Saturday, August 31, 2019
Complex Phenomenon of Obesity
Obesity a Complex Phenomenon When a person hears the word obesity thoughts that may come to mind are overweight, big, or unhealthy. Obesity is a growing outbreak in America that effects all ages and gender. Obesity today is becoming or has become a problem in America. Comparing to other countries, not one has an overweight problem near as bad as the United States. With that in mind, people’s health is a huge concern in America in which obesity has a big impact on. Obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than what they burn.The human body needs calories to sustain life and be physically active, but to maintain weight it needs to balance the energy we eat with the energy that’s use to operate. Childhood obesity in America is a growing disease because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control. This has made fast food a major health issue in young teenagers’ lives, parents need to take charge and help out the situati on. Obesity is a complex phenomenon, but â€Å"the main causes can be grouped into three main topics, poor food choice, lack of exercise, and the lack of awareness. (Obesity; study) Poor food choice is one of the main causes. People today eat more and more fast food which is high in fats, cholesterol, and contains too much carbohydrate. The body is overloaded with fats and sugar, which is converted into body fat. The second main cause is lack of exercise. A recent study shown in Diabetes week states that â€Å"kids in elementary schools spend an average of 22-24 hours a week watching television†(Weight Loss). Kids no longer spend their free time playing outside; instead they sit in a couch all day and watch TV or play video games.The danger in some rough neighborhoods can also add to the situation, because some parents do not feel that it is safe for their children to play outside. A third contributing factor is lack of awareness about good eating habits. Mothers give their children too much choices and too little guidance in what to eat, advertising confuses kids and leaves them debating whether a fast food product is good or bad for their health, and conflicting information about diets and healthy eating from the food industry and medical experts just makes them confused about diets.Fast-food joints have not only come to dominate the American landscape, they are also the most visible American export around the globe. Unfortunately, â€Å"fast food contains almost no nutrients and is loaded with added salt, sugar, refined flours, fat, and preservatives. †(Weight loss) The irony is that even though at the moment getting a meal from a fast food restaurant seems great, it’s not. For every dollar that is spent on fast food, and every second saved at a drive-through, over a lifetime it comes back and puts people at serious health risk.Obesity amongst children is a serious matter that goes beyond a child putting on a few pounds. It is an issu e that has many health and social consequences, which often continue into adulthood. According to Su Shaoyong in his article Genetics and Obesity â€Å"obesity increases one’s risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, cancers, pulmonary disease, bone joint disorders, and early death. †(1) Obesity also often causes psychological problems.Many are judged on their appearance rather than their personality, meaning that people with obesity also suffer from discrimination and rejection by their peers. This ultimately causes poor self-image, which leads to low self-esteem. Meaning the greater the degree of obesity, greater the chance of suffering physical and psychological health problems. The good news is that there is no doubt that obesity can be prevented at an early age. Physical activity and inputting nutritional knowledge on kids are the main methods to preventing obesity.Parents and schools provide the connection to counterfeit a kid’s urge for fast-food. Adapting a healthy lifestyle at a young age is very important, since it is difficult to change later on. â€Å"The quality of food in schools, including school meals, vending machines, has a huge impact on a children’s physical health. †(Obesity; Study) Schools should be careful and take into great consideration to try to provide a healthy overall menu. Schools need to require physical education during school and provide after-school opportunities for physical activities to help regularize a more active lifestyle for a kid.Second, parents are the most important role models. â€Å"Adults have the responsibility to encourage children to become active, help them watch their diet†. (Shaoyong 1) Some parents argue that they should be able to feed their children what they want, and it’s their kids own body so it’s up to them to take care of themselves. That should not be an excuse, being obese comes with sev eral other problems. Why would any parent want to worry about their children having any type of health risks? Adults need to fulfill their jobs as being parents towards heir children, by being able to teach and show their kids how to live a healthy lifestyle. Doing a lot of small things for example limiting the amount of times they eat out at a fast-food restaurant or buying more fruits and vegetables instead of convenience foods that have a lot of fat in it can have a big impact on their child’s health. Every day the number of obese children increases. It should be a number one priority in many families to eat properly and exercise, their lives depend on it.Most people in the United States have changed their lifestyle completely, from one in which there was more walking, physical and outdoor activity, into a lazy lifestyle with little or no exercise. Most citizens take cars to work and do office jobs, spend their days off watching TV, and would rather much prefer fast food o ver an exhausting home cooked meal. America has brought this problem upon themselves, now it’s up to its citizens to take precaution about the situation and help solve it by getting educated and becoming more aware of it. Word Count: 1030
Friday, August 30, 2019
Not an Egselent day for eggs.
Last night at approximately 3am, the police alongside animal welfare organisations raided ‘Egg-sellent Eggs Limited' in the east of Sussex after a four month investigation of the cruelty and welfare of animals. Nicholas Thrushball, aged 44, founder and director of the company was arrested under the ‘animal welfare act 2006' in which it cogently enforces that animals should live in a suitable and humane environment. Owner of this nationally known company was allegedly beating, hitting and mistreating the chickens in his welfare as well as storing them in shocking, suffocating conditions. The four month investigation consisted of hiding and monitoring cameras placed around the site as well as taking hygienic tests within and around the premises. The cameras revealed disturbing videos of the hens being electrocuted resulting in to the bone melting to form the shell of eggs. Also it was recorded that the hens were laying five eggs per week, thats 300 per year. A hen living in the wild is expected to lay 20 in a year and 240 in their life time of an approximate 12 years. Miss S. Ellis, Director of the ‘Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' stated after the raid â€Å"Its horrific think that the most reputable egg company in the Midlands treats its hens in a way that literally make me feel sick!†Miss Ellis later told the Guardian that Mr Thrushball made an annual turnover of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½70,000 in 2009 as a result of storing 30 hens in 1 square metre of their premises compared to the recommended 10! Sainsbury's manager Chloe Simons, a Christian mother of two said, ‘I'm disgusted to know my supermarket sells ‘Egg-sellent Eggs' Ltd. There are many Christian consumers out there and they too shall be appalled about the news they have heard. In the Bible it clearly states that all animals need to be kept in humane conditions, clearly this is the opposite!†Single mum of two said â€Å"I have been eating ‘Egg-sellent Eggs' eggs since a very young age and I feel really disappointed and cheated on after knowing the conditions the hens had been living in. I shall not be buying my eggs from this company and shall be looking into buying free range and organic produce where I know the animal has suffered little pain.†Organic produce and free range eggs are becoming increasingly popular in England and without a doubt, the world. Organic produce from animals as well as plants are ones of which no pesticides, antibiotics or hormones have been added to it. Free range eggs enable the hens and birds to roam around within the premises unlike the thronged factory farmed premises.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Behavior Therapy in a Multicultural Setting
Behavioral approach is based on the principle of explaining one’s behavior through observation. Through observation an individual is able to mimic the behaviors of others – a process more commonly known as learning. It is further believed that behavior is affected by our environment. Since behavior is learned, it can also be unlearned. This is one of the benefits of the behavioral approach.Therefore, behavior which is harmful to the society or runs against socially accepted norms may still be unlearned. As for behavior which serves to improve the state of the person, such behavior can be enhanced.The process of learning and changing a person’s environment are strong tools of behavioral therapists enabling them to address the particular needs of their clients. There are four major aspects of behavior therapy – (1) classical conditioning, (2) operant conditioning, (3) social learning theory, and (4) cognitive behavior therapy. Classical conditioning is the u se of significant associations to moderate behavior. Operant conditioning is the use of consequences to alter the condition and form of behavior. Cognitive behavior therapy is based on altering mental processes and behaviors, with the aim of influencing disturbed emotions.These can be applied in the work because these methods are not culture-specific. In a culturally diverse population, all except the social learning approach can be used for counseling. Social learning theory gives prominence to the reciprocal interactions between an individual’s behavior and the environment. This theory requires that individuals mimic observed actions after undergoing a process of understanding and internalizing the observed behavior. Since people coming from different cultures are exposed to different kinds of accepted behaviors, their internalization and understanding of social norms are also different.When counseling multi-racial individuals therefore, a view as to the particular culture from which the individuals came from must be taken. References Dayan, P. , Kakade, S. , & Montague, P. R. (2000). Learning and selective attention. Nature Neuroscience 3, 1218 – 1223. Kirsch, I. , Lynn, S. J. , Vigorito, M. & Miller, R. R. (2004). The role of cognition in classical and operant conditioning. Journal of Clinical Psychology 60, 369 – 392. McSweeney, F. K. , Hinson, J. M, & Cannon, C. B. (1996). Sensitization-habituation may occur during op
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Leadership Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Leadership Model - Essay Example However the retention rate has declined recently and management has reinforced Pat to review and improve recruitment process (Northouse, 2013). Pat looks for certain characteristics in every candidate like being responsible and having strong interpersonal skills. He also looks for such candidates who strongly follow ethical principles as confidentiality and observance of fiduciary responsibilities are key factors while working in banks. All of these factors hold significant importance but those are not solely adequate to find right candidates (Northouse, 2013). He misses performance of the incumbents during probation that could serve as a tool fill gaps in recruitment. Pat needs to consider vision, mission and organizational culture while recruiting credit analysts. These broad considerations help to find such candidates who may easily align and merge with the existing groups and teams. The leadership model of Montgomery and Associates may be applicable to find the right traits in the candidates. First, the need is to identify the issue that has arisen over last few years in the process of recruitment and selection. Major issue is high rate of job turnover that costs the organization and it also results in increased burden over existing employees. The first ring in model is courage which means that the conventional processes should be altered in the light of recurring issues. Pat should embrace the change in his traditional method. The model suggests that adequate information and knowledge must be acquired in order to set long term goals to be achieved through recruitment. Senior management has raised concerns over increased rate of turnover as it wastes the incurred training costs and time. The employees are overburdened and hence overall organizational productivity suffers. Current recruitment criteria of Pat is to look for the candidates who have good command on computer and have sound technical and analytical skills. He recruits the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Apply the Three-Step Writing Process to business communication Essay
