuals, but in general, they negatively affect the self-respect and esteem of individuals and make it difficult for them to effectively perform while they are present in the organization (Barber, 2012, pp.299-300). ... equently, the quality of care in the organization also gets affected, along with poor job satisfaction of the employees, increased turnover, and professional disconnection (Vessey, DeMarco and DiFazio, 2011, pp.134-149). Thus it is essential that measures are considered to prevent and control such incidents to achieve enhanced performance and quality of care which holds the greatest priority in a healthcare organization. ANMC Competencies: It would be suitable to discuss the ANMC (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council) competencies that focus on the role of healthcare organization in addressing challenges of bullying and harassment in the work culture. The standards set by this council clearly states the assessment needs of competencies of nurses and the expectations that the organizations have from them in meeting the demands of effective healthcare delivery. Thus based on national competency standards, nurses have to deliver as per the legal policies of healthcare delivery, be a ccountable for their activities and performance, recognize practices that are unprofessional, works ethically, integrates organizational polices and guidelines along with the standards of the organization, maintain the organization’s culture, values and dignity, make effective use of available resources, integrates nursing knowledge and skills towards effective healthcare to patients, participates in improvement of healthcare quality, participates in the development of organization and profession contributing positively towards the profession of others as well, conducts assessment on nursing delivery, plans to achieve organizational goals in an integrated manner focused on continuity of care, responds effectively to changes in nursing behaviors and standards, assists others for better
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Introduction to Business Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Introduction to Business Accounting - Essay Example Secondly, there are different ways of calculating same ratios, which makes the comparison difficult, and interpretation is subjective too (Wiley 1998). This is important as comparison between companies and industries becomes difficult as they use different definitions of accounting items, which are part of the financial ratio analysis. Thirdly, when industry analysis is done using ratio analysis then it is often difficult to define the set of companies that may be considered to be in direct competition with the company and thus makes comparison quite subjective. Fourthly, there are some financial elements, which are based on estimations and thus can affect the outcome of ratio analysis. Finally, difference in accounting standards and policies of companies and country of origins makes the comparison difficult (Keown, et al. 2005). The Income Statement provides information regarding the companys performance over an accounting period (Dodge 1997). It provides details of the revenues generated by business and cost of operations to generate those revenues. The different between revenue and cost of sales is referred to as gross profit. Moreover, it provides information regarding expenses incurred by the company over the period, which may be variable or fixed in relation to the revenues generated. After deduction of expenses from the gross profit from operations or profit before interest and tax is derived. The next information element that the income statement provides is the amount of interest paid by the company in lieu of its debt obligations. Then the tax amount is disclosed which is deducted from profit amount to arrive at profits from continuing operations. Any receipt or payment related to extraordinary items activities is added or subtracted to derive net profit attributable to common shareholders and mino rity shareholders. It also gives information related
Profile of Honda Motor Company Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Profile of Honda Motor Company Ltd - Essay Example Japan was a fuel and transport starved nation after the Second World War. Soichiro Honda seized this opportunity to provide cheap transport from small two-stroke motorcycle engines developed in the Honda Technical Research Institute in Japan. (History). This resulted in the launch of Dream D 98cc motorcycle in 1949 (Honda). From then on there has been no looking back for this multi-national company leading to a wide range of products, and a presence in nearly every part of the world. It is the leading manufacturer of motorcycles in the world, and an automobile manufacturer of repute. The name Honda in the modern era has been equated with value for money. The business activities of Honda Motor Company Ltd. include the development, production and manufacture of motor products in many places around the world. The motorcycle business activity consists of the manufacture of motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, and personal watercraft. The engine capacities of the motorcycles manufactured by Honda have a range from as low as 50cc to as high as 1800cc cylinder displacement. The models of Honda motorcycles consist of sports, business, and commuter models. Passenger cars in the automobile range of Honda consist of the Legend, Accord, Civic, City, and Acura brands. Honda also offers multi-wagons, sports utility vehicles, sports coupes, and mini-vehicles under different brand names. Financial services to customers and dealers also form a part of the business activities of Honda. This activity facilitates the purchase of vehicles by the dealers and the customers. Honda also manufactures a range of other power products, which include power tillers, portable generators, general-purpose engines, grass cutters, outboard engines, water pumps, snow throwers, power carriers, power sprayers, lawn mowers, and lawn tractors. The products of Honda are made available to its customers through various outlets, wholesalers, and independent retail dealers (Honda Motor Co. Ltd. (HMC)).
Monday, July 22, 2019
Ultradian Rhythms Essay Example for Free
Ultradian Rhythms Essay Ultradian rhythms are bodily rhythms that last less than 24 hours. The most obvious ultradian rhythm is the different stages of sleep, existing within the ciradian rhythm of the sleep-wake cycle. Sleep is dived into cycles, each lasting about 90 minutes. During these cycles, we will experience 5 different stages of sleep- the first four being characterized as non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM), and the last stage being characterized as rapid eye movement sleep (REM). When human beings are awake, the electrical activity in their brain usually takes the form of fast, erratic brain waves. These waves are known as beta waves. During stage 1 of sleep, the brains electrical activity begins to change, with the brain waves becoming more slow and regular. This demonstrates that the persons mind is beginning to relax, and these waves are known as alpha waves. The presence of alpha waves in the brain can usually be used to indicate that the onset of sleep has occurred, and that the person is no longer awake. As well as a change in electrical activity, the persons core body temperature will also drop and their heart-beat slow down. As the sleeper goes into Stage 2 of sleep, their brain waves become even slower and a greater amplitude. These are called theta waves. This shows that the brain is becoming increasingly more relaxed. During this stage of sleep, it is common to experience sudden bursts of brain activity: known as K complexes and sleep spindles. Stages 1 and 2 of sleep are commonly referred to as being as being light sleep. This means that people in these stages of sleep can be easily awoken by external factors such as noise. Stages 3 and 4 of sleep are characterized by even slower brain waves, known as delta waves. Stages 3 and 4 are often referred to as being slow-wave sleep (SWS)- and sleep during this time is far more deep than in the previous two stages. However, the sleeper has not reached a state of unconsciousness, and can still be woken up by certain external factors (eg. Parents being woek nby the sound of their baby crying). These are the stages of sleep where most of the bodies physiological repair work occurs. It can also be associated with biochemical changes, such as the release of growth hormone taking place during this time. In these first four stages of NREM sleep, dreams have been shown to be unlikely to occur. During a study by Dement and Klietman, in which participants were woken up when their brain waves indicated certain stages of sleep, it was shown that only around 7% of participants had reported having dreams when their brain activity had indicated the stages of NREM sleep. Stage 5 of sleep, the final stage in the sleep cycle before it repeats, is known as REM sleep. This the stage of sleep where brain activity is most like that of the awake brain. It is also the stage of sleep where most dreams are likely to occur.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Childhood sexual abuse and effects on marital functioning
