Thursday, October 31, 2019
Letter of Advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Letter of Advice - Essay Example In verbal communication the person uses the help of his voice to send over messages to the other person whereas non verbal communication is a form in which voice is not used. Non verbal communication includes memos, emails, and other social software as well as eye movement, postures, facial expression, gestures and so on. To develop a perfect sort of communication it is necessary that some elements are kept into view. This brief would further take all these elements into view and provide with the related needs of communication at work and in personal interactions (Taylor 2001). To develop an effective interpersonal communication network it is necessary for the individuals to keep several factors in mind while communicating. In personal relationships, the communication network needs not be formal like letters or memos, yet needs to be perfect in transmitting the messages and views. For instance, if one partner wants to go out, he/she needs to communicate this desire rather than relying on the idea that the other partner will himself/herself identify and fulfill it. To achieve this it is necessary for the person who is communicating to reach clarity. By clarity here it is meant that the person who is communicating should be very clear in stating his thesis of the message. The words chosen by the communicator should be very precise which are clear enough for the other individual’s intellect. Thus it is necessary that the communicator does not drag his message up to critical levels where the other listener gets confused by the message. This confusion ca n therefore lead to several other problems in the relationships (Kelly 1979 & Taylor 2001). Dear Sara and Tim, my advice to you for a successful relationship is to maintain a level of understanding and frankness which allows you to speak out ‘clearly’ your innermost feelings and communicate your expectation without hesitation. The expectations from the other partner to understand the unspoken
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How to be a Good Parent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How to be a Good Parent - Research Paper Example I have written the research paper by using qualitative research method. Qualitative research method consists of observation, questioning and reading of books and different sources. For the research paper, I have read many books, articles and authentic websites for the collection of data. While collection of data, I come to know many facts about the children behaviors and attitude. Raising a child is a tricky exercise and arguably, one of the hardest undertakings one must go through. To be a parent is difficult because parents have many duties and responsibilities that have to be fulfilled. If parent fulfill their duties and responsibilities, children can easily tackle with all types of problems of life in a better way. Children do not come with "How to" instructions nor is there a manual to read. You are literally flying by the seat of your pants learning as you go. There are several techniques through which parents can easily understand the children behavior and attitudes. Parents s hould interact with their children to know their behaviors and attitudes in a better way. Because according to physiologists when we interact with our children, we teach them behaviors (Fontenelle, 2001). Parents should be more conscious while interacting with their children, neighbors and any other person, because children learn behaviors from their parents. It means behaviors of parents matter a lot for their children growth and development. Firstly if you find any problem in your children attitude, then you have to make a list of behaviors that you want to change in your children. After then parents have to focus on the reasons and after then try to solve the reason. Despite the difficulty, each parent understands that qualifying as a good parent are classified as the most fulfilling undertaking once can realize (Young & Philpott, 2009). The natural instinct that accompanies an individual newly classified as a parent helps overcome the many challenges that come together with the development. For being the good parental attitude, you have not been a lenient. Lenient parental attitude does not bring strong personalities. To be a consistent parent leads to be a good parental attitude (Kerr & Stattin, 2000). Make the schedule of the children for example in which they have to eat, sleep, play, watching television and completing their homework. In that way, children learn to be complete their tasks in time and how they can mange their routine work. From the research, it is cleared that children who use to done their works on a certain times, such as playing eating, completing homework be a better children and have a more courage to tackle with the problems of life effectively. Though there are different understandings, it is believed that generalization in coming up with the definition has occurred in the American Society (Steinberg, 2004). Parent should set rules for their children development such as children have to come home in time, completing their tasks an d lunch etc. In that way, children become responsible and their performance become better as compared to other children who do not follow rules (Fontenelle, 2001). Through this research, I have seen same behaviors between children of between 2 to 16 years old children in America. For example, children like to eat fast food at any time. Good parents should make a diet chart of the chart so that they
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Review On Nature Vs Nurture
A Review On Nature Vs Nurture For decades it has been debated that humans intelligence, behavior, and socioeconomic status are determined by the surrounding environment a human grows up in rather than the genealogical history they are born with. While humans may inherit physical traits from their biological parents, there is no reason genes should affect intelligence or behavior. It can be argued that human intelligence and behavior is passed down generations through genes, but there is evidence countering such theories. I firmly believe that humans come into this world as a blank slate and that behavior is formed as well as influenced by the surrounding environment in which they are raised. I will present both sides of this argument and provide both scientific and personal evidence. While both sides hold valid claims and possess good supporting evidence, the nurture simply more logical. This commonly known argument is known as the debate between nature and nurture. In this debate, nature argues that behavior and intelligence are affected genetically and that a person is able to maintain their minds ability solely through what they are born with. Those backing this belief in this case are known as nativists. Nativists in one way or another assume that human characteristics as a whole are a product of evolution. This debate only began over a century ago when Charles Darwin brought up this theory between the environmentalists and nativists. Darwins cousin, famous English scientist Francis Galton (1822 -1911), believed that intelligent families brought up intelligent children. Galton was the most famous explorer of human intelligence and made important contributions to criminology, physical anthropology, and meteorology. He made the most significant contributions to both psychology and genetics. Galton was convinced that intelligent humans came from families which possessed other intelligent family members. Professions of art, science, and politics often ran in those families that he observed. Galton theorized that people had the potential to produce a highly gifted race of men by judicious marriages during several consecutive generations (Neill, Nature vs Nurture in Intelligence). He called this eugenics. He also argued that intelligence was bred and not trained, siding with nature. Though arguably, Galton was raised through means of great wealth as his father Samuel Tertius Galton was a prominent banker. His family contained rich bankers and gunsmiths. There is no doubt that his family had easy access to high education. In his time, good education and the idea of attending a great college usually happened to wealthier folks. So it could instead be said that intelligent humans actually came from families who possessed great wealth and were actually able to afford a quality education. After World War I, several psychologists started to reconsider their nativist views and sought intelligence to be influenced through environment rather than through genealogical history. At the time African Americans were given IQ tests to compare with that of whites for a mass study. The end results showed that African Americans from Illinois scored higher on IQ tests than whites from nine other southern states. Through this analysis some scientists found it difficult to make peace with the basic idea that whites were intellectually superior to blacks. Evidence soon seemed to support a closer link between intelligence and social class, rather than race and intelligence. Following in the 1960s, the focus of an individual pertaining to hereditary studies began to shift towards social determinants. The idea started to move away from the nature and genetic outlet to the environmental and nurture end. In this case, nurture refers to the surrounding environment. Environment plays a huge factor as it may be the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, people we speak to, people we see, etc. Parents arent the only aspect of environment. There is also the surrounding culture. After this general idea began to be widespread, America reformed its public education and improved poor living conditions with welfare in order to better the environment. Talk of nature playing a role in contributing to any individual differences, especially intelligence, became minimalized through the present political stance. However, evidence of the differences in intelligence between racial and socioeconomic groups did not dissipate. In 1994, the Bell Curve controversy began. Richard J. Herrnsteins and Charles Murrays The Bell Curve swung the idea of nature back into the minds of the general public. This 800+ page book re-ignited the nature vs. nurture debate and generated massive controversy in sociology, education, psychology, and politics. It implied that an individuals intelligence, which was partially inherited from both biological parents, would determine that individuals socioeconomic background and future life experiences. So it claimed that your IQ could determine your job, annual income, education, criminality, relationships, and socioeconomic status. Now this is where the debate gets really heated. Readers from the left viewed the authors as racist scientists, un-American, and the book as a complete joke. Then you have the readers on the right seeing the authors at brave, powerful and respectable scholars. The nurture end of this debate claims that the behavioral differences and psychological characteristics that emerge from infancy to childhood are the simple result of learning. It leans towards the idea of how a human raised and nurtured affects solely the psychological aspect of childhood development. The only thing that biology here has to do with this is with the physical maturation of the human. Those with strong views on nurture in this debate are known as environmentalists. Environmentalists believe that the human mind at birth arrives into this world as a blank slate and that future actions along with personality and intelligence are gradually nurtured as a result from experience. Intelligence is very important to this debate. Nativists say that differences in intelligence are determined through means of certain smart genes that are being passed down generations -wealthy ones at that, if anything. Some environmentalists believe that differences in intellectual ability are a result of certain social inequalities relating in access to opportunities and material resources. For example, if a child is raised in a ghetto neighborhood, the likelihood that they will earn a good score on an IQ test is rather low because they were denied the exact same life chances that other more privileged members of society had. This is why the nature vs. nurture debate gets heated, and its understandable too, because what starts as an attempt to understand how the neighborhood that a child is raised in or the public school that they attend is able to determine the causes of behavioral differences can sometimes get into a politically motivated dispute about distributive power and justice in society. Thankfully I was raised in a nice neighborhood that consisted of friendly neighbors and calm locals. I had a good friend who lived two houses down and we would go to the