Apply the Three-Step Writing Process to business communication. Establish brief and effective business communication routines - Essay Example Persuasive messages have also been used in this trade. They have been used to get different parties interested in the projects and dealings they are in. This paper will review the importance of persuasive messages in attaining the desired results. When projects are about to be started in any organization, it is the manager’s job to persuade others to follow. Without effective communication as to how the project will help them, it is almost impossible to have the task done (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). This is where the manager or person in charge will employ the three step writing process. It will be used to write a persuasive message to the subordinates or other parties pertinent to the project. With the employment of this method of writing, the person in charge should be knowledgeable on how to reach the audience (Perloff, 2010). Trying to convince the managers at whole foods market about the new program will require a persuasive e-mail. This may be used to have them excited about helping with the expanding of the project. The following is an e-mail that will be addressed to the managers at the Whole Foods Markets trying to get them interested in the program developed to help the market reach to more people and also, be appreciated more. Hello, hope your days are filled with good tidings. The reason for writing this message is to find the best solution to the program we developed earlier. The program was about the donation of food to many more parts than the occasional parts usually reached. As seen earlier, the program has been much appreciated by all the people who have sampled some of your products. It will be of great importance if a far broader outreach was created to get to them on a more occasional basis. The project may help benefit this program more with all the places we may get to take your products. Some of your ideas are welcome to ensure that we come up with the best possible way to go about this project. We appeal to
Quiz on Philosophy and Psychology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quiz on Philosophy and Psychology - Assignment Example 2. Ancient Greek society witnessed the emergence of two of the most prominent thinkers the world has known today, namely, Plato and Aristotle. They each have contributed a great deal to philosophy and political science and have formed the basis for most of the subjects in the field of social science that people have tried to understand and take forward. Plato mainly wrote Socratic dialogues that have been used to understand his views on the mind, self and society. According to him, it is important for a man to have a stable thought process. He laid down theories like the Allegory of the Cave in order to depict the kind of limited knowledge that a man might have about the world around him and talked about society on the same lines. Aristotle on the other hand has been regarded as the father of political science and he said that society is made of people who need to live with accordance to the state that has been created by man as well. According to him, the mind is a tumultuous region within every man’s mind and should be understood by a man himself before being comprehended by another party so that a man does not conform to societal needs and wishes and is able to think for himself with respect to society. 3. Medieval philosophy is highly related to religion and theology and several doctrines were laid down during this period by renowned scholars and philosophers like Avicenna and Averroes. They argued about the differences between faith and reason, one of the highly debated topics of this period. They spoke along the lines of ancient Greek philosophers however, they tried to defend arguments directly related to faith and reason and at the same time, during this very period, religion came up in such a strong manner that it did not allow a large number of philosophical investigations to go beyond the existence and very authority of God. Their views on the mind, self and society were also related to faith, reason and in some cases, religion. 4. Psychology is the study of human behaviour; it aims to understand the science of mankind and how a man responds to and undertakes certain actions during the course of his lifetime. The Scientific Revolution stemmed the need to study this very subject because it instilled in people the love for reason and that is why people began to question the science behind acts undertaken by man. The 17th century has been regarded by most people as the age of enlightenment and two prominent thinkers of the very period were Galileo Galilei and Rene Descartes. They both argued under the roots of science however Galilei’s arguments concerned the more scientific aspects of the world in the matters of physics and astronomy whereas Descartes was famous for his various discourses on methods and philosophy concerning the existence of the mind and society that a man lives in. 5. An outside reality refers to a world outside a person’s imagination; it helps a man to understand that every physical entity in the universe has its own existence, outside a man’s mind. In the 18th century, philosophers like Voltaire and Montesquieu contributed the works of their intellectual capacities to
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Boston Tea Party Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
The Boston Tea Party - Article Example According to the article "The Boston Tea Party", the tea party culminated into the movement that resisted the tea act which had gained grounds in the entire British America. The tea act had been previously passed the British parliament in 1773 with the sole objective of helping the much troubled British Indian company survive the calamity of surplus tea that was taken to the warehouse in London (Tilly 22). Closely related to this was the plan to undercut on the cost of the tea that found their way into the British colonies situated in North America. The intention was to convince the colonists to accept the purchase of tea belonging to the company and which duties were paid, in this way, the parliament right to taxation on the tea was to be endorsed (Tilly 26). The act also permitted the company to access with tea North America region and the right to export duty-free tea emanating from Britain. The severity of the parliament’s act was noted by the colonists in the entire region that consisted of thirteen colonies and was not pleased by the move. Just like it happened in the to the Stamp act of 1765, the provision of the act was equally rejected (Tilly 27). A coalition of furious merchants as well as the artisan initiated the opposition to the act and was determined to resist the distribution and delivery procedures of the tea as stipulated by the parliamentary act. Following this opposition, the company’s legitimate consignees were subjected to continuous harassment and this was coupled the resistance of the tea not to be landed.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Design a four stage training program (Food and beverage department) Essay - 1
Design a four stage training program (Food and beverage department) - Essay Example These are; The fast food industry has been in existence for quite a while. Majority of restaurants or people who are into this business in the world do so on small scales. Fast food simply means food that is supplied or served quickly after they have been ordered. A fast food restaurant therefore can simple be described as provided, that is food been served a few minutes after it has been ordered. This whole idea of fast food people getting so busy going about their business hence making them have less or no time at all to waste on cooking or eating. They therefore preferred these fast food restaurants to be able to get what they want quickly and continue with their businesses. The industry over the years has been farced with criticism from health boards on their operations as far as their method of preparations and amount of waste bags they release into the environment. This is because health board believe since the foods on meals prepared at always cooked in a hostel, there could be a high possibility of the meals not well cooked for and safe for consumption. In the case of releasing waste into the environment, health boards as well as environmental boards believe that since most of the time, meals served in these fast food restaurants are with eaten at the restaurants but rather packaged in plastic and other non-biodegradable materials hence posing great danger to the environment. These are all problems or situations you are band to face and deal with when you take over this job. It is however quite lucrative although it has all these problems one needs to deal with. Due to the criticism of needs provided or censed by these fast food restaurants as not been well cooked, the industry decided to change its name to quick service restaurants to clear this perception, but this was to no avail since most customers still prefer the fast food restaurant. You are gong to be employed as a fast food restaurant manager and this is
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Diversity Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Diversity Audit - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to report on the findings of a diversity audit conducted on Sitel Corporation. Sitel is reputed to be â€Å"the leading global business process outsourcing provider of customer care and complementary back-office processes†(Sitel, 2010). The Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility program as an agent for societal change wherever Sitel is found around the globe, which specifically totals 140 worldwide locations. It espouses a commitment to culture and values of corporate citizenship, to improving the quality of life of their associates, to providing value to the business and their clients, and to contributing to the communities where they operate and which they call home (Sitel, 2010). The manpower-intensive nature of the Company, and the wide global reach of its operations, provides plenty of opportunities for the firm to pursue diversity and inclusion in its organizational framework. It implies as much in its website where it claims to â€Å"identify and assist individuals†and to provide â€Å"empowerment through education to individuals who could have missed this career opportunity without proper training and coaching†(Sitel, 2010). While not in so many words, the Company agrees to provide opportunities to individuals situated out of the mainstream, or dominant, social group, who normally would not have had the opportunity to engage in jobs such as are offered by Sitel. There are a great many criteria that may be employed to assess diversity, but not all shall be applicable in all cases and for all organizations. Sitel counts among its businesses a widely varied mix of business process outsourcing services including global call centres and personalized customer services. It is therefore necessary to assess the company according to the following attributes (Harvey and Allard, 2008, p. 329): As to an understanding as to the conduct of a
Friday, August 23, 2019
Cloud based computing security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cloud based computing security - Essay Example ability) , discusses the security challenges that currently face the enterprise when storing data in its own local severs or deploying it the cloud and introduces available solution for these issues . Security is simply protecting data against improper disclosures, modification or destruction; whether these are intentionally or accidentally caused. That is to say, a complete solution to data security issues should meet three basic requirements: confidentiality, integrity and availability. Confidentiality requires that data should be protected from unauthorized individuals or systems . Integrity refers to an assurance in the accuracy of the data. This means preventing of unauthorized or improper data modification or deletions must be engaged. Availability refers to keeping timely access to data and resources by authorized person. It also refers to the protection from malicious data denials making the system no longer available; or the recovery from hardware and software errors. The importance assigned to these requirements significantly depends on the considered environment. For example, in military environments, most attention devoted to the confidently, while integrity is the mo st relevant aspect of commercial environment. In public institutions, such as hospitals and airline companies and credit institutions in which data correction is essential in addition to the privacy constraints, a combination of integrity and confidentiality are needed. Developments in networking technology and an increase in the need of computing resources have encouraged many enterprises to outsource their storage and computing needs. This new model of computing is commonly referred to as â€Å"cloud computing†. Cloud computing is computing which leverages computer resource through the internet. It is defined by the national institute of standards and technology (NIST) as: â€Å"A model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to shared pool of configurable computing resource