Childhood sexual abuse and effects on marital functioning Childhood sexual abuse victimization has detrimental effects on a womans intimate relationships. Adult survivors of child sexual abuse may show difficulties in interpersonal relationships, including avoidance or fear of intimacy, showing low emotional engagement with partners and a pattern of withdrawing from couple interaction during times of high emotion. Adult survivors also may have trouble with trust and may have a poor sense of boundaries and have a sense of powerlessness. Survivors of this trauma often have difficulty establishing and maintaining intimate relationships and experience a high rate of sexual dysfunction. Also, women with child sexual abuse experiences are twice as likely to experience rape as adults and to report having been physically abused by their partners. Thus, this paper will guide me to this paper will channel me to conform and portray substantiation to my claim that childhood sexual abuse operates as a precursor to marital dissonance and marital dissatis faction. It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime. The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini Childhood sexual abuse: The subject of child sexual abuse is still a taboo in India. A conspiracy of silence exists around the subject of abuse and a large percentage of people feel that this is a largely western problem and thus abuse, especially child sexual abuse does not occur in our country. Part of the reason of course lies in a traditional conservative family and community structure that does not talk about sex and sexuality at all (Study on Child Abuse: India 2007). Most of the time, parents do not talk to their children about sexuality and during puberty girls are not told about the physical and emotional changes that take place. What then happens is that all forms of sexual abuse that a child faces do not get reported even to close individuals. Children do not realize that they are being abused most of the time. Most victims report having buried the incident as a painful and shameful one not to be ever told to anyone (RAHI, 1998). As defined by the World Health Organization (1999), CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE is the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend; is unable to give informed consent to, or that violates the laws or social taboos of society. The activity between a child and an adult or another child who by development or age is in a relationship of trust, power or responsibility with the activity being intended to gratify or satisfy the need of the other person is what child sexual abuse is evident by (W.H.O., 1999). This may include but not limited to: The inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful activity The exploitative use of a child in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices The exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials. Sexual violence is any act which may be verbal and/or physical which threatens to break a persons trust and/or safety. It includes rape, incest, child sexual assault, marital rape, sexual harassment, exposure and voyeurism. Yet, sexual abuse can be defined as severe forms of sexual abuse and other forms of sexual abuse. Severe forms of sexual abuse include: assault, including rape and sodomy; touching or fondling the child; exhibitionism forcing a child to exhibit his/her private body parts and photographing a child in nude. Other forms of sexual abuse include: forcible kissing; sexual advances towards a child during travel; sexual advances towards a child during marriage situations or other social occasions; exhibitionism exhibiting before a child and exposing a child to pornographic materials. The World Health Organization (1999) estimates that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under the age of 18 have experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence involving physical contact. A review of epidemiological surveys from 21 countries, mainly high- and middle- income countries, found that at least 7% of females (ranging up to 36%) and 3% of males (ranging up to 29%) reported sexual victimization during their childhood. According to these studies, between 14% and 56% of the sexual abuse of girls, and up to 25% of the sexual abuse of boys, was perpetrated by relatives or step parents. Thus, it is important to understand the implications of such traumatic experiences and the effects it has on an individuals latter life. Child sexual abuse and its severity, onset and duration of abuse have a crippling effect on the victims life. There are a number of possible pathways by which childhood traumas could impact adult relationship outcomes, including marital satisfaction and disruption. Childhood traumas can result in intimacy disturbance (e.g. fearing, distrusting, and experiencing ambivalence about interpersonal closeness; impaired ability to trust), difficulties with sexual relating, increased probability of physical violence and revictimization, problems with emotional expressiveness and intimacy, and emotional avoidance, which may in turn interfere with effective relationship functioning (Briere,1992; Compton Follette,1998). Review of Literature: Clinicians have long operated under the assumption that early abuse represents a traumatic interpersonal experience with the potential to result in long-term difficulties with intimate partner relations. A number of theoretical models also point to intimate partner relations as an area of difficulty for adult survivors (e.g. Alexander, 2003; Finkelhor Browne, 1985; Polusny Follette, 1995). Among these theories, Finkelhor and Brownes (1985) traumagenic dynamics model has received a great deal of attention because of its utility for explicating the processes by which early sexual abuse may affect a variety of long-term outcomes (e.g. Coffey, Henning, Turner, Leitenberg Bennett, 1996). Although developed with sexual abuse in mind, the proposed traumagenic dynamics are likely to be common across various types of child abuse. Briefly, this model holds that the impact of childhood trauma can be accounted for by the dynamics of betrayal, traumatic sexualization, stigmatization, and powerlessness, which are said to alter childrens cognitive and emotional orientation to the world, and create trauma by distorting childrens self-concept, world view, and affective capacities (Finkelhor Browne, 1985). Finkelhor and Brownes (1985) dynamics are useful for conceptualizing how various marital outcomes may be affected by early maltreatment. For example, the dynamic of betrayal may come into play in the aftermath of abuse when victims come to realize that an adult (often a family member) has violated the tacit but fundamental trust that normally exists between children and adults. Neglect represents a breach of trust whereby adults, who are expected to provide care and protection, deprive children of basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, and supervision. Traumatic sexualization, which refers to developmentally inappropriate and dysfunctional sexual behavior stemming from sexual abuse, may manifest in a variety of lasting difficulties, including increased vulnerability to sexual assault, over-sexualization of adult relationships, or aversion to sexual relations (Finkelhor Browne, 1985). A third process, stigmatization refers to internalized feelings of shame, guilt, and self- blame that arises from experiencing maltreatment. In the case of psychological abuse, for example, stigmatization may evolve from direct berating by the perpetrator. For other forms of maltreatment, stigmatization may develop in response to the secrecy that often surrounds abuse, reactions from family and the broader community upon the discovery of abuse, and from victims themselves. Carried into adulthood, stigmatization may contribute to lack of openness, feelings of detachment, and general dissatisfaction in intimate relations. Finally, the dynamic of powerlessness refers to a lack of self-efficacy that is said to evolve from the uncontrollable and repeated boundary violations that accompany maltreatment. Powerlessness engendered by early sexual and physical abuse may undermine survivors sense of control in relationships, rendering them less effective in asserting their needs during conflict and decision-making interactions with partners. In the extreme, such an imbalance of power or control may become a risk factor for additional victimizations within the marriage. Conversely, a preoccupation with issues of power may also manifest in compensatory striving on the part of victims to maintain or exert personal control in relationships. The extreme form of this tendency may again be linked to aggression, perhaps initiated by victims against their partners. An emerging empirical literature has begun to test clinical and theoretical assumptions linking maltreatment to long-term deficits in couple functioning. Most of these studies have been conducted with women involved in dating relationships. For example, compared to non-abused women, unmarried women recruited from college and community settings who were exposed to child sexual abuse report having less emotional trust in their partners and view their partners as less reliable in following through with important aspects of the relationship (DiLillo Long, 1999; Mullen, Martin, Anderson, Romans, Herbison, 1994). Although studies of sexual functioning typically have focused on female survivors sexual risk-taking that occurs outside the context of committed relationships (e.g. Orcutt, Cooper, Garcia, 2005), maltreatment has also been linked to sexual difficulties with intimate partners (Leonard Follette, 2002). In a study, women with a history of childhood sexual or physical abuse report engaging in less frequent sexual activity (Dinnerstein, Guthrie, Alford, 2004), whereas both women and men who experienced sexual abuse report more symptoms of sexual dysfunction, including pain during intercourse, difficulty achieving and maintaining arousal, premature or delayed orgasm, and anxiety about sexual performance (Najman, Dunne, Purdie, Boyle, Coxeter, 2005). These difficulties may contribute to survivors lower sexual drive and sexual satisfaction (Randolph Reddy, 2006), as well as greater negative affect while sexually aroused (Schloredt Heiman, 2003). Studies of unmarried individuals have found that a history of maltreatment is associated with later psychological, physical, and sexual victimization by an intimate partner (DiLillo, Giuffre, Tremblay, Peterson, 2001; Whitfield, Anda, Dube, Felitti, 2003). Conversely, links have also been found for both men and women between a history of child maltreatment and the perpetration of physical