same school together almost every day. His parents had college degrees and earned a good average living. I always thought he would turn out to be something big since he was very bright. Later I guess he moved in with his aunt in some other town because his mom and dad were fighting and arguing a lot. They ended up getting a divorce I figured, as the home he used to live in began to welcome moving trucks at the garage door. Last I saw him, we were both 12. The next time I saw him was when I turned 17 and it was on the local county news. He had assaulted a liquor store clerk and attempted to rob the place for a gang initiation. I wasnt so sure it was the same person because of the generic name until it was later confirmed through Facebook that evening. I looked through at his location, friends, and education and not surprisingly, he had moved to a very low income neighborhood that held a bad reputation that was located nearby downtown. So how could it have been that such an environmental shift affected his lifestyle s o drastically? He befriended gangsters and he lost interest at the public school that he attended nearby. When we were younger we went to the exact same school and lived in the exact same neighborhood. I surely did not turn out that way. I cant think of any one of my neighbors who had such a tragic change like that happen to them and affect them harshly. I always said that it was merely his environment. If parents talk, read, and listen to their kids, then they tend to do well academically and are very bright. If parents provide firm and flexible rules, then their children tend be to be well behaved. If parents treat their kids harshly then they tend to be anxious, aggressive and stressed out. A child can also acquire bad habits from their surrounding environment. Today in society, our environment isnt just about our families and friends. We have cellphones, television, music, and social networking which influence us in different ways. Todays youth is just a button away from sending a text message, searching the internet, or turning on the television. To conclude, the debate between nature and nurture consists of two ideas, both with much supportive evidence and criticism. The belief that nature is responsible for human intelligence, behavior and socioeconomic status is interesting, but does not convince me that those characteristics can be inherited. All I can see inherited are merely physical traits that appear through maturity. Nurture seems more plausible as it brings up the idea that a humans surrounding environment affects not only its intelligence and behavior, but its social life as well. This debate is still very current today as scientists battle over how much human intelligence and other behavior are determined by genes and how much by the environment.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bridge to Terabithia Summaries :: essays research papers
Chapter summaries In chapter fiveMay Belle's dad gives her some Twinkies. On the bus Janice Avery (the school bully) hears May Belle telling Billy Jean (May Belle's best friend) about the Twinkies. At recess time May Belle comes to Jess saying that Janice stole them. May Belle says, "Kill her!" and calls Jess yeller. Jess and Leslie get back at Janice Avery by writing a love letter and signing it Willard Hughes. It told her to meet him outside after school. The hard part was getting the note inside her desk. When she found it she waited outside the school for nothing. When she came back to school the next day she was really mad. Chapter 6 " The Coming Of Prince Terrien" By: Desiree Jackson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesse's family was already obsessed with Christmas, and it was a month away. He was disturbed about what he was going to get Leslie for Christmas. He didn't have a clue, because his Father only gave him enough money to get his sisters something. He was on the school bus and saw a box that said "Puppies 4 Sale". He asked the bus driver to let him get off , at first the bus driver said no, but then Jesse told him that he was running errands for his mother. Then the driver told him if he gets in any trouble his mother was going to know it. Jess surprised Leslie. She loved the puppy. They called him Prince Terrien of Terabithia. Ch 7 In this chapter Leslie, her dad and Jess started doing up the old Perkin’s place. They favored one room the most. They called it â€Å"The Golden Room†because it was painted gold. Jess gets to meet and know more about Leslie's family. One day Janice Avery fell down on the bus and she blamed it on Jess. She kicked up so much noise, the bus driver told Jess to walk home. She also ate May Belle's Twinkies. Jess and Leslie met at Terabithia one evening and they talked about a way to trick Janice. So they write a note that said, Dear Janice, I love you. Lets meet at the scool playground and I will walk you home. Yours Truly, Willard Hughes. Ch 8 In Chapter Eight Leslie goes to church with Jess. Jesse's mother didn't want Leslie to go with them. But Jess insisted that Leslie should go. At church Leslie didn't sing the songs that they sang in church.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Certificate in Human Resource Practice Essay
Tutors: John Ashcroft and Suzanne Tyrrell Hand in date: 06/11/14 Weighting: 100% of module requirements (100% of learning outcomes). The CIPD Bank assignment contains the following information: The task The learning outcomes The assessment criteria. The format and word count, if appropriate, of the submission required. Submission. Please attach this declaration to the front of your completed assignment Except for ideas, passages and designs that have been properly acknowledged within the text, this assignment is all my own work. I understand University Centre at Blackburn College regulations regarding plagiarism and the possible consequences for me should I have deemed to have plagiarised. Your assignment may be submitted via ‘Turn It In’ automatic plagiarism software. Print your student name here: Signed†¦Ben Sutcliffe†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Date: 05/11/14†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Submission: First 3HRC Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources Ben Sutcliffe – 97023393 05/11/2014 An Introduction to Workwear Outlet Workwear Outlet has been in its current location in Blackburn since September 2012. The new site was purchased due to rapid growth in the business and a need for larger premises. Purpose & Goals Our core purpose is to help keep people safe at work. Our primary goal is to make Workwear Outlet a great place to work and to grow the business to become a ?50 million business by 2025. The Organisation Workwear Outlet is a new venture by J&B Electric Powertools Ltd. It was opened in September 2012 in the current location in Blackburn. Work wear and PPE had been offered on the website since 2000 and slowly overtook the sale of power tools becoming the main focus of the business. Graham Heap, the Managing Director, is the son of John Heap who purchased the company in 1985 from the original owners Bancroft & Jagger who started the business in 1969. At Workwear Outlet we take pride in the knowledge and experience of our staff. This means we can offer all of our customers a complete solution to their work wear and safety needs. We offer our customers: Work wear to suit any industry or environment. Bespoke garments to fit any size. Personalization and corporate logo design. Embroidery, Vinyl Printing, Screen Printing & Direct to Garment Printing. Advice & guidance on the right kit for the job. A professional and efficient service. All the key brands and the best staff in the industry. Our Customers: Government funded bodies – NHS, HMP, Schools, Universities and Local Authorities etc. Large national companies – The Range, Rolls Royce, Silentnight and Travis Perkins etc. Smaller local companies – Builders, Hair Salons, Garages, Florists and Garden Centres etc. Man on the street – our busy retail shop and trade counter offer a personal touch. The External Environment As a business we need to be aware of external factors that can have either a positive or negative impact. Political Tax Interest Rates Europe/Single Currency/Sterling This has the ability to affect the bottom line of the company. The current rate of 0.5% means we can borrow and invest at lower rates than previous. Exchange rates can affect our profits when purchasing and selling in Europe. Economic General Economic Health Decline in Competition Unemployment The â€Å"double dip†recession meant many construction workers were laid off, we were forced to diversify to maintain profit levels. The economic problems of the last few years have forced several smaller competitors into administration. High levels of unemployment mean fewer companies with less staff buying less work wear and PPE. Social Emphasis on Safety Ageing Population Cultural Diversity Companies and individuals are finally realising that it’s not â€Å"soft†to wear and use protective equipment. We may need to look at our product portfolio to suit older workers. We need to manage diversity in the workplace to ensure we are an equal opportunities employer. Technological I.T. Systems Social Networks The Internet Changing technologies mean we need to stay current and up to date as the majority of our business is done online. This gives us new and unique ways of keeping our customer up to date with new products. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin . The internet gives us a platform to sell our products all over the world. Legal Legislation means more PPE has to be used Minimum Wage Equal Opportunities Legislation Increased sales opportunities. This has the ability to affect the bottom line of the company. Recent change to ?6.50/hour. Legislation has a direct impact on the processes and practices of the company. Environmental Waste Policy Chain of Custody Weather and Climate Currently all waste is recycled in accordance with government recommendations. Products can be traced back to manufacturers ensuring no child labor or unethical practices have been used in the production of goods. This can be an opportunity to supply work wear to people working in extreme environments. Key External Factors and the affect they have on our business Emphasis on Safety Over the past 20 years cultures have slowly changed to accept that wearing PPE is the norm. Previously there has been a culture of people thinking they did not need to wear safety boots and hi-visibility clothing. The building trade especially had a culture of dangerous practices that due to legislation and education have now been eradicated. Long gone are the days of sending the apprentice to the top of a scaffold without a safety line while carrying a hod laden with bricks! Legislation and changing attitudes towards H&S have brought new and exciting opportunities and markets; this has allowed us to expand into new areas and increase sales and margin . Minimum Wage From October 1st 2014 the National Minimum Wage changed from ?6.19/hour to ?6.50/hour. As we employ a large number of minimum wage workers this has had an impact on the wage bill. This increased wage cost needs to be paid for by increasing sales and margin. By working closer to our customers and developing new customers we can increase turnover by offering additional services. These can include personalising work wear with company logos, consignment stock, offering bespoke services and finding new and more diverse markets. Australia and New Zealand are way behind the UK in terms of H&S legislation yet there are many UK nationals working in these countries. By developing this market we can offset the increased wage costs against the increase in sales. Social Networks As a company whose business is mainly online we were slow to embrace Social Networks. We initially feared that giving customers a platform to talk to each other could be damaging and that one negative customer could have the potential to lose us business. As social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin have grown in popularity we have now embraced this technology. We have actually found it an excellent and free way to promote special offers and to keep customer informed of changes to H&S legislation. Weather & Climate The weather and climate have a direct influence on our business. Many garments are seasonal. In the UK we see a clear shift in which products are being sold as the seasons change. We need to be ready for the seasonal changes and ensure we have the correct stock in the warehouse. As we also sell into Europe we need to be aware of the climates of different countries. The climate can also affect the supply of goods. Freak snowstorms, gales, floods etc. can all have an impact on our ability to receive deliveries and get goods out to our customers. We also need to be aware of the weather from