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About Kenya Essay Example for Free
Everything You Need to Know About Kenya Essay Kenya is a country in the continent of Africa, on the Indian Ocean coast of East Africa. This country has land on both sides of the equator. This report is going to tell you all about this fascinating country. Jambo (Hello), and we can begin our safari (journey). Jambo and safari are Kiswahili words, one of the languages of Kenya. Kenya is about two times the size of Nevada. Its slightly smaller than Texas and slightly larger than California, our 2nd and 3rd largest states respectively. The countries that border Kenya are Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda. Kenya is not landlocked because the Indian Ocean borders Kenya to its right. Kenya is in both the northern and eastern hemispheres. Some major landforms in Kenya include the Kenyan Highlands, Mt. Kenya, the Great Rift Valley, Mau Escarpment, and Mt. Marsabit. The highest elevation is Mount Kenya at 17,057 feet, which is also one of the tallest in Africa. The capital of Kenya is Nairobi. The distance from Nairobi (the capital of Kenya) to Washington D.C. is 7,548 miles. The geography of Kenya supplies some advantages. One area that displays this is the highlands. The highlands provide Kenya with one of the best agricultural regions in Africa. There is rich soil and fertile ground. There is plentiful rainfall and mild climate perfect for farming. High altitude is also great for growing coffee and tea. Kenya is the 4th largest tea producer in the world. Farming provides jobs to the people that live there. Exporting crops such as coffee and tea help provide money in the country. The one and only type of natural vegetation in Kenya is tropical grassland. They have no active volcanoes, but a few centuries ago Mt. Kenya was a volcano. The distance from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to the equator is approximately 216 miles. The climate of Kenya is varied. However, overall, the one-month it rains the most in Kenya is in April when they get 6.3 inches. The average temperature in January is about 68 degrees while in July its 63 degrees. The many climates in Kenya include tropical wet, tropical wet and dry, arid, and semiarid. Arid is a dry region and receives approximately 5 inches of rain per year. In the summer Kenya gets .6 inches of rain and in the winter receives .1 inches. The temperature in the summer is 81 degrees Fahrenheit and the winter about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Semiarid is considered a dry climate type. Summers average 79 degrees Fahrenheit and in the winter averages 51 degrees Fahrenheit. The yearly rainfall is 10 inches in the summer 3.4 and .2 in the winter. Tropical wet and dry is considered a tropical climate. Its hot all year, averaging 79 degrees all year. It receives about 50 inches of rainfall per year with 10 inches in the summer and .2 inches in the winter. I will now tell you about the history of Kenya before European exploration. Early tribal groups have started to settle in Kenya as far back as 2000 BC. The main reason tribes came here was for the rich, fertile ground, which would be good for farming. Both the highlands and the Rift Valley provided this in southern Kenya. The first migrants to arrive were pastoral nomads from Ethiopia who were in search of fertile ground, which they could use to graze their flocks. They were soon forced to leave and go into central Tanzania because of the climate changes over the centuries and water had begun to be scarce. The Yaaku, or Eastern Cushites, came 1,000 years later and settled in central Kenya. It seems that the Yaaku had been the leader and many more tribes came as the followers and by 100 AD there has been nearly 1,400 pastoral communities in the Rift Valley region. Next, I will tell you about the people of Kenya. The population of Kenya is 31,138,735 people. There are 2,310,000 people living in Nairobi. The population density is 139 people per square miles in Kenya. Kenya is rural in most areas, but urban in the capital. The official language of Kenya is English and Kiswahili (Swahili). The major ethnic group of Kenya is Kikuyu, which makes up 22% of the population. The major religion of Kenya is Protestant. 45% of the people follow the Protestant religion. The literacy rate in Kenya is 78.1% overall. Males are 86.3% literate, and women are 70% literate. Many areas lack good education. The life expectancy for women is 48 while the men are expected to life to 46. The population trend is growing greatly at 1.15% per year. One major illness that Kenyans suffer greatly from is HIV/AIDS. I will now tell you about the economy. The major type of economic activity is agriculture including herding and farming. Approximately 75-80% of the working population are in agriculture. It is a primary activity. The main agricultural product is tea. Kenya relies on coffee, tea, and flowers as their limited amount of cash crops. Although they have areas for farming, due to the large population and climate and weather problems, Kenya suffers with both starvation and famine. Some of their leading exports include coffee, tea, and flowers. They have a trade deficit with 3.1 million dollars imported and 1.8 million dollars exported. The major trading partners with Kenya are UK, Tanzania, and Uganda. The major imports Kenya receives are machinery and transportation equipment, petroleum products, motor vehicles, iron and steel, resins, and plastics. The per capita GDP is $1,000 per person. The major natural resource is hydroelectric power. Other natural resources include gold, limestone, s oda ash, salt barites, garnets, and rubies. The currency is called a Kenyan Schilling. A US dollar is worth 77 Kenyan Schillings. I will now tell you about the politics and government of Kenya. The type of government in Kenya is a republic. Recently, the government has not changed. The current leader of Kenya is President Mwal Kibaki. The date Kenya was granted its independence was on December 12th, 1963. The country got its name when Europeans mispronounced the name Kikuyu (what Kenya was then called) for Kenya. The same occurred with the name for Mt. Kenya. There have been no recent civil wars. The ambassador to the US is Yusuf Abdulraham. The name of the major political party is the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy also known as FORD. The international organizations Kenya is a part of include the UN (The United Nations), IMF (International Monetary Fund), WB (World Bank), OAU (Organization of African Unity), and ISO (International Organization of Standardization). The flag of Kenya has many meanings. The shield represents the pride and tradition of Kenya. The black represents the people. The red represents the blood. Green represents the fertile ground. Finally, the white represents peace. I feel that Kenya is still in the developing stage. Much of the area is rural, with an increasing population, particularly in and around the capital. They have many citizens with HIV AIDS, and have many more suffering from starvation. One strength that Kenya has is that they get 40 inches of rainfall per year. That makes it good for farming, in the areas that they can farm. Another strength is the high altitude and Great Rift Valley that not only allows tea and coffee to grow, but it offers more jobs, which is important with a high population density country like Kenya to have. I think that Kenya will not improve in the future unless they reduce the incidence of Aids and eliminate starvation. Due to limited education, lack of a cure for Aids, and weather conditions that cannot be controlled, the future does not look very promising for Kenya.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Book of Acts Essay Example for Free
Book of Acts Essay The Book of Acts The book of Act was written by Saint Luke. The date of the writing is uncertain, but most scholars favor the period 8-90 A. D. Some people think that Acts represents normative guidelines for the New Testament church for all times. In this view I think it is agreeable for the book of acts just shows the ideal church with corresponding beliefs and values. This kind of church should be present to all even up to the present times. This book, in which St. Luke records the actions of the apostles, particularly of St. Peter and St. Paul, (whose companion in travel he was,) is as it were the centre between the Gospel and the Epistles. It contains, after a very brief re-capitulation of the evangelical history, a continuation of the history of Christ, the event of his predictions, and a kind of supplement to what he had before spoken to his disciples, by the Holy Ghost now given unto them. It contains also the seeds, and first stamina of all those things, which are enlarged upon in the epistles. The Gospels treat of Christ the head. The Acts show that the same things befell his body; which is animated by his Spirit, persecuted by the world, defended and exalted by God. In this book is shown the Christian doctrine, and the method of applying it to Jews, heathens, and believers; that is, to those who are to be converted, and those who are converted: the hindrances of it in particular men, in several kinds of men, in different ranks and nations: the propagation of the Gospel, and that grand revolution among both Jews and heathens: the victory thereof, in Spite of all opposition, from all the power, malice, and wisdom of the whole world, spreading from one chamber into temples, houses, streets, markets, fields, inns, prisons, camps, courts, chariots, ships, villages, cities, islands: to Jews, heathens, magistrates, generals, soldiers, eunuchs, captives, slaves, women, children, sailors: to Athens, and at length to Rome. Others view it as only descriptive for the 1st century church. Descriptive in the sense that it only describes the pattern and how the church worked during that period of time. The term Acts is not used, as it is sometimes with us, to denote decrees or laws or having to describe it, but it denotes the doings of the apostles. It is a record of what the apostles did in founding and establishing the Christian church. It is worthy of remark, however, that it contains a record of the doings of Peter and Paul. Peter was commissioned to open the doors of the Christian church to both Jews and Gentiles, and Paul was chosen to bear the gospel especially to the pagan world. As these two apostles were the most prominent and distinguished in founding and organizing the Christian church, it was deemed proper that a special and permanent record should be made of their labors. While some think that it is both a normative guidelines and a description of the church of the 1st century. At the beginning of the book the author states his purpose and that is to explain to Theophilus, and to the world, how Christianity arose and began its sweep across the earth. By this time Christianity appeared to be on the way to becoming a world religion, and some account of its beginning was needed so that it might appeal to cultured and learned people. It talks about the Day of Pentecost, empowered by the Holy Spirit; the apostles take the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the Mediterranean world. The title is misleading, for Acts is not a record of all the original disciples of Jesus. The book gives the early history of Christianity from Christ’s ascension outside Jerusalem to Paul’s visit in Rome. Chapters 1-12 stress the work of Peter in Judea and nearby lands, mainly among Jews. Chapters 13- 28 tell of the far- ranging missionary preaching of Paul, mainly to gentiles. In my opinion it is a normative guideline for the New Testament church. In the book of Acts, it is shown how the people and the believer should act before God. All antiquity is unanimous in ascribing this book to Luke as its author. It is repeatedly mentioned and quoted by the early Christian writers, and without a dissenting voice is mentioned as the work of Luke. The same thing is clear from the book itself. It professes to have been written by the same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke, Ac 1:1; was addressed to the same person, and bears manifest marks of being from the same pen. It is designed evidently as a continuation of his Gospel, as in this book he has taken up the history at the very time where he left it in the Gospel, Ac 1:1, 2. It also shows that the Holy Spirit is really with His people if they will ask from it, for the Holy Spirit will be their comforter and friend. The church nowadays should be guided by the Holy Spirit for a strong foundation. The gospel should be well delivered and evangelized throughout the world by the believers. They should acts upon what is right just like what Paul and Peter did in the book of Acts where in they weren’t afraid to spread the good news among all people. This book has commonly been regarded as a history of the Christian church, and of course the first ecclesiastical history that was written. But it cannot have been designed as a general history of the church. Many important transactions have been omitted. It gives no account of the church at Jerusalem after the conversion of Paul; it omits his journey into Arabia, Gad 1:17; gives no account of the propagation of the gospel in Egypt, or in Babylon, 1Pe 5:13; of the foundation of the church at Rome; of many of Pauls voyages and shipwrecks, 2Co 11:25; and omits to record the labors of most of the apostles, and confines the narrative chiefly to the transactions of Peter and Paul. References: 1. Book of Acts. New Standard Encyclopedia. Volume 2. Pages 355-356. 2. Youth Bible. Holy Bible Contemporary English Version, Global Edition. Pages 861-871 3. Acts of the Apostles. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Acts_of_the_Apostles