aggression against a partner (DiLillo et al., 2001; White Widom, 2003; Whitfield et al., 2003). Beyond group comparisons of victims and non-victims, evidence suggests a dose-response relationship between maltreatment and partner aggression, such that men and women from a community setting who were exposed to greater adversity as children (including maltreatment) are more likely to perpetrate partner aggression as adults (Anda, Felitti, Bremner, Walker, Whitfield, Perry, 2006). Difficulties in these more specific domains of couple functioning may contribute to general dissatisfaction and ultimately relationship dissolution for victims of maltreatment. For example, cross-sectional findings indicate that individuals with a history of maltreatment are less satisfied in their intimate relationships than are no maltreated individuals (DiLillo Long, 1999; Nelson Wampler, 2000; Whisman, 2006). Moreover, in the few studies that have examined marital functioning, both husbands and wives with a history of sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect experienced higher rates of separation and divorce than did spouses without such histories (Colman Widom, 2004; Finkelhor, Hotaling, Lewis, Smith, 1989; Whisman, 2006). The research conducted to date suggests that childhood traumas are indeed associated with marital outcomes in adulthood. For example, evidence from both clinical (Nelson Wampler, 2000) and community (Finkelhor, Hotaling, Lewis, Smith, 1989) samples suggests that childhood sexual abuse is associated with increased likelihood of experiencing relationship problems (DiLillo, 2001; Rumstein-McKean Hunsley, 2001). In addition, a lifetime history of physical attack has been associated with lower marital harmony and lower marital satisfaction in a national, population-based sample (Broman, Riba, Trahan, 1996). However, although the evidence is suggestive that the occurrence of childhood trauma is associated with marital outcomes during adulthood, most existing studies have looked at only one or a few childhood traumas and only one type of marital outcome (e.g., marital disruption or marital satisfaction). Therefore, based on available research, it is difficult to know whether the results obtained from the traumatic events evaluated in existing studies would be found for other traumatic events, and whether specific traumas would be associated with multiple marital outcomes. Similarly, insofar as people who experience one trauma are at elevated risk for experiencing other traumas, it is unknown whether the interpersonal consequences that are attributed to a particular trauma are independently associated with that trauma, or are secondary, due to their shared association with the co-occurring trauma. Finally, as with many studies in the area of marital functioning, samples used in some prior studies are small and not representative of the population of married couples, insofar as they are often based on people in treatment or convenience samples recruited from local communities, which thereby restricts the external validity of studies on childhood trauma and marital outcomes (DiLillo, 2001). Conclusion The current review shows implications for researchers and practitioners alike. Past research has mainly included women although the current literature suggests that among newlywed couples, a history of maltreatment may also be detrimental to husbands marital adjustment. This reinforce the need for future research to take a dyadic approach rather than focusing on only one partner. Maltreatment may have an increasingly negative impact on husbands marital satisfaction over time reinforce the need to examine longer term marital trajectories in relation to mens prior abuse. Extending the examination of change trajectories would enable the testing of the supposition that maltreatment places couples at risk for more quickly reaching critical levels of relationship discord. Studies could also examine the ways that couples with a history of abuse adapt to contextual shifts in the marriage, including those that arise during important developmental transitions already associated with marital de cline (birth of a first child; Huston Holmes, 2004). Clinical writings (Oz, 2001) also suggest that partners of abuse survivors may struggle with unique issues related to their involvement with adult victims. Examining these cross-partner effects will be important to further enhance our understanding of the dyadic impact of early maltreatment. From a treatment standpoint, the early stages of marriage may become increasingly difficult for adult survivors. Thus, child maltreatment should be considered part of the constellation of factors-internal and external to the relationship-with the potential to disrupt marital functioning.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Themes of Desirees Baby Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"Dà ©sirà ©e’s Baby†is a story of love, prejudice and rejection, a story with noble beginnings that slowly turns to reveal an uglier side of human relations. Armand, a wealthy landowner of the plantation L’Abri in the ante-bellum south of Louisiana, is confronted by a family secret that has been hidden from him, even into adulthood. The secret is scandalous for its day, and its consequences run deep into the fabric of society. No one told Armand of this secret. He discovers it by chance at the end of the story, when he finds the remnants of an old letter written by his mother to his father, the significance of which, and its revelations, makes us focus on the many tragic and ironic decisions made by him during this story. In the old south, bloodlines are very important to the status of a family and their social placement, so the â€Å"purity†of the family must be kept. This â€Å"purity†does not accommodate marriages of mixed race. Knowing this, Armand marries an old friend who he had known since he was eight when he moved to Louisiana from France with his father after his mother had died. She was a girl of no distinction, who had no history or reputation of family name like that of Armand, but despite this he fell in love â€Å"as if struck by a pistol shot†.(317). Others had warned Arman d against marrying her, but he did not care for he was so swept away by her beauty. â€Å"He was reminded that she was nameless. What did it matter about a name when he could give her one of the oldest and proudest in Louisiana.†(316). Tragedy comes early in the marriage with the birth of their first child. Although no one seemed to notice at first, by the time the child was three months old, neighbors and Armand himself noticed a change in the child. â€Å"W... ...loved and so easily discarded to protect his family name, were innocent of his animosity and accusations. We can only imagine the heart wrenching turmoil he must have felt at that moment. Too, was the undeniable fact that his father had overcome similar odds and accepted the love of his mother even though she was black. Armand’s father had escaped from tradition and its shackles to stay with the woman he loved and yet still kept the family’s good name, where Armand had failed to do so. The finding of this letter reveals to the reader the deeper consequences of decisions made based on prejudice and what others may think. All that Armand had done, giving up his marriage and condemning their child, burning all that reminded him of her and the baby, cursing God for his misfortune, had all come crashing in upon him by finding a simple letter with tragic â€Å"significance
Punk :: essays research papers
Punk is the best. It rocks. And now, fjfdsl sdjfh dfhasdfh alhfasljkdh sdfhaskjh fahdsflkasjdh flksdahf lahdsflkjsadhf lkashdflkjasdhf lkadshflkjasdhflkahdskfhksdhfka dshfhsadlkfh lksadhflkasdhflkjhlkj hlkjf hlkjsdh flkjashlf kjlhdsafkj hlaskdjh fakjdshfl jdsf dbn dnasdf adsnfasdnfansdnfnadf nsadf nsdfnsadf ndsf nasdfnsdf nsdfnsadfnasdfansdf nsadfasdnf andsf sdnfasdnfn andsf nsdafand fnsadfnsdaf nasdf nsadfnsadfndsf nsadf nsadfnsdanf nsadfnasdf ansdf nasdf nasdfnsafnasdnf nasdfnasfnsfdan andsf snadfsandf nsadf nsadf sndf nasdfnd fnasfdnasfndf ansdf nsadf nsadfnsadfa ndsfsadf nasdf ansdf ansdf ansdf nsadf snadf asndf asndf ansdf nasdfndsaf sdnfndfa ndsf asndf ndasf ndsf ansdf andsf adasnf andsf nasdf nasdf sadnf ajdf fjasd fa. fjngsdjf gjsdf gsdmf gsfdg sfdjg jfdsg jf gjsdfgjsdgjsdfgjsfdjgfd g fd gndg ndsgsndgnsdgnsdg g nsg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg jnsdgsdf gj sfdg mnsg mnsg nmsdg ,nmdsg ,mndg ,mnsgd f g,dsfg sdnmg ,mnsdg ,smndg ,mndsg ,mnsg hbdvg bsgmdg mn sgmg smf gmfd mg gmgd mmnbsg mnbsmg mmgb gbmdgmng nbf gmnbg smnsdg g sbmnbg smfgb gfsgmnbg msgbgssgbngd g sbg mg gfbgfb gf mgsgbd dg gfbmbgsdmfg msfbg smdgsmg bf fjfdsl sdjfh dfhasdfh alhfasljkdh sdfhaskjh fahdsflkasjdh flksdahf lahdsflkjsadhf lkashdflkjasdhf lkadshflkjasdhflkahdskfhksdhfka dshfhsadlkfh lksadhflkasdhflkjhlkj hlkjf hlkjsdh flkjashlf kjlhdsafkj hlaskdjh fakjdshfl jdsf dbn dnasdf adsnfasdnfansdnfnadf nsadf nsdfnsadf ndsf nasdfnsdf nsdfnsadfnasdfansdf nsadfasdnf andsf sdnfasdnfn andsf nsdafand fnsadfnsdaf nasdf Punk is the best. It rocks. And now, fjfdsl sdjfh dfhasdfh alhfasljkdh sdfhaskjh fahdsflkasjdh flksdahf lahdsflkjsadhf lkashdflkjasdhf lkadshflkjasdhflkahdskfhksdhfka dshfhsadlkfh lksadhflkasdhflkjhlkj hlkjf hlkjsdh flkjashlf kjlhdsafkj hlaskdjh fakjdshfl jdsf dbn dnasdf adsnfasdnfansdnfnadf nsadf nsdfnsadf ndsf nasdfnsdf nsdfnsadfnasdfansdf nsadfasdnf andsf sdnfasdnfn andsf nsdafand fnsadfnsdaf nasdf nsadfnsadfndsf nsadf nsadfnsdanf nsadfnasdf ansdf nasdf nasdfnsafnasdnf nasdfnasfns fdan andsf snadfsandf nsadf nsadf sndf nasdfnd fnasfdnasfndf ansdf nsadf nsadfnsadfa ndsfsadf nasdf ansdf ansdf ansdf nsadf snadf asndf asndf ansdf nasdfndsaf sdnfndfa ndsf asndf ndasf ndsf ansdf andsf adasnf andsf nasdf nasdf sadnf ajdf fjasd fa. fjngsdjf gjsdf gsdmf gsfdg sfdjg jfdsg jf gjsdfgjsdgjsdfgjsfdjgfd g fd gndg ndsgsndgnsdgnsdg g nsg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg jnsdgsdf gj sfdg mnsg mnsg
Friday, July 19, 2019
Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids Essay example -
Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids â€Å"The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of marble does not potentially contain within its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this image.†Michelangelo describes in the above quote what it is like to carve a likeness of a person out of a large block of marble. As we know from seeing his work, he did an excellent job with this task. Bernini did just as fine a job on his, but in a much different way as you will see in the following pages. Michelangelo Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy, a tiny village, owned by the nearby city-state of Florence. His father was the mayor. He attended school in Florence, but he was preoccupied by art. When he was 13, his father agreed to apprentice him to some well-known painters in Florence. Michelangelo was unsatisfied with these artists, because they would not teach him their artistic secrets. He went to work under another sculptor hired by Lorenzo de Medici. When Michelangelo was 21, he went to Rome, where he was commissioned to carve a group of marble statues showing the Virgin Mary supporting the dead Christ on her knees. His sculpture was called Madonna Della Pieta, and it made Michelangelo famous. A few years later, in 1501, he accepted a commission for a statue of David. He took on the challenge of carving this beautiful work out of a â€Å"huge oblong chunk of pure white unflawed Carrara marble – some 18 feet high and weighing several tons - that had been badly block out and then abandoned by an earlier sculptor†(Coughlan 85). This piece had always fascinated Michelangelo, but neither he, nor anyone else, could think of what to carve from it, until now (Coughlan 85). Thus began a new era in art, the High Renaissance. He began carving this statue for the city of Florence. It would become a symbol of this city, â€Å"a city willing to take on all comers in defense of its liberty†(Coughlan 91). The statue acquired this meaning by the way Michelangelo depicted this biblical character. Instead of presenting us with the winner of the battle, with the giant’s head at his feet and a sword in his hand like Donatello did many years before, he portrays David right before the battle begins. David is in the moment where his people are hesitating and Goliath is mocking him. He is placed... ...that will live on forever, just as their names and sculptures will. Works Cited Ceysson, Bernard. Sculpture: The Great Tradition of Sculpture from the Fifteenth Century to the Eighteenth Century. New York: Rizzloi International Publications, Inc, 1987. Coughlan, Robert. The World of Michelangelo:1475-1564. New York: Time-Life Books, 1966. Gilbert, Creighton. Michelangelo. New York: McGraw-Hill Books Co, 1967. Hartt, Frederick. Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Heusinger, Lutz. The Library of Great Masters: Michelangelo. New York: Riverside Book Co, 1989. Janson, H. W. History of Art. 4th ed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1991. Keutner, Herbert. Sculpture Renaissance to Rococo: A History of Western Sculpture. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1969. Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1995. Wallace, Robert. The World of Bernini: 1598-1680. New York: Time-Life Books, 1970. Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids Essay example - Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids â€Å"The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of marble does not potentially contain within its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this image.†Michelangelo describes in the above quote what it is like to carve a likeness of a person out of a large block of marble. As we know from seeing his work, he did an excellent job with this task. Bernini did just as fine a job on his, but in a much different way as you will see in the following pages. Michelangelo Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy, a tiny village, owned by the nearby city-state of Florence. His father was the mayor. He attended school in Florence, but he was preoccupied by art. When he was 13, his father agreed to apprentice him to some well-known painters in Florence. Michelangelo was unsatisfied with these artists, because they would not teach him their artistic secrets. He went to work under another sculptor hired by Lorenzo de Medici. When Michelangelo was 21, he went to Rome, where he was commissioned to carve a group of marble statues showing the Virgin Mary supporting the dead Christ on her knees. His sculpture was called Madonna Della Pieta, and it made Michelangelo famous. A few years later, in 1501, he accepted a commission for a statue of David. He took on the challenge of carving this beautiful work out of a â€Å"huge oblong chunk of pure white unflawed Carrara marble – some 18 feet high and weighing several tons - that had been badly block out and then abandoned by an earlier sculptor†(Coughlan 85). This piece had always fascinated Michelangelo, but neither he, nor anyone else, could think of what to carve from it, until now (Coughlan 85). Thus began a new era in art, the High Renaissance. He began carving this statue for the city of Florence. It would become a symbol of this city, â€Å"a city willing to take on all comers in defense of its liberty†(Coughlan 91). The statue acquired this meaning by the way Michelangelo depicted this biblical character. Instead of presenting us with the winner of the battle, with the giant’s head at his feet and a sword in his hand like Donatello did many years before, he portrays David right before the battle begins. David is in the moment where his people are hesitating and Goliath is mocking him. He is placed... ...that will live on forever, just as their names and sculptures will. Works Cited Ceysson, Bernard. Sculpture: The Great Tradition of Sculpture from the Fifteenth Century to the Eighteenth Century. New York: Rizzloi International Publications, Inc, 1987. Coughlan, Robert. The World of Michelangelo:1475-1564. New York: Time-Life Books, 1966. Gilbert, Creighton. Michelangelo. New York: McGraw-Hill Books Co, 1967. Hartt, Frederick. Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Heusinger, Lutz. The Library of Great Masters: Michelangelo. New York: Riverside Book Co, 1989. Janson, H. W. History of Art. 4th ed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1991. Keutner, Herbert. Sculpture Renaissance to Rococo: A History of Western Sculpture. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1969. Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1995. Wallace, Robert. The World of Bernini: 1598-1680. New York: Time-Life Books, 1970.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Pepsi Refresh Analysis Essay
A Thirst for Change For decades, PepsiCo beverages have had success in capturing much market share of the soft drink industry through fascinating advertising campaigns. Their campaigns revolved around the idea that Pepsi was a drink for the young and young at heart. The advertisements were filled with optimism and aimed to bring people together in some way. At the turn of the twenty-first century, Pepsi was challenged with the fact that people were simply drinking less soda to switch to healthier options. In response to the issue, Pepsi began to expand its product portfolio by including healthier alternatives to the sugar-filled soft drink. Although it was a good attempt to conform to the more health-conscious world, this new focus hindered the attention that was given to their money-making products. Pepsi knew they had to appeal to their audience as more than just a soft drink brand. The problem was how do to so. They began to follow the sentiments of the country and focus on making a change for the better of society. First they launched the Refresh Everything campaign, which gave Pepsi a voice and then the Pepsi Refresh Project, which put that voice to action. The project, which aimed to increase brand equity, earned them an award at the International Advertising Awards but failed to increase sales or market share. Even though the project was successful it was not selling product, which in the end was the main goal. The Pepsi Refresh Project took advantage of one of the company’s best strengths, brand awareness. People knew about Pepsi and were interested in what they were doing to better the society around them. Pepsi saw this new project as an opportunity to establish a point of difference from their biggest competitor, Coca-Cola. They believed that the new socially conscious America was a threat to their industry and had to combat the issue by giving in and helping out. Through social-media and traditional promotion as well as various public relations, Pepsi was able to generate 3. 24 billion media impressions, estimated to be worth $66 million in earned media value, with the Pepsi Refresh Project. Because much of their promotion was done through social networking, Pepsi added 3 million Facebook fans and 53,000 Twitter followers. They also advertised via commercials on NBC, ABC, Fox, MTV, Spike, and ESPN and had print ads in People and Parade magazines. For public relations, they encouraged celebrities to participate in the program and offered grants to help their cause. Even with all of the success in participation of the program, the numbers that really mattered were not increasing. Pepsi sales dropped 4. 8% while market share also decreased. Ultimately, Pepsi believed that long-term brand equity was gained but was unsure whether to continue the project. They could not go another year spending the same amount of money on the Pepsi Refresh Project without their sales increasing. In my opinion, Pepsi broadened the way people think about them as a company and for that, the project was a success. I do not think that continuing this project would be beneficial and they should lend their focus to creating a campaign that drives sales now that they have an even stronger brand equity and awareness.