a H&S point, decreased visibility and increased potential for slips and harm need to be properly managed through risk assessments. Structure of the Organisation Workwear Outlet is a family run firm with 22 members of staff working at the Blackburn site. Graham Heap is the Managing Director. He oversees the whole operation from the top down. Senior Managers are employed to run the relevant departments. Since opening in 2012 with 6 staff the company has grown to its current level. We are still recruiting sales and warehouse staff as we continue to grow. Ben Sutcliffe manages the sales, customer services and telesales staff, he also manages the sales executives. Ben has been with the company since March 2013 after ten years as a manager with Jewson builders merchant. He has overall responsibility for H.R. and is currently gaining qualifications from C.I.P.D. Paul Disley has been with the company for 11 years initially working at the Bolton site for Powertool Direct. Paul writes all the company software, maintains the webservers and manages all the I.T. functions for the business. Paul has been instrumental in setting up the telesales office and designing call monitoring software and databases to maximize efficiency. Scott Livesey and Zach Baig are recent recruits to Workwear Outlet. Both have joined as apprentices. Scott has joined on a warehousing apprenticeship and works picking, booking in and dispatching orders. He is supervised by the warehouse & procurement manager Jayne Rostron. Zach is currently undertaking a web design and programming apprenticeship and works closely with Paul Disley. Both Scott and Zach will be employed fulltime on satisfactory completion of their apprenticeships. All departments are linked and work closely together. The sales teams take orders and input them onto the system. The I.T. department feeds in the orders from the website. Standard orders are sent to the warehouse for picking and dispatch. Bespoke items and special orders are placed by procurement. Customer service informs customers about expected delivery times and potential issues. Personalised garments are prepared in our art department ready for dispatch. Accounts and payments are handled by accounts. Each function is interlinked and essential to our success. The structure of the business is changing. Due to rapid expansion managers are doing multiple roles. As we continue to grow new talent will be brought in to manage specific departments. Culture of the Organisation Workwear Outlet has clear lines of management and responsibility but the overall atmosphere is informal the majority of the time. Staff are friendly to each other and grievances are uncommon. All lines of communication lead back to Graham Heap through the management team. This could be defined as a power culture. The main advantage of this is that decisions can be made quickly. Graham Heap is a charismatic leader and has the full support of the management team and staff. As we develop and mature as a company we are moving more towards a role culture.This will allow us to clearly define roles and procedures and as we grow will mean new employees have set policies and procedures to follow. This will make training easier as it will not be on an ad-hoc basis as previous. Different types of organizational culture can affect operations in several ways, these can include; Openness Initiative or Empowerment Internal Regulation External Regulation Honesty & Ethics Fun Commitment Management Style Training Diversity Workwear Outlet is fairly open in terms of staff being aware of any current issues facing the business. The staff are aware of how well we are doing financially and this has a positive effect on morale and productivity. Both the sales teams and warehouse staff have a hunger to be the best at what we do and to always improve on the past years performance. Being a family run company we believe that the staff have a right to know how we are performing. Our aim is to be the best at what we do and by sharing our successes with the staff we believe it creates a positive environment. We are now a very diverse employer, from being a traditionally local employer of mainly white males we now employ 8 women and cover most ethnic and religious backgrounds. Not only does this make the workplace more interesting and culturally diverse but it also improves sales and productivity. By having Urdu and Punjabi speaking staff we are able to communicate better with customers whose first language is no t English. How Human Resources support the organization. Cost Savings HR can contribute to cost savings. One way is through sickness/absence management. If the cost of sickness can be reduced there is potentially a large saving to be made. This has a direct impact on the bottom line and profitability of the company. By managing sickness and absence in a fair way it ensures everyone works together and there is no bad feeling when a colleague is genuinely ill. Helping manage staff fairly When under pressure it can be hard for managers to recognise the need to treat their staff fairly. HR can provide support and guidance to ensure the company operates in a fair and legal way and is not open to tribunal action. We aim to be a fair and fun place to work where the employees want to work and stay. We do not want a high turnover of staff as we believe this is counterproductive to growth and success. As we invest time and money in training our staff we want them to work for us and not the competition. Helping with change HR can support the change management process by working closely with senior management. This can involve changes in job descriptions and working closely with the staff involved. Although we have never been in a position to make anyone redundant if the case ever arose HR would have an important role to play in advising management on policies and legalities and in calculating any final pay and settlements. HR can provide any paperwork and support to any changes relating to staff. How Human Resources Support Line Managers Justifying Management Actions All decisions made by managers that affect staff need to be communicated in a clear and understandable way. HR can also assist line managers in the actual decision making process to ensure the actions are fair and legal. Dealing with Employees problems HR can provide a neutral role in resolving any employee grievances. Although line managers can deal with the majority of grievances sometimes HR need to become involved if legal advice or guidance is required. Employee problems such as early retirement, bereavement and redundancy will all be handled by HR. Advisory Role One of the main functions of HR is to advise line managers. HR staff have specialist knowledge and can provide guidelines for line managers to work within. Two very important areas in which advice is given are disciplinary procedures and employment law. We look forward to you joining our team and being part of Workwear Outlet
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Case Brief Essay
Mr. David R. Bullock filed an appeal from his convictions for attempted statutory rape, and attempted sexual exploitation of a minor. David R. Bullock put himself in numerous conversations via email and chat rooms with a Newton County Deputy Sheriff who was conducting a sting operation against pedophiles. The Deputy took on a persona of a thirteen year old female by the name of â€Å"Ashley Anne†. Many of the conversations that took place between Mr. Bullock and â€Å"Ashley†were of a sexual nature. During conversations between Mr. Bullock and â€Å"Ashley†, he discussed how he would like to engage in certain acts (sexual) with her and her friends (girls of younger age) and how he would like to video those acts. He informed â€Å"Ashley†that the conversations about meeting with her and her friends should not be discussed because it was not legal for them to meet. Eventually a meeting was scheduled for a time and a place to meet and specific instructions were given to â€Å"Ashley†on how the meeting should take place. â€Å"Ashley†was told that upon her arrival to the specified location, she should meet Mr. Bullock in a specific area of that location. History On October 18, 2002, Mr. Bullock and the decoy â€Å"Ashley†were present at the specified location, along with computer and video equipment in his vehicle, which ultimately leads to the arrest of Mr. Bullock. At the time of the arrest, Mr. Bullock did not deny having conversations with â€Å"Ashley†but explained that if she would arrive, he just wanted her to be counseled by the authorities on the dangers of meeting strangers on the internet. Mr. Bullock argues that his case is a case of entrapment and that he took no â€Å"substantial steps†towards committing the crimes he has been charged with. Issue: The sufficiency of the evidence is challenged and Appellant claims an entrapment defense for the reason that he was not predisposed to engage in the charged offenses, we shall set forth in greater detail a series of sordid internet and telephone communications between Appellant and the purported 3 victim than we usually would. Holding First, Appellant does not admit that he committed the crimes for which he was convicted and, second, there is no evidence that Appellant was not predisposed, ready and willing to commit these crimes.   Appellant did not meet his burden of injecting into the case a proper case for entrapment. Rational Appellant tendered four jury instructions alleging the affirmative defense of entrapment.   Appellant cites to the evidence that Ashley induced Appellant to take the â€Å"substantial step†of committing the crimes of statutory rape and sexual exploitation of a minor when he was not otherwise so inclined.   Appellant contends that he was only willing to express his fantasies, which was not a crime he was charged or convicted of, and he was not willing to act upon his fantasies without the inducement by Ashley.   He notes that Ashley initiated the majority of contacts with Appellant; specifically, he claims Ashley initiated seventeen of the nineteen instant messages and four of the eight e-mails between her and Appellant.   Appellant indicated the portions of the conversations where Ashley first proposed that Appellant come to Diamond and persisted in trying to set a firm date; he claims he was reluctant to act on his desires.   Appellant†™s claim that he would not have committed the charged offenses but for the enticement by Ashley is not supported by the evidence.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How Not to Write a Letter of Complaint
How Not to Write a Letter of Complaint Read the following claim letter as if you were in a position to take care of the writers complaint. Then respond thoughtfully to the questions that follow the letter. Letter of Complaint: Mr. E. Manns Problem With the DooDad Plus Mr. E. Mann345 Brooklawn DriveSavannah, Georgia 31419July 7, 2016PresidentHouse of Thingamajigs160 Prospect StreetSavannah, Georgia 31410SUBJECT: Faulty Products and Inferior ServiceDear Mr. or Ms. President:1 I am writing this letter because I couldn’t get anywhere by talking to the manager of your store. Apparently, she never heard of the old saying, â€Å"The customer is always right.†2 It all started in May when I returned the DooDad Plus to your â€Å"customer service†department because it was missing a part. (I don’t suppose that you have ever tried to assemble a DooDad Plus, but it just can’t be done without all the parts.) This guy in customer service was not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he spent about half an hour tapping on his computer and eventually told me that the missing part should arrive from the warehouse in three to five days. Three to five days- sure.3 Here it is July, and the thing still hasn’t shown up. The summer is half over, and I still haven’t had a chance to use my DooDad Plus. I’ve been down to your â€Å"customer service†department about a million times over the past two months, and every time somebody taps on the computer and smiles and says the missing part is â€Å"en route from the warehouse.†Where in tarnation is this warehouse- Kandahar?4 So today I went down to your so-called store and dragged the so-called manager out of her coffee break to explain that I was giving up. All I wanted was my money back. (Besides, it turns out that I can get a DooDad Plus from Lowe’s for ten bucks less than what I paid you. Ha!) So what does this lady tell me? That it’s â€Å"against store policy†to refund my money because I had already opened the package and started assembling the DooDad!5 This is insane! I have already reported you to the Better Business Bureau. Now, what are you going to do about it?Sincerely,Mr. E. Mann Questions Keeping in mind the advice offered in the article How to Write a Letter of Complaint, explain whats wrong with the overall tone of Mr. E. Manns letter. How might the writers tone undermine his apparent purpose in writing the letter?What information in this letter should probably be omitted because its not directly relevant to the writers complaint?Some of the information thats typically provided in the opening paragraph of an effective complaint is missing from Mr. E. Manns introduction. What useful information is missing?Offer a critique of the body paragraphs in Mr. E. Manns letter. What useful information is missing? What unnecessary information obscures his claim?Some of the information thats typically provided in the closing paragraph of an effective complaint is missing from Mr. E. Manns conclusion. What useful information is missing?Based on your responses to the questions above, revise Mr. E. Manns letter, altering the tone, clarifying the claim, and omitting unnecessary d etails.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Indus Civilization Writing System research paper