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Reflective Analysis of Viva Voce
Reflective Analysis of Viva Voce Introduction Viva voce and a reflection, both a requirement for successful completion of the course. For somebody not used to this form of assessment process, it is just but normal to ask oneself what? , why? and how?. Although a brief and complete orientation, description and information was provided in the early part of the curriculum, it is only in the end that I have fully understand its significance to my learning. Through the viva voce and a reflective writing that I was able to evaluate myself in terms of what I have learned? (Knowledge), what I can do? (Skills gained), and what I have become? (Attitude)†¦ A competent practitioner. A highlight that I have to address in the Intensive Care Course. For it is in a reflective practise that we gain new understanding and appreciation (Mann et al. 2009). Description This is a reflective piece about my viva voce that revolves around my care of a 73 year old male referred to as Mr X, 6 hours post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft. As he became hemodynamically compromised, I have discussed Mr. X’s assessment in relation to a normal physiological compensatory mechanism involve and the care given. Review of Mr. X history sheet and assessment details found in appendix 1, was suggestive of hypovolemic shock as further supported by his clinical symptoms. Clinically, it can be classified as mild, moderate or severe (Kelly, 2005). This leads to organ hypoperfusion characterized by tachycardia, hypotension, oliguria, decrease cardiac output and high Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) as a result of hypovolaemia. It can be due to excessive fluid loss such as haemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhoea, burns or inadequate fluid intake (Adam and Osborne, 2005). Strengths and Areas for Development Stress and anxiety, is always a major predicament that I had been most worried about. I have tried to alleviate this from reading, rehearsing and any other form of preparation needed one would have conceived about. In the end, the anticipation that your next, was the most gruelling. I believe, I was in its entirety at best well prepared, organized and chronological in my presentation of points and information with some hiccups along the way but acceptable although can be overall improve given the situation. Upon presentation of Mr. X’s assessment details and laboratory result, and concluded hypovolaemia as a cause of haemodynamic compromise based on supporting evidences, I, at some point, preceded in the discussion of physiological responses as a result of decrease in cardiac output. This is due to decrease in circulating blood volume. His Haemoglobin level was acceptable and there is no signs of active bleeding. During my discussion, I have mentioned about how low circulating blood volume results in decrease End Diastolic Volume (EDV). This stimulates the baroreceptors located at the aortic arch and carotid sinuses to send signal to the medullary centre of the brain which in turn causes the release of adrenalin and noradrenalin by the action of the adrenal medulla (Jevon and Evens, 2008). This supported why Mr. X is tachycardic. The human body compensates in various ways through the involvement of different organ system working together to establish haemostasis. In renal response I have mentioned the involvement of the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System. Not to be exhaustive with information, this involves the release of renin through the action of the juxtaglomerular cells stimulated because of decrease renal blood flow , which in turn is converted to angiotensin 1 by angiotensinogen. Angiotensin 1 is then transformed by the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) predominantly found in the lungs to Angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Furthermore, the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex causes increase in renal sodium and water retention. A surge in osmolarity in the blood stimulates the release of Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin from the posterior pituitary gland. This results in the reabsorption of solute free water in the distal tubules and collecting system of the kidneys and fu rther stimulates peripheral vasoconstriction (McGloin and McLeod, 2010). With the reabsorption of sodium and water, coupled with vasoconstriction the circulating blood volume is improved thus, result in the increase in the end diastolic volume. This improves muscle contraction of the heart and overall the cardiac output. Hence Mr. X low urine output. Although I felt satisfied about my presentation of cardiac and renal responses to a decrease in cardiac output, my explanation in regards to metabolic acidosis more specifically in the aspect of cellular anaerobic metabolism was somehow lacking in its content. Glucose being a major carbohydrate, is a fuel used by cells in our body. Its metabolism travels through a pathway called glycolysis with the end product referred to as pyruvate, a three carbon acid. Inside the cell with mitochondria and oxidative metabolism, this is converted completely into Co2 and water known as aerobic glycolysis (Baynes, n.d.). In contrary, lactic acid is the end product of anaerobic breakdown of glucose in the tissues during persistent oxygen deprivation secondary to an insult caused by decrease circulating blood volume, and owerwhelming of the bodies buffering abilities (Gunnerson et. al. 2013). These explains why Mr. X lactate shows an increasing pattern with a base excess noted at – 5.9. Familiarity and consistency in my opinion is my area of development. I need to continually update myself with the ever changing needs of the client more so, of the profession. This includes current research based guidelines and policies. From reading books, journals, articles, new discoveries or trends in the field of critical care. More importantly, to continue to look after haemodynamically compromised patients to help facilitate maintain and improve a level of my competency and skills in Intensive care nursing. Implication for Practice With the knowledge and skills that I have gained from the viva voce and looking after clients with haemodynamic instability, supported with theory during lectures and mentoring, I am better able to understand what is happening inside the body as is tries to compensates to maintain haemostasis. More importantly, act upon the needs of the patient, and anticipates interventions with rationales for doing so. With the knowledge and skills that I will be bringing back to the unit, I will be able to help enhance the standard of care through mentorship. References Adam, S. K. and Osbourne, S. (2005) Critical Care Nursing: Science and Practice. Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Baynes, J. W. (n.d.) Anaerobic Metabolism of Glucose in the Red Blood Cells [online] Available from: º e 2 º Ciclos Lics e Lics com Mests/MD/1 ºANO/2 ºSEM/12-UBA5/TPs/TP1/Baynes Cap11- Metabolismo da Glucose.pdf [Accessed12/12/13] Jevon, P. and Ewens, B. (2008) Monitoring of the Critically Ill Patient. Second Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Kelly, D. M. (2005) Critical Care Nursing. Volume 28, no. 1 pp 2-19. Lippincott. Williams and Williams, inc. Gunnerson, K et al. (2013) Lactic Acidosis[online] Available from: [Accessed12/12/13] Mann, K., Gordon, J. MacLeod, A. (2009) Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Practice, 14(4), 595-621. doi: 10.1007/s10459-007-9090-2 McGloin, S. and McLeod, A. (2010) Advance Practice in Critical Care – A Case Study Approach. Oxford. Blackwell Publishing Appendix 1 On the start of the shift , received a patient in ITU who is 73 years of age, now 6 hours post CABG. He has been weaned off sedation and now ready for extubation. Pre operatively his echo showed good LV. Upon review of his chart showed a blood pressure of 140/60 mmhg. Now fully awake, proceeded with extubation at 20:30. His risk factors are; prev. MI, HTN, DM type 2, high Cholesterol, smoker and TIA x2. At 22:00 his assessment findings are: HR 110- 120 bpm BP 85/55 mmhg MAP 55-60 mmhg CVP 2 Temp. 36.5 Urine output 25mls/ hr ( Weighs 85kg) GCS : E4V4M6 Mediatinal drain 25mls –serosanguineous Bloods: K+ 4.9 mmol/L Na 143 mmol/L Urea 8 mmol/L Creatinine 80 umol/L Hb. 9.0 g/L Hct 35% WBC 8.4 k/ul ABG’s pH 7.29 pCO2 5.54 kPa pO2 18.4 kPa HCO3 19.4 mmol/L BE -5.9 mmol/L Lactate 1.9 mmol/L He is on maintenance fluids of 85ml/hour 5% Dextrose, 2L of geloplasma cautiously given against CVP and eventually started on Noradrenaline to achieve a MAP of 70mmhg.
Changes in the Social and Political Fabric in 16th and 17th Century Eur
The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were periods of questioning and searching for truth. The practice of challenging traditional institutions, including the Church, was revolutionary. Individuals began to use reason to guide their actions and opinions and realized the oppressive nature of the Catholic monarchy. Individuals strove to act in their own best interest and in the name of what was true to them. The consensus was that society would be better off with an economy that shifted away from agriculture, looked globally, and decreased monopolies and the importance of Guilds, as economic opportunities would surface for all classes of men. This type of economy was only possible in light of religious reform, as religion was the foundation of all traditional aspects of the political and economic world. Religious reformers offered alternatives to Catholicism that attracted men from all social and economic classes. They delineated the problems associated with rule under a Catholic dominated state that the majority of men could relate to. A questioning of the nature of government resulted, and the role that religion should have in politics was addressed. Different opinions surfaced, and because of both differing religious views and an increased awareness of the Church's abuse of political power, religion lost its cohesive ability and diminished in importance in local politics. As individuals experienced life absent of former traditional and religious restraints, benefits were realized, many of which were economic. Additionally, economic ventures led men to encounter other cultures, increasing appreciation of differing spiritual views. Luther and Calvin offered alternatives to Catholicism, feeling that superstition guided man... ... questions considered heresy. In effect, the common man felt deceived by his passivity and realized that his world was quite different from the image constructed by the Church. Two of the most significantly effected aspects of people's lives during the 16th and 17th centuries were their religious practice and economic pursuits. People increasingly used reason to determine what their beliefs were and how they should carry out their lives. Absent of the stringent limitations posed by traditional Catholic culture, individuals could secure themselves better economic opportunities and lifestyles. References Spielvogel, Jackson J. Western Civilization: Fourth Edition. Vol. 2: Since 1550. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 2000. Walker, Mack. "Guilds." Social History of Western Civilization. Vol. 2. Golden, Richard M. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. 28-39.