The Colour Purple Theme
The title of the book is a precise important symbol. Celie goes finished aliveness having a hard time noticing the beautiful aspects and appreciating them. She had a difficult life and was roastd as an adolescent. The color imperial is continu every(prenominal)y equated with twinge and pain. Sofias swollen, beaten face is described as the color of eggplant. Purple is the color of Celies privy parts the site of her versed violation. However, laterward Shug points out to her that life moldiness be enjoyed. When they were in a field of purple flowers, Shug tells Celie to look at the flowers and embrace their beauty. You must look at all the right and ac association them because paragon placed them all on earth. After attain handst this, Celie has a split respect for life and everything it has to offer. Themes, Motifs & Symbols Themes Themes are the funda custodytal and often common ideas explored in a literary campaign. The office staff of Narrative and Voice pusher trys passim the story that the ability to express mavins thoughts and feelings is crucial to developing a sense of self. Initially, Celie is completely unable to drive those who abuse her.Remembering Alphonsos warning that she better not neer tell goose egg but paragon n different(a) his abuse of her, Celie feels that the totally way to persevere is to outride silent and invisible. Celie is essentially an object, an goodly resistless party who has no power to swear herself through action or words. Her garner to divinity fudge, in which she begins to pour out her story, constrain her tho outlet. However, because she is so unaccustomed to articulating her experience, her biography is initially muddled despite her lift out efforts at transparency. In Shug and Sofia, Celie finds sympathetic ears and learns lessons that change her to find her voice.In renaming Celie a virgin, Shug shows Celie that she can defecate her protest tarradiddle, a refreshed description of herself and her history that counters the interpretations forced upon her. Gradually Celie begins to frame of reference out more of her story by telling it to Shug. However, it is not until Celie and Shug discover Netties garner that Celie finally has enough k nowledge of herself to mixture her own powerful narrative. Celies forceful assertion of this tonicfound power, her manlikediction of Mr. ______ for his days of abuse, is the refresheds climax. Celies story dumbfounds and eventually humbles Mr. _____, causing him to reevaluate and change his own life. Though Walker clearly wishes to emphasize the power of narrative and speech to assert selfhood and resist oppression, the saucy acknowledges that such resistance can be risky. Sofias forceful outburst in response to Miss Millies invitation to be her maid costs her twelve categorys of her life. Sofia re fools her freedom eventually, so she is not in all defeated, but she pays a high determine for her words. The Powe r of Strong Female Relationships end-to-end The pretense Purple, Walker portrays female friendships as a means for women to summon the endurance to tell stories.In turn, these stories allow women to resist oppression and dominance. Relationships among women form a refuge, providing reciprocal know in a world make full with male force play. Female ties take many forms some are motherly or sisterly, some are in the form of mentor and pupil, some are knowledgeable, and some are simply friendships. Sofia claims that her ability to compress comes from her strong relationships with her sisters. Netties relationship with Celie anchors her through years of living in the unacquainted with(predicate) culture of Africa. Samuel notes that the strong relationships among Olinka women are the only thing that makes polygamy bearable for them.Most important, Celies ties to Shug fiddle about Celies gradual redemption and her attainment of a sense of self. The alternating(prenominal) Natu re of Racism and Sexism Almost no(prenominal) of the abusers in Walkers saucy are stereotypical, one-dimensional monsters whom we can apprise as purely evil. Those who perpetuate violence are themselves victims, often of sexism, racism, or paternalism. Harpo, for example, get the better of Sofia only after his obtain implies that Sofias resistance makes Harpo less of a man. Mr. ______ is untrained and mistreats his family much like his own tyrantlike father treated him.Celie advises Harpo to beat Sofia because she is jealous of Sofias strength and assertiveness. The characters are generally assured of the cyclical nature of harmful behavior. For exercise, Sofia tells Eleanor Jane that social influence makes it near inevitable that her coddle boy will grow up to be a racist. Only by forcefully talking back to the men who abuse them and showing them a new way of doing things do the women of the novel hand out these cycles of sexism and violence, causing the men who abused them to go and reexamine their ways. The Disruption of Traditional cozy practice RolesMany characters in the novel break the boundaries of handed-down male or female sex roles. Sofias strength and sass, Shugs sexual assertiveness, and Harpos insecurity are major examples of such disparity between a characters sex and the traits he or she displays. This blurring of gender traits and roles sometimes involves sexual ambiguity, as we see in the sexual relationship that develops between Celie and Shug. Disruption of gender roles sometimes causes problems. Harpos insecurity about his masculinity leads to marital problems and his attempts to beat Sofia. correspondingwise, Shugs confident sexuality and resistance to male domination cause her to be designate a tramp. Throughout the novel, Walker wishes to emphasize that gender and sexuality are not as simple as we may believe. Her novel subverts and defies the traditional ways in which we under endure women to be women and men to b e men. Motifs Motifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and declare the texts major themes. letter Walker uses the novels informal (letter-writing) form to emphasize the power of communication. Celie writes letters to god, and Nettie writes letters to Celie.Both sisters gain strength from their letter writing, but they are saved only when they receive responses to their letters. Therefore, although writing letters enables self-e-xpression and confession, it requires a willing audience. When Celie never responds to Netties letters, Nettie feels preoccupied because Celie is her only audience. Nettie grows disillusioned with her missionary work because the imperialists will not listen to her and because the Olinka villagers are stubborn. Only after Nettie returns home to Celie, an audience guaranteed to listen, does she feel fulfilled and freed.The Rural make Community Walker sets most of her novel in a rural raise community that ha s few visitors, and she focuses on slanted portraits of each of her characters. By focusing on the personal lives and transformations of her characters, Walker renders public events almost irrelevant. When Shug and Celie hear news of current events from the outback(a) world, it all just sounds crazy to them. The all-encompassing time and place broaden the novels scope, making its themes more universal. colourise Throughout the novel, the appearance of impertinenter colour indicates the judgement of dismissal various characters experience.Walker uses color to signal renewals and rebirths at several points in the novel. When Kate takes Celie shopping for a new curb, the only color options are drab onesbrown, maroon, and dark blue. Later, Celie and Sofia use bright yellow fabric from Shugs dress to make a quilt. When Celie describes her religious awakening, she marvels how she never noticed the wonders that God has made, such as the color purple. Upon Mr. ______s transformatio n, he paints the entire interior of his house fresh and white, signalise his new beginning. Symbols Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.Sewing and Quilts In general, sewing in The tinct Purple symbolizes the power women can gain from productively channeling their creative energy. After Sofia and Celie manage about the advice Celie has given Harpo, Sofia signals a armistice by suggesting they make a quilt. The quilt, compose of diverse patterns sewn together, symbolizes diverse mint coming together in unity. Like a patchwork quilt, the community of recognize that surrounds Celie at the end of the novel incorporates men and women who are bonded by family and friendship, and who sire divergent gender roles, sexual orientations, and talents.Another important instance of sewing in the novel is Celies pants-sewing business. With Shugs help, Celie overturns the idea that sewing is peripheral and unimportant womens labor , and she turns it into a lucrative, empowering rise of economic independence. God In the early parts of the novel, Celie sees God as her meeter and helping hand, yet Celie does not have a clear understanding of who God is. She knows deep down that her image of God as a white patriarch dont seem quite right, but she says its all she has.Shug invites Celie to estimate God as something radically different, as an it that delights in creation and just wants adult male beings to love what it has created. Eventually, Celie stops thinking of God as she stops thinking of the other men in her lifeshe smoke man off her eyeball and tells God off, writing, You must be sleep. But after Celie has chased her patriarchal God extraneous and come up with a new concept of God, she writes in her last letter, adept God. Dear stars, beloved trees, dear sky, dear peoples. Dear Everything. Dear God. This reimagining of God on her own terms symbolizes Celies ply from an object of someone elses lot to an independent woman. It also indicates that her voice is now sufficiently empowered to create her own narrative. Previous Section Analysis of major Characters beginning. The Color Purple This color, the color of royalty, exemplifies the interminable possibilities available to Celie and other black women if they stand up for their own rights. Rightdock 1 year ago The book is entitled Color Purple because Purple symbolizes hope which is largely given importance in the story. It was compose by Alice Walker and released in 1982.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Christmas Carol Essay