Indus Civilization Writing System research paper Indus Civilization Writing System research paper Indus Civilization Writing System research paper: Early civilization was first witnessed in parts of Asia and Middle East. Egyptians and Sumerians were some of the oldest people to develop in the world. In East and South Asia similar developments were being implemented along river bends and valleys. Some of these oldest developments were being carried out in the Yellow River valley, China. Here, the rich silt from Northern China provided the ideal grounds for civilization. The first Asian civilization was witnessed in the Indus River Valley. This civilization was witnessed in the 3rd millennium B.C (Kenoyer 7). This was more than a millennium prior to the Yellow River development. This civilization is also known as Harappan culture and can be categorized in the Bronze Age development together with Egypt and Mesopotamia. Ravi or Harappan stage was the first to be witnessed in the Indus development. The phase got its name tribute to a river in the vicinity called Ravi River. This Ravi stage lasted for approximately one thousand years. On River Hakra another phase came after Ravi. The phase was known as the Hakra stage. The last phase was known as the Kot Diji phase. In Ravi and Kot Diji stage, settlements some discoveries were made of early writing. These writings were dated back to 3300-2800BC together with the Egypt and Mesopotamian writings. These civilizations covered the whole of present day Pakistan and significant parts of both India and modern Afghanistan. Indus got its name from the Indus River which provided the Indus with water to irrigate and for their domestic use. The silt in the valley provided the fertile soils for agriculture (Kenoyer 26). The strategic position of the Indus valley helped in maintaining security. The Deccan plateau and the Himalayas protected the Indus from attacks from other people. The estimated area was about 1,250,000 km squared. Some of these examples of this extended development were parts of north Afghanistan in Shortughai and Hindon near Delhi in India. The population regarding all these areas was estimated to have reached the heights of about 4.5 million people. Most of this civilization is not fully known to people since it was forgotten till in the early 20th century. Writings of these developments still aren’t well scrutinized by humans and remains unidentified. Like it s rival civilization, Indus disappeared in a mystery. It is accounted to the disastrous events during the time and the early invasions from their rivals. Most facts remain unknown to people about this civilization; like the language spoken by the people during this development is a mystery, no one can tell exactly the names of these people (Mughal 88). This is in contrast with Early Egypt and Mesopotamia civilizations. Most of the people lived in enclosed cities where they could get access to the basic needs more easily. The Indus valley had a number of settlements which were referred to as cities. The residents of these cities were mostly traders and artisans. Trade was more defined here with people from the outside coming to bring their good here. The foreign materials were used for construction of city seals, ornaments for the dwellers and other household goods (Ratnagar 49). The beads made were impressive and were used to make ornaments for the wealthy city dwellers. The seals comprised of images of their gods and animals they reared. Trade goods were well trademarked with these seals. The owners of the goods wanted to maintain the originality of their goods to avoid counterfeits. This gives us the sense of early standardization that still guides production up to today. Goods in our modern trade have to possess a trade mark seal to verify that is original. It’s truly the epicenter of urb an society with all the houses in the Indus getting access to water and a good drainage system to maintain the emphasized hygiene. Technologically, most advancement was witnessed in agriculture. But there in Indus area, controversies with some scholars indicating that food was brought to the Indus from foreign land is still heated. Other archeologist like G.Shaffer argued that agriculture was indigenous in the Indus valley. The people here used mostly wheat and cereals. Barley was also a major ingredient in the food used by the Indus. The fertile Indus soil can give a supporting hand on this. The land here was also productive due to the adequate water for irrigation from the rivers in these areas. The agriculture as the studies suggests must have been enough to feed a large number of people in the Indus valley. Technology in agriculture must also have borrowed some aspect here. The plough was also used in this valley for cultivating the land. Although there is no evidence of a defined system of irrigation, the frequent floods might have been used to water the crops in the fields (Ratnagar 63). The Indus must have dug canals to divert water to build small lands that were managed by small number of people unlike in most early civilizations that people were forced to work on lager rice plantations. Moreover, the act of water harvesting was practiced in the Indus valley. This was a major step forward on the modern technology in agriculture where the water stored can be used to grow crops. Studies have shown presence of some reservoirs on the Indus valley. The people in this civilization depended on the monsoon winds which made the weather pattern to provide rainfall for only four months in a year (Thapar 28). The stored water was hence used the dry periods of the year for both domestic and agriculture use. Inclusive of all these advancement scripting and writing was also developed by the Indus. The rocky terrain and metal availability in the valley was a major influence to invention of these writings. In Indus valley, several writings have been found .The oldest and most prominent writings were several forms of seals. The seals are still in good conditions and the written material is quite visible. These seals were made of metal or rock curved in some shapes and writings scripted on them. Seals were useful to the Indus as they were used to mark their belongings and trade goods. Since clay and other malleable were widely used here, seals were very important in making impressions on them. Most of these seals have being around the world of archeologists but very little have been heard from them depicting what the seals represented. The progress on finding the truth about these well-designed writings cannot be wholly seen as blame on the scholars. The earlier used clues by archeologist to decipher the writings were all missing in the Indus scripts. The writings were small and brief bearing 5 symbols as the mean number of writings per seal. The mammoth but few seals had up to 26 symbols. Language that the Indus used is a mystery and no one knows the meaning of a single symbol in the seals. Texts in these seals were not bilingual. Scholars have come up with different theories to try and uncover this mystery. The first one was just a little acknowledgment on the non prior or present existence of such a language. Some said that the language was Aryan. This is a mixture of several languages; Indian, Iranian, Indonesian and English. Since most Northern Indians spoke Indo-European so the people here in the Indus Valley might have spoken old Indo-European language (Ratnagar 49). Although this might seem like a slight break through, the major short coming is giving to the fact that Indo-European cultures used horses in all their transportation purposes and none was discovered on the seals or the remains of horses on the Indus soil. Furthermore, archeologist yet came up with another theory which stated that the language was Dravidian. This language is spoken mostly in South India. This theory can be seen as the closest one to uncovering this mystery. The Vedic texts have shows some considerable influence of the Dravidian language. It’s thought that the Aryan replaced the Dravidian. The Dravidian might have formed the basis of what is currently spoken by Indians. A feature like the retroflex consonants in Indian pronunciations is some but a few evidence supporting this theory. There is also the structural examination that shows the Dravidian presence in Indus valley texts. The analysis simply states the possible agglutinative nature of the language spoken in the Indus valley. The language here had a number of similar signs with different signals ranging from 1 to 3 per sign. The final signs acted as the suffixes to modify words giving them a new meaning. This is well displayed by the Dravidian language. The language used by Indus had approximately 400 script symbols and about 200 signs. The script used must have been logo phonetic; signs were used for their real meaning and phonetic values. Most of the writings were in picture forms but the signs at the end changed the mother meaning of a word. With all these writings the Indus could possible and effectively communicate through scripted pieces of metal, reeds or rocks. The seals were mostly useful in trade arenas where they could be used to mark goods and be used as currencies, pass to some areas and so on. The civilization of the Indus was a major step forward to what we enjoy today in terms of technology, and advancement in major fields of our lives. Ranging in all dimensions of food, life style, and health education and scripting information on materials in our modern world. The Indus mostly feed on bread made of wheat. Barley and rice were also used as food in the Indus valley. Fruits were many in this area, consisting of peas, dates with some areas melons being grown for nutrition. This is the life style in Middle East; these foods are still eaten today there and all over the world (Thapar 28). With all these contributions to the civilization of the world the Indus made a major step forward towards the urbanization of most parts of the world. The trade, city planning, transportation and agriculture made it possible to have our modern cities and have strategies to manage their lives in a mannerly way. ______________ is a professional research paper writing service which can provide high school, college and university students with 100% original custom written essays, research papers, term papers, dissertations, courseworks, homeworks, book reviews, book reports, lab reports, projects, presentations and other assignments of top quality. More than 700 professional Ph.D. and Master’s academic writers. Feel free to buy a research paper online on Indus Civilization from our custom research paper writing service.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to hire employees who will ensure long-term success