Monday, August 19, 2019
History of NATO and Policy Recommendations Towards NATO Essay -- War U
History of NATO and Policy Recommendations Towards NATO In this paper I will first explain the history of NATO and the United States policy towards it. I will then give three reasonable policy recommendations for the United States towards NATO. This is important because NATO is an organization with a very brief history but it has molded Europe and other countries and has made a safe-haven from war for the past five decades. NATO was spawn out of the Western countries of Europe fearing the expansion of the greedy, hungry Stalin of the Soviet Union which would directly lead to the expansion of communist governments. Also, â€Å"in 1949 most of the states of Europe were still enfeebled by wartime devastation, striving for economic recovery, attempting to reestablish shattered political institutions, resettle refugees and recover from the second major upheaval in 30 years.†1 After the second world war Stalin, of the Soviet Union, started to spread his communist government to many Eastern European countries fast. Just a couple years bef ore all of this an alliance was made between many nations called The United Nations. This is where the base idea of NATO came out of. There is a particular article in the United Nation’s charter, article 51, which paved the way. Article 51 read: Nothing in the present charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations, until the security council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.2 So, armed with this article, ten European countries turned to the United States and Canada to draft a pledge o f mutual security and on April 4, 1949, they all met in Washington to sign the North Atlantic Treaty. The fear that created this alliance could not better be seen than in Winston Churchill’s, prime minister of Great Britain, telegram to President Truman saying: â€Å"An iron curtain is being drawn down upon their(Soviet Union) front. We do not know what is going on ... I hope the information I gave here has been interesting and something you might look at differently now. Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY NATO Information Service. 1989. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation: Facts and Figures. Brussels: NATO Kaplan, Lawrence S, ed. 1968. NATO And The Policy Of Containment. Boston: Raytheon Education Company. Richard D. Lawrence, and Jeffrey Record, eds. 1974. U.S. Force Structure in NATO. Washington, D.C: The Brookings Institution. Faringdon, Hugh. 1989. Strategic Geography: NATO, the Warsaw Pact, and the Superpowers. London and New York: Routledge. Knorr, Klaus. 1959. NATO And American Security. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. NATO Information Service. 1983. NATO Handbook. Brussels: NATO Coffey, Joseph I. 1997. The Future Role Of NATO. New York: Foreign Policy Association. NATO Information Service. 1984. NATO And The Warsaw Pact: Force Comparisons. Brussels: NATO Bolles, Blair, and Francis O. Wilcox. Bagby, Wesley M. 1999. America’s International Relations Since World War I. New York: Oxford University Press Rosati, Jerel A. 1999. The Politics Of United States Foreign Policy. New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Comparing Mores Utopia, Machiavellis The Discourses, and Hobbes The
Relationship Between the Sovereign and the Subjects in More's Utopia, Machiavelli's The Discourses, and Hobbes' The Leviathan       Thomas More, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Thomas Hobbes offer models for the relationship between the sovereign and the people in their works Utopia, The Discourses, and The Leviathan. Each argues that ensuring the common good of the people should be the primary goal of the sovereign. However, they differ in the specifics of their descriptions of this relationship and in their explanations of the sovereign’s motivation for valuing the prosperity of the people. An examination of the specified passages in each of these works will clarify the comparison of their models for this relationship. More’s discussion of the sovereign occurs in the context of the discussion of a monarch as the trustee of the welfare of the people. The king is a common citizen who has been invested with the authority or "majesty" of sovereignty. He is then distinguished from the rest of the population by the responsibilities he has to them and the powers that are inherent in these responsibilities. He is bound to fulfill these responsibilities and not to abuse the privileges by the threat of rebellion from the poor and, therefore, discontented people that would result from incompetent or misused sovereignty. He is also constrained by his own natural desire for prestige, and his prestige is dependent on his subjects’ wealth and well being. To desire this kind of prestige, he must be a virtuous man. Without this virtue, his vices of pride and laziness are likely to reduce him to taking his subjects’ property in order to serve his greed and to attempt their pacification by reducing them to abject poverty. If his own prid... ...larly influenced by the monarch’s level of incompetence or corruption. All three sovereigns rely upon "virtu," that is, effectiveness in ensuring the common good of their subjects; however, all three have different definitions of what constitutes "virtu." In More’s sovereignty, it is controlling human nature and channeling it into promoting the general prosperity. For Machiavelli’s sovereignty, it is the result of the pursuit of self-interested goals, both on the part of the ruler and the ruled. In Hobbes’ sovereignty, it is the logical result of fear and of human, peace seeking, nature. Works Cited Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, ed. Edwin Curley (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1994. More, Thomas. Utopia. Trans. Clarence H. Miller. 2nd ed. Yale University Press. 2001 Walker, Leslie J. The Discourses of Niccolo Machiavelli Routledge, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Declining Birthrate Singapore
After Independence in 1965, the population of the country was growing at a rate that would seriously threaten the success of Singapore. The Government introduced the â€Å"Stop at two†policy to help control the rapid population growth. It was introduced in 1969. The policy had a very successful response; in fact, it was so successful that the population started to decline. Couples saw the benefits in having a smaller family, such as more money, higher quality of life and cars. The population increase stayed low. Women started to pursue careers before having children.With a rise in University graduated women failing to marry and bear children, the policy â€Å"three or more, if you can afford it†was introduced because the Singaporean government saw this as a social problem. It was introduced in 1986. The policy has been described as ‘population rejuvenation'. Its goal was to address the ageing of Singapore, which was threatening the country's quality of life. It was quite effective at first but despite the government's slew of measures including longer maternity leave and cash incentives, the Total Fertility Rate plummeted from 1. 6 in 2000 to 1. 3 last year. This is a far cry from the 2. 1 needed for the population to replace itself. Families are having less children due to the following reasons: High cost of living, insecurity of jobs, high cost and burden of educating the child, no fun for children to take the pressure of childhood. Low birth rates means that the government will continue to be more liberal in allowing foreigners to come here as PRs or citizens. And, unlike the times of our forefathers, Singapore today is unlikely to allow the naturalization the peasant, the construction worker or the cleaning lady.The Singapore government wants talents, or in the absence of talent, rich people. The natural result is that native Singaporeans get squeezed in the job markets and the housing markets. Young Singaporeans like myself are now sq ueezed particularly hard in the housing markets because these PRs or new citizens come in either not knowing the local real estate market or having too much cash to burn, start offering high prices for property, driving property prices upwards. As for the employment landscape, that doesn’t need much explaining; it’s a demand and supply problem.I think that the Government should promote more of the benefits of having children – joy and laughters of the children through different media (T. V. , radio, internet etc. ). The more the Government emphasises on the family life and support the birth rate, it will help to increase the birth rate. There should be more television shows about families. The mindset of parents is important. When we think of raising children is very expensive, it will not encourage us to have children. The joy of having children cannot be measured by the cost or spending on the children.We need to see beyond the money cost of having children as children are the bundle of joy and gift from God. Companies should not be bias on employing pregnant women and the government should change the policy again to state that as long as a woman is pregnant, the company that terminal her should pay up the four months maternity leave instead of the current one that states it’s only liable if it’s 6 months form due dates. A declining fertility rate also affects the social structure of a nation. As less and less people are having families, social networks are affected and support within the family unit changes.Where previously children may have provided a support network for their parents, in many cases, older, childless Singaporeans may turn to the government to assist in providing this network. With an increase in the number of one to two person households with steady income which is often relatively high, standards of living increase for these households, where standards for families with dependants may struggle to keep up . This will then lead to even further decreases in birth rates as couples postpone having a family based on their financial circumstances. It’s not just the jobs and ever rising property prices.Later on, the kids of native Singaporeans are going to face fiercer competition for good Singaporean schools. Parents will have to end up forking more money for tuition classes and other enrichment classes to improve the odds of their kids getting into a good school. The PRs and new citizens will probably do the same thing too, so the only winners will be tuition teachers. Encourage companies to let women work from home. A change of mindset from the work force is very much needed for families to want to have more children. More children equals more money needed, especially in the country like Singapore.Stay home mom wants to stay home to take good care of kids and they also want to stay economically. Nobody is going to take care of the kids, nurture them, giving them a good solid found ation if all moms go out to work. Right now parents get the following: A cash gift of $3,000 each for 1st and 2nd child, a cash gift of $6,000 each for 3rd and 4th child, 2nd to 4th children will also enjoy government contributions in the form of a dollar-for-dollar matching for the amount of savings you contribute to your child’s Children Development Account (CDA).This is a special savings account that you open at any POSB branch. You can save in the CDA any time until the day before the child’s 6th birthday. The savings will be matched up to the cap of $6,000 for the 2nd child and $12,000 each for the 3rd and 4th child. Another significant effect of a declining birth rate is a reduced workforce which can equal decreased productivity for a nation. A decrease in the size of the workforce will reduce the capacity of the economy to maintain rates of output growth which in turn puts pressure on the existing workforce to increase productivity and performance.A smaller work force also means a smaller tax base which in turn can place further pressure on the social security system; less people of working age means less revenue collected by the government in taxes to support a proportionately large aged population. Each of these effects – a negative workplace dependency ratio and a reduced workforce – points to the growth of the aged population. A falling fertility rate accompanied by increasing longevity and a low aged mortality means that the proportion of older groups in society is growing.This is a widely publicised issue in most developed countries and can have significant impact on the economy and social support systems. As the aged population increases, so too does the need for increased spending on areas such as aged care, health and income support, especially in societies where the working age population is not encouraged to prepare or save for their retirement. This can prove to be a significant drain on resources and the general e conomy. As the population aged 65 and over increases in size, associated social expenditures on income support, care and health services can be expected to increase. months maternity leave for mum, 3 days of paternity leave on the birth of your first four children. 5 days of unrecorded childcare leave, must be substantiated by the child's MC. Maid levy reduction of $95 if you have kids under 12. And since the birth rates are falling so drastically, the government should redouble their efforts by doubling everything that they are doing right now. We could follow the Swede way to generate children. First, all parents get 13 months of leave, and continue to receive 80 per cent of their pay – with the cost borne by both the state and employers.On top of this, they can opt for another three months, though they will get just $40 a day during this time. Second, they get tiered child allowances – from 105 euros (S$225) a month for the first child, to 190 euros for the fourth c hild. Thirdly, childcare is â€Å"very affordable†, capped at $30 a month. In contrast, childcare costs here average $670 a month. In fact more childcare centres should be built around office areas so mothers or fathers can look after them more easily instead of hiring a maid which will make them more dependent on maids and miss out family bonding with their children.Free (or even more greatly subsidised) post-secondary education for the third and fourth children; Free (or even more greatly subsidised) medical care for the third and fourth children, up to a certain age or ceiling. Nominal or token pension for parents (or for at least the one parent who has given up his or her job to care for children full time) with more than two children upon statutory retirement age; and more significant tax reliefs for working couples who have, in addition to more than two children, aged parents.The Baby Bonus was definitely a step in the right direction, as evinced by a slight increase in birth rates in recent years. Putting additional measures such as these suggestions in place will go even further towards alleviating some of the pressures and insecurities couples face in deciding whether to have more children. The government should sponsor another matchmaking effort through a Social Development Unit, like a few years back. The aim, to ‘romance Singapore'. It had a month-long festival in the Valentine’s period was introduced to try to bring people together.Other measures included rock climbing for couples, a love boat river race, and a vertical marathon called ‘lovers’ challenge' etc. New laws should be enacted to prevent employers from dismissing women because of marriage, pregnancy or childbirth. This should help push up the birth rate, as more women are going to be able to marry, have children and keep earning money. A good way to get Singaporeans to produce more babies is to improve gender equality, and how can we support more active f athering?The â€Å"Dads for Life†national campaign is a commendable initiative of the National Family Council and a step in the right direction. Traditional gender roles not only deprive men of the opportunity to play an active role in their children’s lives but create an imbalanced environment where women are discouraged from having more kids. I am quite sure that these measures if implemented can improve our situation on the declining birthrates. Monetary incentives, tax incentives, more maternity leave, paternity leave, and the other solutions.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Process of law Essay