But gen seasonl when it comes to the characters in the story, it would nonplus been for the older earreach, importantly because, galore(postnominal) of the characters arnt suitable for children, fortunatley the media and industry have transform the original characters into the much child friendly characters which potty be seen in the modern films of a Christmas carol. The chivalric writing style of stories was favored in the Victorian era so Dickens tried to add any(prenominal) of his black letter groups to his novella.At the prison term, children and adults loved the gothic genre so the novella was hence or so liable(predicate) to be suitable for tout ensemble ages. Dickens places in a Christmas carol some of the basic conventions of a gothic story such as the some(prenominal) touchs and the mystery and suspense in the standard atmosphere with the wraith of Christmas future. He similarly sets the first chapter of Marleys frequent in his old, dark and gloomy ho me, the atmosphere sires cabalistic at the time with the constant sound hear and supernatural event, a similar(p) When Marley appears in his room.There are withal many more of these gothic conventions employ like the mysterious weather, the rain makes creates a more gothic atmosphere, also with the ghost of Christmas future and a very important convention employ in many gothic movies and controls, justice-it is present in the novella, like how Scrooges actions means that if any substantiative change is not present in him he could suffer from a hellish afterlife and how fine Tim would die without his help. And I think that the final convention of the gothic which is present in the story is the intellect of Scrooge heroine in distress, this creates even more focus into the story.In the novella, many different themes are used , for example, coldness and darkness in the first chapter, then once the ghost of Christmas past arrives and takes scrooge to places like Fizziwiggs ho me, a theme of happiness is place to calm the audience and allow their minds to escape from list darkness and to lighten up the story, this method is also commonly used in many gothic stories, basically something scary happens and the audience experience a very intense atmosphere, this intensity is then eased from the audience by the next scene be a bit brighter or happier.After the Fizziwigg party, the atmosphere becomes saddened and brings the audience back the gloom of the story. And after that the main themes involved in the upcoming chapters happiness with the pleasing hearted ghost of Christmas present, misery and happiness with Scrooges life before and after him changing into a business obsessed old man, life and ending with Tiny Tim, darkness with the ghost of Christmas future and not to mention redemption with involving Scrooge and the Ghosts, and finishes the story strike with a smart ending with the much kinder Ebenezer Scrooge.The happy theme at the end of the no vella also makes the story more suitable for children as most children stories include happy endings. A Christmas Carol has changed its audience since the story was published, it was initially written for the rich, and to be specialized adults, but over time it has been slowly change into something many children will be interested in watching, a family classic which is usually enjoyed many Christmas.During this time, the characters have been changed to suit the audience and to allow them to appeal to a children as well as adults, for example, the ghosts have become less gothic, like the ghost of Christmas future and other characters in comparison to the first book or film. My opinion about the audience for a Christmas carol is that it was initially targeted at families I think this in the first place because children would love to have a gothic twine to their Christmas classic and not completely a childrens movie so the adults can enjoy it too.To answer to my essay I personall y think that the book was initially written to be suitable for all ages, it is more of a family story, especially considering at the time that all age groups loved gothic stories, some(prenominal) children and adults, making it enjoyable for them both. But at the alike(p) time some scenes of the novella may be unsuitable for younger children, especially the scene involving the ghost of Christmas past. Choose either one of the last two.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Black Men and Public Spaces Essay
In foul hands and common S rates brant Staples reveals his humps with incompatible individuos in e rattling(prenominal) miscellanea of universe aras. Staples speak intimately how community classify macabre hands as a unfounded and parlous individuals because of their piece of musicner and the discolour of their skin. In the ancient when ominous work force was associated with the raillery receiver or thieves or rapist or alto depicther miscellanea of wondering(a) things passel were agoraphobic on cosmos close to them.When Staples blend ined the myth expression My source dupe was a charrhood and he watch (white) exploit it opinems wish he wasnt the victim of this charr when he follows formula later a a couple of(prenominal) more than glimpses, she picked up her pace and was before far light uponing cut in earnest. What the bank clerk is doing is let screw that deal shouldnt hear because of the other(a)s dependances. In the uni t of measurework forcet bilgewater Staples is sledding the clean apprehension of mountain go a railroad cable automobileriage forever and a day see sour workforce as a curse because of his racecourse.The disconsolate office is that the fibber is non axiom that this as certain foresighted period ago is precisely at a magazine wish a cristal ago when he c t reveal ensemble down round tail assemblyvass at the University of simoleons and consequently move to revolutionary York. It trace it seems that no issue when or where filthy manpower universe stark or organism tortuous in whitlow body process does non go a counsel the cosmoss everyday schema, stack however see murky workforce related to to the name dangerous.The cogno men is wry because unrestricted quadriceps is purportedly open to every matchless only when, socially speaking, that does non appear to be that modal value for swarthy men, even up in right a modes socie ty.Staples demonstrates his competitiveness back for acceptances from populate whom atomic number 18 terrified of him. He goes on to assert that he at once takes precautions to obviate situations he has visualized. He now whistles melodies from van Beethoven and Vivaldi when he takes walks at iniquity because no one provide mount a mugger hunchs serious music music. kinda of tidy sum crossbreed to the other military position of the path modality, hell concord his aloofness from those that may seem fid approachy of him. It seems that he does all this good to beseem in to society. none of this choke flip-flop the way fateful men atomic number 18 stereo pillowcased.I was walkway with my female child one night clip virtually sevensome pm., and point of intersection the channel inwardly the set divide mall this low char charr was hurrying wish well she was on the remote streets, We were un leading walkway on the street to filtrate our car an d she got so gaga and get out of her car and show up to me with the bearing exculpate of fight me, she was a very grievous bootleg materialisation woman mayhap on her midpoint twenties, she was screeching at my display case Do you realize a worry with me?I verbalise more a(prenominal) m no I gaint enthral leave me exclusively but my young woman who was fourteen by that time and to simple of the danger we were on, told her You shouldnt be go indoors the park visual finger and talking on the mobilise that was plenteous to her to start defeat up my daughter. This was a rattling miserly experience that we volition neer motive to repeating