How to hire employees who will ensure long-term success When you’re filling a position, the focus is often very immediate. Gotta fill the vacancy, right? And while the short-term needs are important, it’s also crucial to think about the long game here. Are you hiring someone who’s likely to be successful in this role long-term, or are you likely to be hiring for this same position in a year? Here’s are steps you can take to make sure you’re not wasting time and other resources on a lengthy hiring process again and again.Focus on the future.You know where your company is now, but where is it likely to be in two years? If your company values technology or innovation, are you hiring people with the skills to adapt? Don’t find people who can tackle today’s projects- find people who can innovate for tomorrow’s. Choosing someone who can jog along, for now, just to fill a position will be a detriment to your company. By staying on top of the trends in your industry, you can help figure o ut which skills are going to be in demand soon, if not now.Build a company-focused job description.True, you want someone to be able to manage the day-to-day tasks of the job right away, so it’s important to make sure tasks and responsibilities are clear. But also be sure to emphasize the skills that mean success in the role, not just basic ability. And it may be that a candidate doesn’t yet have experience that ticks off some of the boxes in the job description, but has shown the kind of adaptability and potential that would let him grow into the role.You want to make sure your job description reflects what the company needs, not just what the role itself demands. This job doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so if you want someone who is going to fit into the team for a long time to come, it’s important to recruit for that fit up front instead of focusing 100% on the day-to-day responsibilities of this one position.Trust your instincts.It’s really okay to go off-book (or away from the job description) if you feel like someone will be a good fit, even if there’s some misalignment with the job description as written. Similarly, if Candidate A technically meets the expectations of the job, but Candidate B, who has less or different experience, feels like a better fit, listen to that too. You’re in your position for a reason- your gut is a good indicator of who will be best for the team and the company. It’s okay to stray from the â€Å"rules†for a candidate who stands out.hbspt.cta.load(2785852, '9e52c197-5b5b-45e6-af34-d56403f973c5', {});Leverage your networks.If you’re looking for someone who would be a good fit for your company long term, that just may not be resume #47 from the slush pile. Instead, see how you can leverage existing employees’ networks, the company’s social media accounts, and other social connections (like college alumni networks) to broaden your recruiting.People wh o already work for your company, or are familiar with the company, will often have great, knowledgeable referrals for open positions. That friend of a friend who’s perfect for a job, or an old colleague from way back when might not even know about the opening except for the tip from their own network. So it’s important to make sure you’re working the social angles as well as the more traditional job boards or recruiting methods.You’re already all about hiring the best people, but if you can get the best people + longevity, you’re setting up yourself and your company for an even brighter future.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Benefits and Educational Value in Studying Philosophy and Logic Essay
The Benefits and Educational Value in Studying Philosophy and Logic - Essay Example Philosophy and logic are inextricably linked together. For, without one, one could not have the other. The philosophy books one may readâ€â€such as The Republic or Plato’s Apologyâ€â€might cost some money, however, the benefits and educational value of both philosophy and logic are priceless. First of all, what were the benefits of philosophy? Perhaps one must first discuss what logic was. Logic was a derivation of philosophy. For, in order to philosophize, one needed to be able to make rational arguments in succession, each argument following logically from the last point. It then follows that the end result would be a conclusion proving one’s hypothesis or initial claim to be true. This is generally how philosophical discussions develop. â€Å"[The great thinker] Eusebius accept[ed] the conventional division of philosophy into ethics, physics and logic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The benefits of using philosophy are greatâ€â€using philosophy exercises the mental faculties and forces one to think extemporaneously. The educational value of philosophy is to train subjects simply to think. If nothing else, philosophy requires a great deal of thought to engage in it.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Columbia History of American Television Assignment
The Columbia History of American Television - Assignment Example The silent generation children grew in complex situations caused by wars and economic hard ups. America suffered the most during the economic crisis in 1929 to 1939 called the great depression. Many American nationals lost their property and possessions starving on the streets as the employment rates reduced by 24 percent being unemployed (Gary 208). Popular culture allows people with different opinions styles to relate and identify homogenously and collectively. It serves a critical role in the society as it unites groups on ideas of acceptable forms of behavior. Popular culture comes from the developments of range activities such as modern music, cyberculture, print, entertainment, advertising, and television. Video and television popular culture influence the advancement of the silent generation Era in different perspectives. The increase of the middle class and urbanization is the foundation of the famous culture leading to the industrial revolution. The baby boomers are the initiators of the generational evolution by their arrival leading to the demands for housing, cars, and roads mostly aged between 47 to 65years. The Generation X years range from 31 to 46 and is an in-between generation consisting of the first-generation dual income families. They experience the impacts of the end of the cold war, the fall of the Communism and the dismantling of the Berlin wall. The development of the MTV and rise of the internet, technology enlightened them to be tech savvy and entrepreneurs. The current generation is the millennial generation with ages from 18 to 30 who have grown in an environment of unrest and increased security after post-September 11 world. Social and political trends promote the age differences in political attitudes and voting choices in the election cycles.Â
Business Communication Portfolio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Communication Portfolio - Assignment Example Although the idea of entertainment at Disney Land is typically attractive for children but it is presented in such a way that people from all over the world enjoy visiting it (Jackson, 2011, p.139). In Hong Kong, it has been built with incorporation of International Theme Parks Ltd, The Walt Disney Company and the Hong Kong Government (Hong Kong Disneyland, 2013). The organization is continuously increasing its attractive places while improving the overall entertainment experience. Huge business portfolio often generates great difficulties for Disneyland which subsequently affects customer satisfaction and long term relations with other businesses. For instance, on weekends or public holidays the parks become over crowded which causes immense difficulties for the visitors. This paper aims to present two business-business letters related to Hong Kong Disneyland. Skyline Event Management Company 26th Street, across Southern Avenue Hong Kong October 12, 2013 Mr. Robert James The Operati ons Manager Disneyland Resorts Hong Kong Subject: Complaint for poor resort services. Dear Sir, On October 10, 2013, the students of Foundation School grade 4 to 6 visited the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort along with the teachers and other staff members. It was a school trip primarily arranged to enhance the artistic sense of students while enabling them to understand different stories. Moreover, to help them visualize the classical characters they have been reading about since early childhood. Our aim was to entertain children through best possible means. However, the students did not find Disneyland as appealing as it has been marketed (Haberer, 2010, p.4). Most of the staff members complained about the misbehavior of employees especially those who have been on duties in the Toy Story Land. Hence I wish to complain about the poor services that the school has received from the renowned Walt Disney Company. The visit was arranged by Skyline Event Management Company. After visiting the theme parks, students were required to write a comprehensive review of the entire trip. This was done in order to gain inside knowledge about their perception and ideas related to different cartoon characters. Additionally, they were needed to compose stories with the help of their favorite cartoons. They were also asked by the event managers to fill the feedback forms regarding the entire trip. The feedback forms which we received were significant enough to let us know about the poor services of your staff members. Students were highly de-motivated and even some of the parents complained to the school management regarding the trip. Parents were too much concerned about their children’s safety. Most of them believed that the amusement parks and rides at Disneyland were not safe for young children. Here, I would like to add another important thing that since Disneyland is marketed primarily to the children then why the management has installed such equipment which is prominen tly dangerous for young ones? Moreover, the older people visiting Disney Land behave very rudely with the young children while on the other hand, the managing staff usually do not respond to the customer complains. Even today I had to wait for around two hours to meet you and in the end I was told that you are busy in some meeting and would not be available until next week. All these things have greatly disappointed us and hence I request you to train you staff members while ensuring that older
Thursday, October 17, 2019
International management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
International management - Essay Example The report recommends that the plan limit the number of marketing objectives to four; identifying international markets, developing generational marketing strategies, maximizing opportunities arising out of the 2012 London Olympic Games and increasing the membership and private donor support. Data compiled by the Office of National Statistics and the Department of Culture are utilized to identify target markets in Western Europe and North America. The remaining global nations are targeted through existing Olympic Games partnerships. The core marketing strategy revolves around the use of digital media networks and interactive video technologies. The SHIPS website should be completely re-designed and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter should be utilized to market the SHIPS product to younger people. The report recommends that a full-time marketing manager be hired to oversee all aspects of the marketing plan, its implementation and the evaluation of outcomes. A budget of $140,000 pounds has been identified to implement the marketing strategy and a timeline of 23 months has been established leading up to the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games. London’s Ships of Historic Interest Partnership (SHIPS) is dedicated to the preservation of the unique heritage of Britain as a maritime nation. Its seven historic ships provide an orientation and education to visitors about the important role that sea trade played in helping to shape the economy of Britain and several other European nations as well ( One of the major challenges that SHIPS faces is to expand the scope of its message to target audiences outside of the United Kingdom where few people know of the historic ships as a potential tourist destination during visits to London. This comprehensive marketing assessment provides analysis and
Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Marketing Communication - Essay Example Amongst our clientele, Burberry Plc is one of the leading customers whom we are serving currently and are responsible for handling all their marketing activities within our region for the period running through July to December 2013. Burberry is a fashion brand, established since 1856, mainly dealing in men and women clothing and similar luxurious accessories ( This paper provides a marketing communications report, entailing detailed discussion about the concept of marketing communications and its unfolding role in establishing integrated marketing communications strategy. This report is followed by a marketing communications plan for our denoted client Burberry, stating the objectives that are to be achieved through promotional activities and the corresponding strategies that need to be implemented in order to be successful in achieving goals that were aimed at through these marketing communications. Finally we provide an integrated marketing communications strategy for the client to identify how all marketing elements work together to form the ideal strategy after taking into account implications of environmental and legal issues, sponsorship and role of technology. The paper concludes with recommendations for the retailer which might help it to regain its position in the market as it was in earlier years. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS REPORT This report mainly focuses on the concept of marketing communications and its powerful role in establishing integrated marketing communications strategy. The contents of report are given as follows: 1. About marketing communications Marketing communication refers to the activities carried out by organizations to spread awareness amongst consumers about their products and convincing them to purchase their goods or services (Keller, 2001). Any form of interaction between a producer and a consumer shall fall under the broad category of marketing communication, provided that the basic intention behind such intera ction is the achievement of organizational objectives. Such interaction will ideally result in a sale and purchase transaction or activity of the company’s product or service (McCarthy, 1978). With help of marketing communication, brand awareness can be enhanced and customer can be convinced to buy the company’s product. Thus, any enterprise’s revenue and profitability will be a direct function of effectiveness of its marketing communications. One of the most commonly used tools for marketing include the 4 C’s of marketing mix which aid the organization to combat against unpredictability of external factors that affect consumer tastes, preferences and capabilities of organization to sell its product. First C denotes the customer who is the primary concern of marketing team since without customer there is no survival possible. Therefore their needs are of utmost importance in devising a strategy and maximizing sales. For this purpose, cost, denoting the se cond C, is essential in determining how customers would perceive the product. High pricing strategies might not be able to grab maximum customers and therefore an optimal balance between cost and quality must be achieved. Convenience refers to the place of sale or market which nevertheless is no longer significant since internet technology and e-commerce facility has enabled companies to be
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Parliament and policy making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Parliament and policy making - Essay Example However, recent studies in this field show that parliamentary lobbying and pressure group activities are on the rise in the past two-three decades, both in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords. Moreover, both chambers of Parliament are viewed by pressure groups not only in the light of institutions of last resort but also as â€Å"access points†which play an important role in the entire process of influencing political and governmental decisions. Thus, during and after the rule of the Conservative governments of Margaret Thatcher, Parliament became more important for pressure groups not only as an institution of last resort but also as a place to express their views and to influence the overall decision making process. Traditionally, British MPs were depicted as the ’major channel of communication between the government and the governed’ (Wright 2000). On the other hand, the presence of a parliamentary government in the British political tradition means a form of government ’in which the executive is drawn from and is constitutionally responsible to the legislature’ (Rush 2005). In this respect, Rush explains, this is a government through parliament but not government by parliament (2005). Therefore, many theorists observed that in the UK the largest proportion of pressure group activities is focused towards senior government officials and ministers, in particular, the power-holders in the British system of government. On the other hand, Parliament possesses powerful tools to influence both cabinet ministers and legislation they are trying to pass through Westminster. In the case of legislation proposed by backbenchers themselves, the Parliament has the final word on bi lls; hence, it is really the institution of last resort to which pressure groups are turning. Moreover, UK Parliament has a monopoly to recruit cabinet ministers as opposed to the US where those seeking political posts could pursue their objectives also
Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Marketing Communication - Essay Example Amongst our clientele, Burberry Plc is one of the leading customers whom we are serving currently and are responsible for handling all their marketing activities within our region for the period running through July to December 2013. Burberry is a fashion brand, established since 1856, mainly dealing in men and women clothing and similar luxurious accessories ( This paper provides a marketing communications report, entailing detailed discussion about the concept of marketing communications and its unfolding role in establishing integrated marketing communications strategy. This report is followed by a marketing communications plan for our denoted client Burberry, stating the objectives that are to be achieved through promotional activities and the corresponding strategies that need to be implemented in order to be successful in achieving goals that were aimed at through these marketing communications. Finally we provide an integrated marketing communications strategy for the client to identify how all marketing elements work together to form the ideal strategy after taking into account implications of environmental and legal issues, sponsorship and role of technology. The paper concludes with recommendations for the retailer which might help it to regain its position in the market as it was in earlier years. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS REPORT This report mainly focuses on the concept of marketing communications and its powerful role in establishing integrated marketing communications strategy. The contents of report are given as follows: 1. About marketing communications Marketing communication refers to the activities carried out by organizations to spread awareness amongst consumers about their products and convincing them to purchase their goods or services (Keller, 2001). Any form of interaction between a producer and a consumer shall fall under the broad category of marketing communication, provided that the basic intention behind such intera ction is the achievement of organizational objectives. Such interaction will ideally result in a sale and purchase transaction or activity of the company’s product or service (McCarthy, 1978). With help of marketing communication, brand awareness can be enhanced and customer can be convinced to buy the company’s product. Thus, any enterprise’s revenue and profitability will be a direct function of effectiveness of its marketing communications. One of the most commonly used tools for marketing include the 4 C’s of marketing mix which aid the organization to combat against unpredictability of external factors that affect consumer tastes, preferences and capabilities of organization to sell its product. First C denotes the customer who is the primary concern of marketing team since without customer there is no survival possible. Therefore their needs are of utmost importance in devising a strategy and maximizing sales. For this purpose, cost, denoting the se cond C, is essential in determining how customers would perceive the product. High pricing strategies might not be able to grab maximum customers and therefore an optimal balance between cost and quality must be achieved. Convenience refers to the place of sale or market which nevertheless is no longer significant since internet technology and e-commerce facility has enabled companies to be
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Body Mass of Earthworms Essay Example for Free
Body Mass of Earthworms Essay Earthworms play an important role in the turnover of organic matter in soil and maintaining a good soil structure (Lavelle, 1988). Physical properties in soils improved by earthworms include improved aggregation, stability, and porosity. The soil biological and chemical properties of soils that may be modified include nutrient cycling (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus), organic matter decomposition rates, and chemical forms of nutrients in soil and their availability to plants. They also change the soil pH, organic matter dynamics in terms of quality and quantity, microbial and invertebrate activity, and diversity of the microflora and fauna (Lavelle et al. , 1998). Therefore, they are essential for plant growth especially in an extensive agricultural system, such as organic farming, which is based on nutrient release from turnover of organic matter. Earthworms can also be used as a source of protein for animal feed which had been reported to increase the growth of fish, chicken and piglets (Guerro, 1983; Jin-you et al., 1982; Edwards and Niederer, 1988). The mean amounts of essential amino acids recorded in earthworms are found to be very adequate for a good animal feed. Moreover, earthworm tissues contain a preponderance of long-chain fatty acids, many of which cannot be synthesized by non-ruminant animals and an adequate mineral content (Edwards and Niederer, 1988). Recently, the enzymes derived by the earthworms, lumbrokinase or earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes (EFE) which has anticoagulant (blood thinner) property is extensively being used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Following these valuable application of earthworms, the management of earthworm communities provides a promising field for innovation in agricultural practises. There are many factors affecting the growth and body mass of earthworms that need to be considered during cultivation of earthworms. The soil moisture obviously has an effect on the growth and activity of earthworms. Earthworms lose moisture through their cuticles, so they are very dependent on soil moisture. When soil moisture is optimum, earthworms increase in mass and in their activity if food sources are available (Lee, 1985; Edwards and Bohlen, 1996). Another important factor is the additions of organic matter in the form of farmyard manure which have been found to increase earthworm populations under favourable soil conditions (Lofs-Holmin, 1983a; Hansen, 1996). Several studies found that the mass of earthworms were the highest in manured soil compared to unfertilized and mineral fertilized soils (Hansen and Engelstad,1999; Marhan and Scheu, 2005). The purpose of this study is therefore, was to identify the optimum soil moisture and level of fertilizer that can be used to increase the body mass of earthworms, Pheretima sp. during cultivation. The worms of the genus Pheretima are indigenous to Southeast Asia (Edwards and Lofty, 1972), and widely distributed in tropical rainforests with strongly acid soils. There were two treatments being tested in this experiment. In the moisture content treatments, four different levels of moisture level in soil were compared. As for the fertilizer treatment, the goat manure was added at two different levels and was compared with an unfertilized control. Aim The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of moisture content and fertilizers on the body mass of earthworms, Pheretima sp. under laboratory conditions. Any observed difference in body mass may then indicate the optimum soil moisture and fertilizer content which can improve the mass rearing of this species for commercial use. Materials and Methods Study site The study was carried out in the Animal House which is located at Level 8 of Building 3, Monash University, Sunway Campus commencing from 19th April 2010 to 10th May 2010 (22 days). The rearing conditions for Pheretima sp during the study consisted of containers (paper cup) held in continuous darkness at room temperature (25oC). Experimental design The earthworms, Pheretima sp. were obtained from a shop in Klang Valley. Each test container (paper cup) was inoculated with a sample size of five worms (n=5). Before the experiment commences, the initial body mass (Mi) of the worms in each containers was weighed using an analytical balance. Then, each container was added with 500 g of clay-brown soil which was obtained from the Green House of Monash University. Treatments used in this experiment are combinations of two factors, the level of fertilizer application and water application. The treatments were within a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. All replications of treatments are assigned completely at random to independent experimental subjects. The relationship between three different levels of fertilizer treatment and four different levels of moisture treatment as they relate to the changes in the body mass of earthworms was examined with a split-plot factorial ANOVA, where fertilizer was a between group factor, and moisture content was a within group factor. This resulted in 12 (4 treatment level x 3 replicates) moisture containers in each (three) groups of different level of fertilizer, which made a total of 36 experimental units.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Supporting Individuals in Childcare Education