According to the law, no person is to be deprived of life or liberty without the due process of the law. Due process in this sense does not only refer to the adherence to certain procedural rules such as the Miranda Rights or the presentation of a warrant of arrest. Due process is basically a two-fold rule because it involves substantial and procedural aspects. As discussed, procedural due process is not enough. There must also be substantial due process which is used to justify the deprivation of life or liberty. This rule is applicable not only in criminal or civil proceedings in front of the Courts of Justice. As has been held in the cases of Goss vs. Lopez (419 U.S. 565) and Wisconsin v. Constantineau (400 U.S. 433) (1971), the due process of law applies equally to administrative proceedings. As so eloquently stated in the case of Wisconsin v. Constantineau (400 U.S. 433) (1971), â€Å"[T]he right to be heard before being condemned to suffer grievous loss of any kind, even though it may not involve the stigma and hardships of a criminal conviction, is a principle basic to our society.† (Wisconsin v. Constantineau 400 U.S. 433). For a clearer understanding, this principle will be applied to criminal case and then compared to the administrative process. In certain criminal cases, the problem with regard to due process may lie in the fact that while the procedural due process aspect may have been satisfied by making a valid arrest, the substantial aspect may be left wanting due to the lack of any evidence, circumstantial or direct, that can be used as the grounds for making of such an arrest. In administrative cases, due process is also applied, especially when it deals with a â€Å"grievous loss.† This is applied to disciplinary cases that involve the loss of certain rights and privileges. In fact, in certain cases, due process has been said to apply to any situation wherein there is a diminution of legally provided benefits. As seen in the case of Goss vs. Lopez (419 U.S. 565), which involved the suspension of a student for ten (10) days without any hearing, the Supreme Court ruled that this was unconstitutional for being a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court declared that though it was a school hearing, such was considered as an administrative hearing that warranted the application of the due process clause. In another case, Wisconsin v. Constantineau 400 U.S. 433 the Supreme Court ruled on the issue the posting of notices on the sale of intoxicating liquors and the authority of the police chief to authorize such an act. The Supreme Court in this case also decided that due process required that hearing and notice was needed before such a regulation was to be imposed. Due process means that the law hears before it condemns. It was therefore required that procedure be strictly followed to allow people to protect their honor and reputation. When the forefathers drafted the constitution, they had in mind a fine balance between the rights of individuals and the public good. It was recognized even during that time that there are certain things that are necessary in order that the greater good for the public can be protected. By unduly restricting the power of officers of the law to uphold the law, the efficacy of such laws may be hampered and the rights of the public may not be sufficiently protected. In order for the rights of the public to be duly protected, it is necessary therefore that due process be observed. As mentioned, the law that the forefathers envisioned is one that hears before it condemns. Given the power that the government is provided, there is a necessity of placing certain restrictions. This may come in the form of the bill of rights or the due process clause as contained in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. It does not matter whether it is a criminal case or an administrative case, the important thing is that once the issue involves a deprivation of rights and privileges that a person has been entitled to due process must be strictly observed.  Cases Cited: Goss vs. Lopez (419 U.S. 565) Wisconsin v. Constantineau (400 U.S. 433)
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Interlanguage Theory Essay
It is a well-attested fact that learners commit errors when learning a second language. Errors are in fact considered inevitable in any learning process. For a very long time different authors (Corder, 1967; Richards, 1971; Dulay and Burt, 1972, as cited in Taylor, 1975;) see those errors not only as deviations of the rules but also as important sources for studying the process of learning a target language. The learner’s mental process and rules adopted by them at different stages are evidenced by those errors. (Fauziati, 2011). It is, therefore, the language of the learner that Larry Selinker (1972) would study and name interlanguage. He would consider interlanguage as follows: L2 learners construct a linguistic system that draws, in part, on the learner’s L1 but is also different from it and also from the target language. A learner’s interlanguage is, therefore, a unique linguistic system (as cited in Ellis, 1997, pag. 33). This system of the language is evolutional and dynamic, and its grammar is under construction and in constant development. It may have inconsistency errors but it will be changing and developing all the time. Selinker (1972, as cited in Taylor, 1975) claims that interlanguage is not merely the learner target language grammar that is filled with errors due to the learner’s L1 interference but, instead, it is a linguistic system that reflects the learner’s dealing with the deviations of the target language itself. Selinker also states that the perspective of Interlanguage considers the learning strategies which the learner employs in a task despite of their mother tongue or kind of training they receive. According to Selinker (1972), there are a number of processes or strategies that the learner adopts in order to help them acquire the target language. The first one is L1 Transfer, which is a learning strategy where the learner uses their own L1 as a resource. â€Å"[T]he learner transfers their knowledge of their native language into their target language attempts†(Taylor, 1975, p. 393). The second process is L2 Transfer, in which the learner works out the rules of L2 and challenges them. The third process is Overgeneralization; the learner uses an L2 rule in situations in which a native speaker would not use them. This can occur at different levels, namely, at the phonetic level, at the grammatical level, at the lexical level and at the level of discourse. Taylor (1975) defines overgeneralization as â€Å"a process in which a language learner uses a syntactic rule of the target language inappropriately when he attempts to generate a novel target language utterance†. The fourth process or strategy is General Learning Principles; the learner acquires strategies for learning the language, such as association or grouping. However, these strategies are not exclusive to language learning; they can be applied to any other kind of knowledge. Finally, the fifth process is Communication Strategies, which are actions that the learner carries out in order to compensate their lack of knowledge and also to reinforce or optimize communication. Among these strategies are body language, circumlocution, using a general term, resorting to L1, asking for help (the teacher or the dictionary), coining (making up a word) and avoidance. All of these five processes contribute to the development of the L2. Another important characteristic of Interlanguage is Fossilization, which is a term introduced also by Selinker in 1972. It refers to â€Å"the persistence of plateaus of non-target-like competence in the IL†(as cited in Fauziati, 2011, p. 25). Selinker (1972) provides a precise definition for fossilization: [A] mechanism that underlies surface linguistic material which speakers will tend to keep in their IL productive performance, no matter what the age of the learner or the amount of instruction he receives in the TL. (Selinker, 1972: 229, cited in Han, 2002) In other words, fossilization can be described as the interruption of the process of development of interlanguage. Learners are usually expected to achieve progress as their competence advances towards the target language system, and thus it contains fewer errors. However, some errors continue to occur and never disappear completely, and are, therefore, considered as fossilized. That is to say, such errors are permanent and defining characteristics of the learner’s language system (Fauziati, 2011). Among the factors that influence fossilization in the learner’s learning process, there are both external and internal reasons that are worth mentioning. Environment is an external reason that can influence the student’s performance and it can be due to the lack of exposure to the language or probably the level of the course the student is taking is either higher or lower than their level of the language. As regards internal reasons, the learner himself is considered to be a significant influence on their performance. His personality (insecurity, family background, uncertainty), motivation, demotivation and backsliding (the student unlearns things he already knows and goes back to previous stages) contribute to the mechanism of fossilization. Another important point to consider is that of interlanguage pragmatics, which has been defined by some authors, namely, Kasper and Dahl (1991), Kasper (1998) and Kasper and Rose (1999). However, in this paper, the concept of interlanguage pragmatics will be considered as follows: [T]he investigation of non-native speakers’ comprehension and production of speech acts, and the acquisition of L2-related speech act knowledge. (Kasper and Dahl, 1991:215, cited in Barron, 2001) Interlanguage pragmatics deals with use of the language as action and its research focuses on the learner’s use and acquisition of pragmatic knowledge. Although many studies on interlanguage have been based on spontaneous speech data, there is considerable difficulty in processing such data in order to tackle with problems persisting in the L2 learner’s initial state. One possible reason for this is that the speech utterances are gathered so early and may not exactly mirror the L2 initial state. Another perplexing problem is that the collection may be scarce and useless. (Lakshmanan and Selinker, 2001) A further problem is that language learners, especially young L2 learners, have been thought to undergo a ‘silent period’, during which they do not produce any utterance (Lakshmanan and Selinker, 2001). Although students may differ significantly with respect to the duration of their silent period since some of them undergo longer periods than others, it is not proven what is exactly happening in this stage. Moreover, it cannot be proved whether there is passive acquisition of some of the elements of the target language while undergoing the silent period. Consequently, an accurate account of the development of the language of the learner is difficult to provide. Another main argument concerning interlanguage is that of comparative fallacy. As Lakshmanan and Selinker (2001) state, criticizing the language learner’s speech utterances as ungrammatical without drawing first a comparison between the interlanguage speech utterances with the related speech utterances of the native speaker is not advisable since it leads to either underestimation and/or overestimation of the student’s linguistic performance. The interlanguage competence’s information should be obtained by examining the data of the interlanguage performance. Lakshmanan and Selinker (2001) suggest that in order to achieve this and not belittle or overvalue the student’s performance, it is necessary to compare consistently the interlanguage performance data with the native speaker’s performance. Taking everything into account, interlanguage is a theory that has been supported by a number of scholars because it helps educators know what their learner’s language is like. However, it is worth mentioning that it has some weaknesses that need to be addressed. As for teachers, it is not only important that they support this theory but they also should identify its flaws as well so as not to misjudge our language learner’s performance on the language. References * Barron, A. (2003). Acquisition in Interlanguage Pragmatics: Learning How To Do Things With Words In A Study Abroad Context. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. * Ellis, R. (1997) Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University Press. * Fauziati, E. (2011) Interlanguage and Error Fossilization: A Study Of Indonesian Students Learning English As A Foreign Language. (Vol. I No. 1, pp. 23-38). Indonesia: Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. * Han, Z. (2002). Fossilization: Five Central Issues. Toronto, Canada: The Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Teachers College, Columbia University. * Lakshmanan, U. and Selinker, L. (2001). Analysing Interlanguage: How Do We Know What Learners Know? (Volume: 17, Issue: 4, Pages: 393-420). Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and Birkbeck College, University of London: Second Language Research. * Taylor, B. (1975) Adult Language Learning Strategies and Their Pedagogical Implications. (Vol. 9. No. 4, pp. 391-399). USA: TESOL Quarterly.