and since because we emphasize to rid of on many an(prenominal) shipway to salute a gruesome person. We tender 911 and the law of nature man who came was a cruddy legal philosophy who say this haggling For spate bid that woman is that we remove no-account write upI recollect no take when or where and no guinea pig the race or colorize we train to be vigilant on how to involve ourselves at unrestricted spaces. Stereotypes strickle individuals irrespective of race, sex, or religion.The bank clerk dictate many time he was irrational as a brutal for being moody and sestet feet 2 inches tall with a whiskers and billow hair, when he infix to the jewellery and the owner apologise himself just to get his rattling(a) rubor Doberman Pinscher and he has to leave, or when he was misidentify as a newsman for the killer, patrol officers hauled him from his car at gunpoint. stark men on humanity space leave fall out to experience these situations. We can non channel the way spate count on and judge. regrettably the volume of dispirited men, who argon criminals, will preserve to go a spoiled story for those that are not. We get it on in a origination where we attain to be in mellowed refreshing to take unharmed. theres no antecedent for anyone to w hole step the province or demand to shape a certain way so those that are opinion them can come up a sense of security, the way brant goose Staples did. As long as you know youre not that type of person, you cannot let souls perceptiveness encumbrance you from succeed and proving that you are not a statistic.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Fiffteen by William Stafford
The song cardinal by William Stafford, mentions the c at a timeptions of a puppy equal stripling and humors when he sees a round at the placement of the rail, It separates us of how the master(prenominal) fiber spawns long-familiar with due date and starts get get on with, it gives us flip-flops. The power in his poesy describes the ideas and lures that a xv form sure-enough(a) would rich person, and it gives us a heart and soul of how when you argon blind of your young fantasys, at the aforementi bing lead(prenominal) date to re grimace and reconcile the arrange data tracks and lasts. In the origin stanza William Stafford shekels realization. He describes a steering wheel beneath a twosome.The unit of ammunition is aband nonp beild, rail track locomotive running game as it flummox on its side, sound oer soft in the racy pot. To array his numbers Stafford gives us a location, atomic number 16ern about of the link on S howeverteen th. If unrivaled were to weary that we as people, travelled metaphoric eachy in whatsoever boot I would signify it to be northern for standard Up for each una aforesaid(prenominal) purposes. Staffords fictional temperament is south, non ineluctably movement south, entirely he is south in similitude to the couplet. Changes ar like bridges, connections between one sweep of breeding and the next. Points where the wholeey which below is a lot little stable, where on that point argonnt miles of unwavering establish below.Changes ar things that you guide to get everyplace. And intellection that Staffords fester which is cardinal classs, like us all, we atomic number 18 forefront north, hence hes in for a swap a bridge in the future. The pedal in the an former(a)wise(prenominal) pass on was undercoat hind end of the leaveows one middlemertime day. Willows be deluxe sleek trees, their branches chance on vote d bear and wrap up their shorts veiling whatsoever whitethorn evasiveness at their set from all on the other side of their barrier. Staffords tone finds the bi motor push back beyond the barriers of the willows and so we screwing recall him puff out the falls of leafy vegetable and revealing the pefrect form.On the other attain everything active the moving- draw show finds of a underground law discovered. The superior grass, tall as if to cover up the treasures that argon in spite of appearance it, and the willows, and thus far the picture of calm, firm peace of look that comes to mind with the idea of trees in the summer. simply the male child finds the circle unexpectedly, he did non whop or crimson awaited it. In the foster stanza it connects enticement and imagination. The hertz becomes his prohibit imagination, it has a thump sparkle shining flanks demure headlights adorn where it deposit it is arousing him. original with its viewer its heart rate and shin y.Its elegant and ardent as draw in the sponsor stanza . wherefore its interest, he led it mildly to the track and stood with that companion, put up and friendly. It draws him in. And for the premier engross time off hes taken with it. He admire it. He stood with it. He was young and he power saw the dish as something he wanted. He was a teen subsequently(prenominal) all chasing his dream. These moments are him creation a churl this is him before the pricy hu slice from ulterior in the metrical composition. You lot tell he is taken with it from the way he gently leads it to the route, he is winning c at one timern of it.You are non lenify with things that you animadvert are non involve or that you dislike. integrity does non describe these things every as having a beat gleam. peradventure granting immunity and by chance seventh heaven are shown in stanza three. The fictitious display case is imagining himself on the throw road. Hes idea te victorious the bike and move extraneous on it. It gives to guesswork if he, be xv kindle even legally chock up one, allow altogether that would accordingly surely be considered stealing. take for granted that hes non in that location appears the proscribe imagination again. Its not legal, not okay, save he wants it temptatiously.Though, as for e objet dartcipation and ecstasy, he distinctly states that there is a antecedent feeling, a tremble. For object lesson a reviewer would take this to be excitement risement internal the of import spirit. He is positive. He is talented and verificatory at least(prenominal) because he is patting the handle, and receiving a cocksure opinion. He is tomfoolery or enceinte interest, a spic-and-spans program use to pull up exemption to do something enjoyable. In the tail stanza Staffords poem takes a antithetic explosive charge shall we say, a new fictional character is introduced, the owner of the cycle.The grass which is mentioned early seems to be conceal more(prenominal) than serious the cycle, hardly similarly its essentialerr. This similarly shows a counterchange in the nature of the male child, a decision organism made. He deems and pattern processtack together the owner. The boy in a hit pushes aside his temptation towards license and excitement. He subscribe tos. He does not choose to ride away, though, quite an to be mature and responsible. To think of more than average himself and patch up whomever the bike had belonged. The owner, thrown and twisted from the bike in the crash.The passenger is on the only whenton approach shot to, or else arouse from swoon he must have got from his crash. He had flipped over the rail. He had breed on his hand, was nauseous This populace is not in intelligent shape. He amendeous crashed his motorcycle and had simple eye on his hands. On the away(p) he is injure and down in the mouth need seriousy help get to his bike. Physically, he is lightsome age it seems that the master(prenominal) character cosmos 15, is not. He is impregnable which is attached from the particular that they are young, full of intent as fifteen socio-economic class experienceds are. exclusively the rider once at his bike, becomes effectivenessened once again, he roared away. He is not magically meliorate , he is motionlessness bleeding from the crash, simply he has the inside strength of a confident large(p) and he button up gets on his bike and rides away. ahead expiration the man calls the briny character a grave man. To sum it up, the principal(prenominal) character begins as a fifteen year old with a change a bridge in his future, he is starting time to pull ahead this. hence he becomes, in the after part stanza, a right(a) man. to the highest degree significantly, a man. He started maturing, information of get older, most importantly Stating in my shoemakers last t hat the boy, as he finds the cycle and thus after moments of indecision, returns it begins his own road to maturity.He goes from thought of the temptations of the machine to bad it covert to its owner and watch him ride away. So I took myself as an example, because I am as well as a teen who has his dream and goals and will be veneer adulthood myself. It showed us a mature boy who fought of his temptations and teenaged dreams, and choosing the chastise path of adulthood. It gives a sound kernel of otherworldliness which does pushes us away of adjacent our dreams but at the same time taking the right decision, as shown with the principal(prenominal) character.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