Supporting Individuals in Childcare Education Exceptionalities are neither positive nor negative; rather, they are differences (Darragh, 2010, p. 114). In your own words, explain the term exceptionalities. Then, using one exceptionality outlined in the text on pages 116-127 of the course text, identify developmental challenges the exceptionality may present for the child, and appropriate adaptations, accommodations, or modifications that may need to be considered in order to support the individual childs development and learning. The term exceptionalities have a defining characteristic that is different from the norm for physical and mental abilities. It describes children or people that go beyond what is normal or what society expects. The child can have extra unusual abilities. It can also include children that have disabilities that prevent the child from functioning well in certain areas of development. The same goes for a child with different emotional or health development. It is a difference in development of these different disabilities such as syndromes, impairments, and certain disorders. (Darragh, 2010). In that respect are different classes such as intellectual disability, hearing, oral communication and speech communication, visual, orthopedic, autism, multiple impairments, traumatic injuries to the brain ad giftedness and talent. These are most commonly seen in the classroom. Children that are exceptional have many challenges in front of them. A gifted child can have learning and attention probl ems. There are number of these children that go through school without being diagnosed ad to having special talents or needs. These can also have problems in social emotional such as frustration this is common in a child that has not been diagnosed and their talents and learning have not gone unnoticed or partly addressed. They have a high aspiration and dont like the low expectations that someone may have for them. They want independence and struggle with knowing that they need help with learning and attention issues. They may be trying to be perfect. Low self -esteem is another challenge for a gifted child because if they dont have the support needed they can lose confidence in their abilities or they just quit because they believe they start to think that failure is unavoidable. This thinking can cause depression for the child. Social isolation is another They can feel like they dont fit in into the world or another. They may lack the social skills to be comfortable with other ch ildren in their gifted class. They may have problems relating to children in their regular class. This can cause a child to think, Where do I belong?. They often find it easier to relate to an adult than children that are their age. The truth is a child that is labeled exceptional may be a challenging enough. There are other challenges that they face such as language and communication problems, learning and being involved in daily tasks like playing games and interaction with children. Children can experience challenges in attentiveness and being able to manage their impulses. To accommodate a child that is exceptionalities the parents and the teacher need to recognize the gift or the disability that the children has. Talk to the school if you suspect a child is gifted. Request a meeting with special services coordinator. Tell them your concerns. An example is if a parent or teacher is taking care of a child with autism. You need to make sure you maintain your daily routines because routines for this child is very important. Stay in the gifted program if the child was identified as gifted but not doing well in the program. The child should be assessed for learning and attention problems before you make decisions about removing the child from the program. The childs environment can be fixed by the childs sensitivity by making sure to have books, toys, and appropriate music for the child. You can have a mentor for that child to help the child improve or build on thei r abilities and make a difference in the childs development. Making most of your childs IEP by addressing the childs weakness and to nurture their gifts. To make goals that are long term and short term. Make sure you brainstorm and be persistent. Empower the child by helping the child comprehend what their gifts are and their weaknesses are Let them know that you are there for the child in his struggles in areas. If they are frustrated give them time to figure it out and dont go straight in to help the child. Let them cope with their mixed abilities. Parents that partner with teachers can help that child develop their talents can reach their full potential. Teachers can use charts and pictures in lessons to help in the strengths of the child. Some adaptions can be changes in class work or routines because of the type of disability. Modifications can be done to like the things the child is taught, and the way the child works at school. Accommodations are such as a tape recorder and b ooks on audio. Modifications are changing the curriculum or instruction. When these are made children with disabilities is not expected to master things like others. Supporting the development and learning of each and every child requires specific knowledge of each childs strengths and challenges as well as knowledge of development, exceptionalities, and effective practice. Explain how evidence-based practice synthesizes knowledge of individual children and effective practice. Then, identify how you plan to use this process in your work with young children. The way we take care of children effectively rests in what we know of the childs exceptionalities and the evidence that we use for beneficial activities with them. Knowing the characteristics of the exception and the disabilities makes it easier to care of that child. Applying the knowledge and information that parent and teachers have in the past can be put to the present situation. Evidence-based practice can elevate a family making mistakes by following a process they studied and their values. (Darragh, 2010). This process is encouraging because it shows teachers and the parent they are not by themselves. This helps parents and families to share what their experiences are and when they do this the get extra knowledge and can save time. When I work with exceptional children, I intend on using evidence-based knowledge to see past and to see what the effective method will be for that child. These methods will help in focusing on the childs special issues that they may have. Being spe cialized in this this will help the child to grow and become improved. I will make sure before I deal with these children that I comprehend their needs, and I will research cases and will make sure I stay updated often so that I will be up to date with any new issues. I will research and find out what I need to watch out for in the childs development. I will also use the five-step evidence based decision making. I will ask the question, What my childs main needs are? Look or the best evidence such as what research and practices can give me advise on how to meet the childs main needs. Seeing the quality of the evidence is seeing that the research of the current knowledge is current for the field, and if they will benefit the child. Putting together the research with values and wisdom which is applying what you have learned that respects the child and the family in their way of supporting their child in their development and learning. I will evaluate all the steps such as the childs s trengths and challenges. (Darragh, 2010). I will help the children to make good decisions with their goals that will benefit the child. Understanding the childs unique needs and their cultural and linguistic diversity. The way we can support a child is having the knowledge and skills to understand the diverse needs of the children and their families. We should offer a welcoming, nurturing, and a classroom with respect. Effective assessment is an essential component used to lend insight into young childrens strengths and challenges. However, assessment data, particularly for young children, can be difficult to obtain. Based on pages 245-247 of the course text, explain how play-based, strength-based, and culturally and linguistically sensitive assessment address challenges associated with effective assessment for young children. Play-based assessment is a tool that shows how a childs development in interactions with the environment. (Darragh, 2010). Play opens windows to the childs strengths and the way they cope with things. It is not just social/emotional, cognitive or motor skills. Play gives important documentation on the qualities of the childs relationships. (Darragh, 2010). This is successful with the infant-toddler children. Watching children play teachers can see how a child relates to other children because children are more likely to behave normally when they play. This method is a remedy for challenges that are associated with assessments. The strength-based assessment is criticized this assessment has been great on providing information on a childs abilities. (Darragh, 2010). This information can be checked with the expectations of a normal child. This type of assessment strength is it focuses on what children can do instead of what they cannot. Culturally and linguistically is a sensitive, resp ectful and responds to the childs learning needs assessment. This is the best because it focuses on both the cultural and the linguistic aspects. At the beginning assessments were done in English and now they have Spanish language ones. When in English this made, it challenging because of a small number of assessment tools. The assessments have addressed the issues by getting appropriate tools for assessment which they are free from cultural and linguistic bias. It also takes account for the cultural information that the child accepts. The observation of the children is getting to know the child and the interaction they have with their environment and by listening and watching them it helps in your ability to make decisions on teaching and learning.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Short Talk on Preparing a Talk Essay -- Speech
A Short Talk on Preparing a Talk 1. Introduction This paper offers suggestions for more effective ways to plan the talk, and a checklist of points you should consider from the moment you know you will give a talk. Careful preparation and effective delivery are the keys to giving quality speeches or presentations. Without sufficient preparation, you may find yourself unable to respond to questions raised by the audience, which will lessen the impact of what you have to say. No matter how much time you have to prepare a talk, it never seems to be enough. Yet, before you can begin to work on the talk itself, or even start to prepare any visual aids, there are four points you need to consider: duration of the talk, audience, subject and objective. In this paper these four points are discussed. Let us deal with them one by one in the order they appear above. 2. Duration of the talk The shorter the talk has to be; the more difficult it will be to do it well. Giving a brief talk requires proportionally more preparation time than longer talk. You have less time to search for the right words, less time to receive feedback from your audience, less time to work through theory and to give illustrations. If you want to be effective, do not underestimate the time it will take you to prepare yourself for a short five to twenty minutes) talk. The time allowed for the talk also determines the scope and the level of detail you can go into. A brief talk will necessarily be less complicated and will deal with fewer points. The duration of the talk can roughly be estimated as follows: studies in reading have found that an average person speaks at more or less 150 words per minute. A ten-minute talks therefore cannot be much longer than 1500 spoken words. If you are going to read your speech (something which you should avoid doing) you can prepare about three and a half A4 pages (12 font and single spaced), which will give you about 1250 words. You will need additional time to get on stage, say the opening words and tell the audience what you will be talking about, and to get off stage at the end with a short recap. In this figures give you an idea of time spend in talking, nevertheless you are still advised to rehearse and rehearse in advance until you are sure of the exact amount of time you will need. Instead of reading the talk you may decide to t... ... a success. It is very difficult to give an effective talk, reading up on the script while preparing the visual aids. 5. Objective Finally, there is your objective or aim of giving the talk. This objective needs to be phrased in terms of the behaviour you hope to see in your audience if the talk is a success. This is fairly concrete goal. Your aim or objective is the touchstone against which you can test all your options in selection and/or omission of material, the organisation and structuring of the talk, the choice of a slide or other visual aid, etc. Without a clear objective it will be all too easy to wander off the point, to prepare irrelevant materials or to organise the talk in a way that confuses the listener. It is always worthwhile to try out different ways of phrasing the overall objective of the talk, as small differences in phrasing may lead you to new insights on the content and structure of the presentation. At this stage you lay the groundwork for the many hours of preparation that will follow. It is therefore well worthwhile spending a little extra time in the planning stage, attempting to be specific and concrete in phrasing the objectives as possible.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Here Follows Some Verses :: essays research papers