The Walt Disney company, as well as its subsidiaries, are focused on a diversified worldwide entertainment market
The Walt Disney Company has a rich selection to produce its own products and attractions, making the company a highly competitive industry to expand into new markets and products lines. Their domestic and international market share demonstrates its great expansion and its location between the top players in its industry. The Walt Disney Company has multiple challenging threats that could lead to a negative impact of the business in the future. The company major threats come from its national and global competitors. The high competitions have sometimes imposed problems for the company to sustain its entertainment leadership. A new challenge emerged with the acquisition of Marvel; new acquisitions could affect the development of a company at its beginning by having unprofitable sales. Disney’s pressure in terms of creativity and innovation is other threat that must be surpassed to stay in this competitive market, and which Disney has done well so far. With the economic recession that is faced in this country now a days another common challenge might be employee retention. If you let go your employees they might leave and work in a competitor within the industry, giving out crucial information from the company. Walt Disney Company goal has been and will always be â€Å"To make people happy†and â€Å"to be creative†Since 1923 to the present the company has been producing films and contents for different age people. The company’s ability to invoke a feeling of â€Å"eternal youth†is clearly present in all of its content; so generally I can say the company has been doing an excellent job fulfilling both of their goals! hat The Walt Disney Company is a global leader in the industry of entertainment; it is a company that is continuously growing. The company always demonstrates its highly centralized and organized managerial decisions. From the previous table you can see the profits margin calculations, which is a profitability ratio calculated as operating income divided by revenue. Walt Disney Company’ s Profit Margin also deteriorated from 2008 to 2009 and slightly improved from 2009 to 2010 Thanks to the recent launch and growth of the company’s game development, new growth avenues are expected.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Conflicts and arguments over state rights also ultimately helped the two party system reemerge by creating entrant in the views of states and their people. States rights was a major issue that contributed to the reemergence of a political parties. Jackson proposed that once the federal debt had been paid off, the government WOOL_SLD be able to distribute the extra money among the States.This angered the westerners because if the government gave the extra money to the states then it would not be able to lower the price of public land. The west proposed an alliance with the south based on this idea. Daniel Webster was able to prevent this from happening with a speech showing the position of states eight to treason. This incident helped in the division of political ideas that led to a separation of political parties.Both Jackson and Calhoun were not very different in the ideas about America except in the idea of a states right to overrule federal authority. The two of them became almost enemies and there were many times they each would attack the others personal character to try and gain what they wanted. In the end the different views of the two men influenced the views and stances of the political parties and created issues, which further divided the nation.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Examine one aspect of modernization that impacted US about the great Essay
Examine one aspect of modernization that impacted US about the great san francisco earthquake of 1906 - Essay Example Reference is made to the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and the relation between this event and modernization. The earthquake in San Francisco in 1906 is considered as ‘one of the worst natural disasters in US history ‘ (MCEER 2012). One particular aspect of the impact of modernization on US in the context of the above event is explored: the destruction of Chinatown in San Francisco as a result of the earthquake and the effects of this event on the life of locals and other Americans. It is proved that the social effects of natural disasters can often be more severe than their environmental effects. In other words, modernization can often affect more profoundly the social life compared to severe natural disasters, the above view, as explored below, cannot lead to the assumption that modernization is the only aspect of social life affected by important natural disasters, as the earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco. Modernization, as developed through the decades, has been related to objectivism, a term used to reflect the trend of people to understand the meaning of things around them according to their needs (Wang, Yu and McLean 20). The specific trend is of particular importance in order to understand the response of people, especially residents, to the earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco. In the particular event, two were the issues mostly highlighted: the response of people to critical events can be differentiated according to a series of factors; also, natural disasters can often heavily affect social life, at the level that the implications of a natural disaster on a country’s social norms are often difficult to be clearly identified and addressed. Indeed, after the earthquake, Chinese, who are of a different social and cultural background compared to the city’s other residents, have tried to move their community, showing willingness to re-establish their social and
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Australian Federal Government has proposed the mandatory filtering Essay
The Australian Federal Government has proposed the mandatory filtering of internet content, to make certain types of illegal content unavailable - Essay Example Through this, the people will know what they’re dealing with and will be able to create preventive measures on their own. Filtering of information can be considered as taking away a person’s right to get knowledge and learn from that information. With the filtering act, getting materials and information needed for studies and prevention, say for example child pornography and terrorism, will be limited, or even restricted. Access to the sites related to these extreme actions, including violence and sex, will allow people to figure out how to deal with these social problems and even eliminate it. Everyone has the right to know and learn, but if the public can only access limited information, people will crave for more to get the information and might result to more law violations and criminal acts. Even the rarest of the law that has ever been passed or implemented had violations on record, and since almost every person on earth is aware about the existence of internet and how materials for any reason can be accessed through it, people would still try to find a way to access it and obtain that information. With the technology nowadays, there are always means and ways to hack accounts. And the more restriction put into accessing certain websites would result to more incidents of hacking and infiltration. Aside from this, since the filtering act is a government project, the government may and can actually restrict information that would expose the bad side of the government. (Australia to Implement, 2008). Aside from television, radios and newspapers, the internet is also a reliable source to get information in current events. A lot of things happen in the government everyday and words spread faster in the internet. With the filtering act, the government can actually sort out information that they don’t want the
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Explain and analyse the conflicts between Sociological theories of Essay
Explain and analyse the conflicts between Sociological theories of Disability and Chronic Illness - Essay Example Parsons maintains that the notion of health is specifically significant in any society because of the value system of the societies, which underline self-autonomy and individual accomplishment, and the advanced level of demarcation in its social structure. Parsons (1975) proposes that disability and illness is dysfunctional to the social system for the reason that it hampers individuals and debilitates their successful fulfilment of social roles. He claims that society perceives disability and illness as forms of deviance that have to be regulated since they create difficulties for the individual and for the larger society. In UK, people suffering from chronic illnesses and disabilities also face problems like in other societies. The social system of the society is somehow in disadvantage because of disabled and chronically diseased people (Gouldner 1973). Parsons (1975) argues that individuals who are disabled or ill are permitted to have particular immunities and opportunities denied to other forms of social deviance. Disability studies have a political obligation to materialist social model standpoints that identify the centrality of disability as oppression, created through social structures and systems (Abberley, 1987). Whereas medical sociology favours interpretive viewpoints that facilitate a focus on micro-social interactions. It remains entrenched in and is largely dedicated to a notion of disability as social deviance (Bury 1997, Williams 2001). Yet simultaneously, these individuals get hold of particular responsibilities, indicating that the individual who takes in the ‘sick role’ has to address four traditional expectations and responsibilities: the sick individual is excused from normal social role obligations; the sick individual is not held accountable for the disability or illness and cannot become healthy merely by an act of determination; the
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Case Study of NIKE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Case Study of NIKE - Essay Example Not only this, it also targets its products mainly to the fashionable and trendy youths of the country with premium life style so as to position its product as a premium one. This might enhance its dominance and power in the market among others and may amplify its reputation as well. Apart from this, Nike Inc tries to develop exclusive products with innovative features after analysing the changing psychology and intention of the customers. It is done to offer the fitness-centric athletes (both male and female) the best possible performance in their sports thereby amplifying its competitiveness in the market. Along with this, such a strategy might enhance the satisfaction rate of the customers as well as customer retention ratio (Mathews, 2002, 467-488). Other than this, Nike Inc always tries to present its target customer, high quality of products at an effective price, in order to enhance its market share and demand. Due to which, inspite of high price or premium brand, the level of loyalty and range of customers is extremely high of Nike Inc among many others such as Adidas, Reebok and Puma. Thus, it might be clearly stated that, the target market of Nike Inc is quite large as maximum extent of the individual or sports lovers crave for its products among others. The entire credit for such an image goes to its internal marketing department that implements innovative technologies and designs within its products (Guillà ©n & Garcà a-Canal, 2012, pp. 656-675). In order to position its products in this competitive market among other brands such as Reebok, Puma and Adidas, it offers high concentration over the concepts of geographic, demographic, economic, psychographic and behavioural segmentation (Luo & Tung 2007, pp. 481-496). Demographic segmentation- the products of Nike Inc might be used by energetic and fitness centric sports lovers (both male and female) of varying age groups and income groups. Apart from this,