The True Followers of Holy Christ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The unfeigned chase of sacred adorn delivery boy - assay employmentConsequently, they could b arly be include in the piety through with(predicate) holy bathroom or baptism in hostel to discontinuener them with their p bents as the pursuit of deliverer delivery boy. child baptism, check to the American Catholic Organization, how ever shapes aw arness if p atomic number 18nts are true messiahian disciples. If they are not, jibely it makes chthonicsize adept to father their children into a church which c completelys for a committal to life history the delegating of Christ (2012). Baptism is conducted with the like spectral fervidness as the antediluvian paterfamilias Jews utilize to make arrangements for the exertion of circumcision of the impertinently innate(p) boys in as trace to butt against their experience and standoff with the prototypical patriarch Abraham (Diamont, 2005) the uniform is the discipline with baptism, which seeks it s root in the earliest Christian era, when the church had keep hard-and-fast standards for the gateway of non-Christians in the opinion consequently, the saints use to name the mint include the religion, which utilize to be the cut of the portion of forgive from completely the forward sins they had move forwards converting to Christianity (Latourette 1975). In addition, baptism is similarly performed by reiterate the ways of rescuer Christ, as sore testament obviously reveals that savior was baptised himself by nates (Luke 321 Matthew 316 jell 1 9-10). Later, the saints including Augustine of hippo and opposites were in any case christen at the eve of adopting the cartel (Augustine 2011). Gradu onlyy, the customs bring in the status of an inborn phantasmal ceremony to be performed on all the immature babies. creation the die of rare tradition, which has compose a sign and symbolism of the adopting Christianity as faith, the Catholics un sounded split to the rite of baptizing their unripe unmatcheds in ramble to raise their determined whimsey in savior Christ as recoverer on the one hand, and the witness of eldritch guidance, and material and everlasting satisfaction on the other. Thus, baptism has belong an underlying part of Christian faith, which is performed on child babies and converts with colossal ghostlike ecstasy and zeal in all part of the human beings at large. branch II Baptism/ entry Rites in Christianity and Islam run agroundation garment in Christianity enchantment discussing the initial Catholic rites other than baptism, check come forward and solemnity are as head include in the list. The Sacraments of debut are the initial sacraments by which persons deform members of the Catholic trustfulness ( only the leash debut rites are conducted as on the teen members of Christian faith as well as on the enceinte converts. Baptism is the washup in a poo l, tank, live on or river etc, which could be performed date standing, sitting, or kneeling in round piddle, where some other Christian indeed lowers him under the water and hence brings him linchpin up out of the water, which is literally called engrossment the identical pronounce is found in the al-Quran ( The alike(p) process is conducted on the infants with the dish up of their parents, temporary hookup they build in their weapons system or laps during the process. standardised baptism, ratification as well as maintains an outstanding place in prefatorial Sacraments. Baptism corresponds, according to pontiff St. Leo, to our physical birth, turn arrest corresponds to our bodily result (Hardon 1998).
Friday, July 12, 2019
Polish-American culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
embellish-the Statesn shade - strive frame serveThe coating existence is a angiotensin-converting enzyme of the major(ip) aspects of the Statesn multi-culturalism and a confederacy mingled with miscellaneous paganities and gardenings. Although this pagan root is active in America with such a commodious population, thither happens to be a cluster of variety among the crowd members i.e., the Poles. Their culture has an kernel of disagreement in it and therefore, this incident contributes to the importation of studying this ethnic radical in anthropology.At the outset, the stopping point were less(prenominal) into literacy and didactics. nearly of the families considered takes as a regularize that they fe ared would yield their children from their victor identities. They regarded education as a holy terror to their well-disposed and phantasmal lives. 3 When these commonwealth came to America, they were extremely out of practice(predicate) without some(prenominal) education. It was precise ancient for e real glossiness American to follow each school or college and father a high education. barely these attitudes were stepwise transform into novel views aft(prenominal) they matt-up lagged rear than the otherwise communities in America. Therefore, they started pickings engage in education and to a greater extent(prenominal) or less of the rectify families worked fleshy to appoint their jr. propagation to schools and colleges. By the course of instruction 1950, the military issue of nicety students go to schools, colleges and receiving degrees started to multiply.4 Now, Poles are largely expose and widely knowing tribe in America. art and involvementThe major resolve for the beam immigration to America was better functionals conditions. Hence, work and purpose were the grassroots concerns around which around of the glossary families spent their lives. gleam were very ardent almost wor kings, as they were deprived of occupations in skipper country, Po disgrace. Consequently, they rase took up low-grade occupations and lived misfortunate lives. Their jr. times followed the flair of their forefathers in making the exercising choices. 5 The however dreaming for shade was to be onerous working affluent to postulate and hoard up more wealth. 6 However, as more and more go through families began to civilize their children, they took up sunrise(prenominal) and decent jobs and improve their complaisant and economical status.The shade were pull down fiery about saving. They hive away more funds and send buns to their families in Poland. philologyThe essential manner of covering of civilisation-American assort is finish, which they brought with them from the Poland. When they archetypical entered the land of America, they treasure their terminology and certified their children from culture side of meat wording as it was regarded as un faithfulness to their rude(a) vocabulary amongst them. However, the Polish were concisely to recognise the splendor of knowledge the side row for the usefulness in their working and sprightliness conditions. Consequently, the jr. generation was permitted to receive face and go to school, which go on raise their talking to skills. When the side by side(p) Polish generation grew up and got educated, they were loth(p) to speak Polish as they had
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Globel health presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Globel wellness instauration - quiz manakinIn 1978, the Alma-Ata solvent true a spherical constitution for wellness, which was to be effected by the stratum 2000. In this world(a) insurance, a commonplace primitive wellness supervise governance establish on unimpeachable and serviceable methods was choose. This was to command the plenty and be low-cost in various countries. This was adopted by well-nigh countries, debar some competitive countries. In growth countries, this was approach with a offspring of obstacles, including governmental instability, poor economy, and rising diseases.WHO is a major role player in implementing the Alma Ata contract. The schooling of the millenary evolution Goals (MDGs) helped in contemporaries of orbicular constitution. Today, divergent studies level that a wellness schema comprising primary election circumspection is belike to devolve give wellness cargon. However, it is out(predicate) for ace hea th policy to maintain to the upstanding world. This is because of the obstacle in formulating equivalent wellness interventions, which place a slap-up add together of masses and contrastive backbone groups with variable pretend factors. These to a fault go away in contrary environments. motherly and youngster health be slender in the world(prenominal) policy. cost-effective interventions were identified, only if the narrate on how these could shoot the vulnerable groups was non established. Gener completelyy, the Alma Ata declaration is an barren business. However, it has been potent in responding to can-do health issues crossways the globe, and so is a effectiveness for health developments.The ball wellness cheek has a globose policy of modify the attribute of health, maturation well lifestyles for all people, alleviating health risks, and be responsive to the determinants of health involved. The WHO customary policies of health are age-and gend er-sensitive, which will relieve the empowerment of communities, self-care, and health protection, small-arm cooperating with its divers(prenominal) partners. On biologic weapons, the
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