Friday, August 9, 2019
Business ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business ideology - Essay Example The centralized, authoritarian technology is portrayed as bad technology that squeezes the human spirit and manipulates people’s minds. Apple personified the Mac as the good technology – independent, individualized -- that can liberate the individual from the bad technology. Microsoft presented a similar ideology with the message by CEO Steve Ballmer (1986) that depicted Microsoft providing people-ready computing. Microsoft claimed that their innovations facilitated the supremacy of people. A comparison with IBM in the form of a direct assault, Microsoft declared that the pitch of IBM is to help companies with its innovations, at Microsoft the tone is to give power to the people to innovate. Microsoft, like Apple, emphasized the ideology of empowerment by making a striking contrast to IBM as the veiled power behind the centralized, spirit-subduing hegemony. In effect, Microsoft was duplicating Apple’s ideology and strategy. But Apple’s approach went deeper than its marketing implication. Apple advanced the integration of its technology as the nucleus of its strength. By keeping up a closed system, uniting proprietary software and hardware, Apple could provide, it asserted, a more enhanced user experience. The message was: You did not have to be bothered about the technology – it simply worked – so that you could focus and be creative on doing your work. Microsoft, which built up its market dominance in PCs on an open structural system, is now embracing the Apple strategy as well. Microsoft claimed that its integrated platform of corporate software provided a better enhanced user experience, from the operating system to the desktop application. Microsoft argued through Jeff Raikes (Business Week, Mar.2006) that Microsoft offered more capabilities by product integration, a blend of technologies having more impact. Again the message was: Liberating people to innovate. Would this integrated ideology work for Microsoft? It may be recalled
Discuss 3 strategies that you could adopt to help manage pupil's Essay
Discuss 3 strategies that you could adopt to help manage pupil's challenging behaviour - Essay Example Moreover, it is not recommended for behaviors that are abusive, or destructive such as perpetration of outright lies, failure for compliance. Most importantly, inattentive and withdrawn pupils should not be ignored by the teachers. Instead, teachers can apply redirecting strategies such as addressing the pupil at a close range, keeping eye contact or visual cues to remind him of the acceptable behaviors (Day, 2007). Consequences as a strategy – this is appropriate for gross misconduct. The penalties to be faced by the pupils must be logical and clear, appropriate, applicable, and can be enforces fairly immediately. The school should therefore draw a proper discipline policy document with clearly outlined restrictions regarding such serious misbehavior outbursts among the pupils in school (Day, 2007). Provision for time-out strategy – the misbehaved child is taken to a separate room away from other pupils but under the teacher’s watch for about five minutes in a bid to release the tension that could escalate further. It is recommended for circumstances of serious misconduct by the pupils (Day,
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Summary of Benjamin R. Bates. Audiences, Metaphors, and the Persian Essay
Summary of Benjamin R. Bates. Audiences, Metaphors, and the Persian Gulf War - Essay Example The American public was crucial to the Persian Gulf War. A number of communication scholars viewed Bush's actions as critical to acquiring and retaining this domestic public endorsement. However, some appeals that might work wonders with a domestic audience are not likely to be convincing to an international audience. For instance, appeals to American nationalism, American civil religion, or American exceptionalism may work well for an American audience, but are not likely to influence Omani, or Senegalese audiences. Other appeals, though, may persuade both domestic and international constituencies. Appeals that cross audiences are especially important in war rhetoric. Instead of being the persuasion of the whole cosmopolis, international persuasion can be considered the persuasion of opinion leaders that hold power in other states. In constructing persuasive appeals to international opinion leaders, Bush cannot simply speak however one wishes. According to Bates research Bush did four things successfully to persuade international opinion leaders. First, Bush identified appropriate international opinion leaders for persuasion. The Persian Gulf War was framed as a military issue. Therefore, Bush sought to convince the heads of other states to join the American military coalition. Bush also created the manifestation of consultation and dialogue through telephone diplomacy and personal consultations. Con
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Jesus Christ Essay Example for Free
Jesus Christ Essay Hate is one of the human’s feelings. It is a complex subject to study its reasons, causes and consequences. Broadly saying hate in this or that manifestation is one of the reasons of the majority of the violent crimes. Hate is used as an ideological background for a number of violent acts ranging from the street and terrorist attacks to full scale wars. Hate may be either justified in this or that way or it may be impulsive, based on the race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin. In the first case when the hate is caused by the unjust treatment it may be defined as rational, in the second one it is irrational (John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, 2003). One of the most significant examples of the hate group is Aryan Nations. Aryan Nations is a typical hate organization promoting the white race supremacy. It is the political arm of the White Identity Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, long led by Richard Butler. The movement promotes the heresy known as Christian Identity. (Apologetics Index, 2006). The ideological background of the Aryan Nations is anti-Semitism. Paramilitary hate group Aryan Nations was founded in the mid-1970s by Rev. Richard Girnt Butler, now 77 years old. It was formed around Butlers Church of Jesus Christ Christian, one of the several hundred churches affiliated with Identity, a pseudo-theological hate movement. Identity doctrine maintains that Anglo-Saxons, not Jews, are the Biblical chosen people, that non-whites are mud people on the level of animals, and that Jews are children of Satan. (The Nizkor Project, 2006). The anti-Semitism has been of the main hate ideologies since the biblical times. It was utilized by the worst human hating regimes, the most vivid examples of which were the Fascist regimes in Germany and Italy. The anti-Semitism doctrine as an ideology compromised itself in the 20th century. Aryan Nations militantly advocates anti-Semitism and the establishment of a white racist state. A statement of beliefs on the Aryan Nations Web site declares: The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy our Aryan culture and purity of our race. Those of our Race who resist these attacks are called chosen and faithful. †(Aryan Nations/Church of Jesus Christ Christian, 2006). In their â€Å"Declaration of Independence†the ideologists of the Aryan Nations declare threat to the white Americans from the federal government which pursues the interests of the Jewish rulers. The ideologists of the Aryan Nations state that only the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Teutonic, Scandinavian, Celtic peoples are the descendants of biblical Adam and the rest are the descendants of Cain and they are the results of the Eve’s original sin. The Aryan Nations leaders identify the Jews as the main threat to the white race. This movement could be considered as political and a religious movement. This is one of the causes of the extreme danger of Aryan Nations. Violence is declared by the leaders of the group. The motto of the group as indicated in its web site is Violence Solves Everything! †. Still the original biblical part of the ideology of the Aryan Nation has been completely confused because the calls for violence became the dominating ones. The ideologies of Aryan Nations declaring their Christian origin try to support their violent call with the Muslim militant motto â€Å"Allahu Akbar! †(http://www. aryan-nations. org/) thus bringing complete confusion into their ideological basis. According to Aryan Nations â€Å"That VIOLENCE IS THE ONLY SOLUTION! You can no longer look toward local, state or federal law enforcement authorities to protect you, your families or your interests from these invaders†(Aryan Nations web site, 2006). The â€Å"Christian†identity of Aryan Nations was expressed by the leader of the group August Kreis in his comments on the 9/11 attacks and his attitude towards Al-Qaeda, â€Å"You say theyre terrorists, I say theyre freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah. (Henry Schuster, March 29, 2005). Such sayings put off the religious part from the Aryan Nations ideology leaving the extremist one. Terror unites the â€Å"proponents†of some special â€Å"violent†Christianity and Mohammedanism. In fact the only things which may unite both groups are the hate, extremism and terror which they share as basic of their ideologies. In fact, Aryan Nations have a lot of common features with the extremist Muslim groups. They share the same anti-Semitism, they accept the same terror methods and they lack any constructive ideology. They both base their activity on the hate which is destructive in its nature. The numerous hate groups whose ideologies are based on the irrational hatred can hardly find any serious political support in such democratic and a multinational country as the United States. As for the connections of the hate groups with the Muslim extremists, they are not new. During the WWII the leader of the German Nazis Adolph Hitler tried to find the connections with the Muslim extremists. Moreover, some Nazis found refuge in Egypt and Syria after WWII. At the same time it is too early to speak about the real alliance between Neo-Nazis and Muslim extremists. Most likely the leaders of Aryan Nations express their desire to create such an alliance and it proves the ultimate danger of the group. â€Å"Mark Potok, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said that while some U. S. extremists applauded the September 11 attacks, there is no indication of such an alliance at least not yet, and not on a large scale. If it exists anywhere, he said, it is in the mind (and the Internet postings) of August Kreis. †(Henry Schuster, 2005). At the same time the Aryan Nations desire to link to the most dangerous terrorist organization confirms the fact that Aryan Nations may become the serious threat to the national security of the United States. Bibliography John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, The seven-stage hate model: The psychopathology of hate groups, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin/March 1, 2003, available at http://www. rickross. com/reference/hate_groups/hategroups355. html, retrieved 06. 12. 2006
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