Here Follows Some Verses...      In all of Anne Bradstreet’s poetry that we have read, she has taken an experience of hers and then dissected and related it to Christian and, more generally, Puritan merits. â€Å"Here Follows Some Verses,†is no exception. After the burning of her house 1666, Bradstreet wrote this poem. It expresses her longing for the house and the possessions that were consumed in the fire. The poem also shows the author’s solid faith in God. There is a minor conflict between her religious merits and her connection with her lost items (namely her house). This conflict spurs questions that irk analysis of theology. However, they are resolved before the end of the poem.      The beginning of the poem is a wake up call. Bradstreet introduces the fire early in the poem, jolting our attention. She does this so that the sense of urgency she felt is convey to the reader. The first thought that comes to Bradstreet’s mind is to ask God for help, â€Å"†¦And not leave [her] succorless.†This was her first and, for her, most natural reaction to distress. Once she had escaped the house, she said that it was God’s will for the house to burn. From this we see that the author is a pious woman with solid faith. Soon after, we see that Bradstreet has a less religious side to her personality. After escaping from the house and looking at the ashes where her home once stood, she begins to long for the material possessions consumed in the fire. The flow of the poem changes from shocking to sad when the Bradstreet surveys the site and wherever she looks has memories of the things that once used to be there. There is a lot of repetition at this point. The words no and nor are repeated several times between lines 28 and 34, stressing her pining for her home and the memories that she will never have.      The superficial side of Bradstreet shows itself for only a short time, however. She accepts the fire as an act of God.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Orange County’s Own Wave of Ska Essay
Throughout history, many musical cultures have affected others. Whether it be by new governmental forces coming into power, or through migrations of populations into a different areas, music travels just as well as the humans that produce it do. In the mid 1990’s, the relaxed beach towns of Orange County rose to be one of the major hotspots of the 3rd wave Ska generation in the United States, being the hometown to well-known bands such as Reel Big Fish, Sublime, and No Doubt. Ska music is known for its energetic beats, melodic horns, and reggae vibe. The third wave ska scene in Orange County attracted young kids from the suburbs out to a community, developing a unique sense of style and culture  celebrating individuality, fun, and a carefree attitude, staying true to the Orange County beach culture. The beginnings of the Ska genre can be traced to the island nation of Jamaica in the mid 1950s. Initially, it was defined as â€Å"a kind of ham-fisted combination of American rhythm and blues and Caribbean folk styles, such as calypso and mento†(Selvin). This melting pot of sounds was credited to the fact that post World War II, the inhabitants of Jamaica were able to listen in on American radios due to American soldiers’ stationings. Tourism and other outside forces have always had an influence on Jamaican music, with textbooks coining that â€Å"Caribbean musics have participated in significant ways in globalized networks of music-making†¦ that have historically emerged in response to travel in the Caribbean†(Nettl 345). With Jamaica’s music culture being accepting and adapting to outside instrumentation and styles, they were able to create a genre that appealed the to United States as well. With warm weather found in all twelve months throughout the year, a relaxed coastal feel throughout the area, and a strong teenage population, Orange County in southern California made for the perfect location for a brand new era of Ska music. With many rock alternative bands such as Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Stone Temple Pilots emerging in the late 1980s and early 1990s, their hardcore, energetic music did not completely comply with the easygoing demeanor of Orange County. The rise of rock alternative though did create a gateway for the new, third, wave of ska. Compromising both with the popular alternative scene and with the relaxed reggae-centric vibe of conventional ska, the Third Wave Ska movement was formed. Throughout the 1990s many small ska bands loosely formed. Rooted from childhood friends to garage parties, the initial intentions of this genre were to create a subculture for teenagers to escape and somewhat rebel from Orange County’s conservative norm. As the neighborhood concerts and beach music festivals grew and grew around this time period, so did the genre of music itself. Seemingly overnight, the once seldomly known style of ska became a growing fruit, ripe from the county of Orange. Recognition of this craze continued, both by word of mouth as well as in the media. â€Å"The Orange County Register first mentioned the invasion in May, 1996, with a piece that asked ‘Is ska Orange County’s next big thing’ Many OC acts were now benefiting from the success of No Doubt, and Sublime, including ska-punkers Reel Big Fish and Goldfinger†(Apter 164). Once Orange County local acts were now topping Billboard Charts and receiving much airplay across the nation. Anaheim native band No Doubt’s smash 1995 single â€Å"Don’t Speak†, a mellow ska-centric song, was at the number one spot on Billboard’s â€Å"Hot 100 Radio Airplay†chart for sixteen weeks and was also nominated for Song of the Year at the Grammy’s. Along with No Doubt’s success, other Orange County ska bands such as Sublime, The Aquabats, and Slightly Stoopid were able to follow. Despite its tremendous success, it is important to remember ska’s humble beginnings and that it still is prevalent in its birth area. With an aggressive alternative scene in the Los Angeles area, the relaxed ska appealed to most teenagers living within Orange County. Events such as the Van’s Warped Tour and summer beach concerts made it easy for the third wave ska movement to be seen by many throughout the area. Due to Orange County’s conservative culture, there exists a bit of animosity from parents whose children listen to the liberal genre. Composed with fast paced reggae-influenced instruments and with lyrics hinting to marijuana usage, alcohol, and even sometimes drugs, many were disrupted by the controversial messages the songs gave to the teenagers that listened to them. Aside from the belligerent ideas that may come from the genre, ska is mostly known for being a high-energy style with a hint of rapping vocals mixed with a few harmonies that all transform into having a feel good time with others. The history of ska still is prevalent in the beach areas of Orange County. Even though it is not as popular as it once was, it has branched out and gave rise to more reggae based bands nowadays. Teenage offspring trying to go against conservative mindsets of their parents have always found a musical outlet, as will their offspring. This outlet can have both negative and positive effects on oneself, depending on how they interpret this high energy, beach-vibe style. An alumni of this culture may still be dressed in board shorts, a ripped up tank top, a pair of Rainbow sandals as well as a pair of cheap sunglasses. Even though some have outgrown the style, it will be remembered from them that ska was the source of their most memorable teenage experiences. Works Cited Apter, Jeff. Gwen Stefani & No Doubt: A Simple Kind of Life. London: Omnibus, 2008. Print. Nettl, Bruno. Excursions in World Music. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2011. Print. Selvin, Joel. â€Å"A Brief History of Ska.†San Francisco Chronicle 23 Mar. 2008: n. pag. Print.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Madyson Minnich
Hinduism and Buddhism are the third and fourth largest world religions, respectively. Many might reason that the two are one in the same, but they are not. These two religions are both unlike and alike, but let's visit what is different and similar about them. They both originated in the ancient Indian subcontinent. An advanced civilization, known as the Indus Valley Civilization, was the root of Dravidian Culture. Later this area was invaded by the people known as Aryans. The Dravidians had a very developed spiritual culture while the Aryans were nature worshipers. In contrast, these two religions are very different from each other. Hinduism and Buddhism religions drew beliefs from these two combined cultures. They mutually believe in reincarnation named samsara which means the cycle of life, death, and reincarnation. Even though they both believe in reincarnation, their theories on the process differ from each other. Buddhists believe that you want to avoid reincarnation and enter Nirvana. Nirvana is where your soul is at perfect peace. They must have a perfect soul and be cleansed to meet Braham, the source and creator of all life according to the Buddhist religion. Hindus believe that you want to be reincarnated into something better than you were in your previous life. Reincarnation in Hinduism depends on how much karma one has. Karma is the reward or punishment for the person's actions and reactions. For instance, if you do good deeds throughout your life, you would be reincarnated into something or someone better. If you steal or commit crimes in your life, you would be reincarnated into someone or something worse than you previously were. Like Hinduism, Buddhism believes in karma in that you take it with you into your next life, but reasons it is just a small part of one's life and that a person can change the result. Religions of the world worship multiple gods, but some religions do not believe in any gods. Hinduism and Buddhism both believe in gods. Buddhism has multiple gods, also known as polytheism. Hindus believe in one supreme god, Brahman, but can believe in whatever gods they want. They can be polytheistic, monotheistic, or not believe in any. The fact that Hindus can worship many gods like Buddhists, that makes them similar. There are different people who established the two religions. Buddhism was formed from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, or better known as Buddha. Buddha was a regular person who wanted to find the meaning of life. Hinduism was based on the Aryan culture and not attributed to a single founder. Both religions believe in following a path or reaching certain goals, but their goals and paths are still very different. Hindus, people who practice Hinduism, believe in the four stages of life. Buddhists, people who practice Buddhism, believe in the eightfold path. The four stages of life include kama, artha, dharma, and moksha. These steps are also known as Student Stage, Householder Stage, Hermit Stage, and Wandering Ascetic Stage. Buddhism's eightfold path has many steps or stepping-stones to reach true nature. The eight steps are a perfect vision, perfected emotions, perfect speech, integral action, proper livelihood, complete energy, complete awareness, and full meditation and one-pointedness of mind. That is one of the ways that help Buddhists in reaching a better spiritual life or nirvana. Another similarity between the two religions is their belief in dharma. Dharma refers to the natural order of the Universe, moral behavior, and appropriate actions. But, dharma has different meanings to each religion. In Hinduism, dharma is the ethical and spiritual law governing individual behavior. In Buddhism, dharma is the dogma, the common truth mutual to all persons always. There are books that hold holy writings or how to practice a certain religion. Mutually, Hinduism and Buddhism have a holy book, but each is different. Hindus have the Vedas and Buddhists have the Tripitaka. The Vedas has hymns, rituals, and poems. It also has the Buddhists duties for their different social classes. The Tripitaka has the teachings of Buddha and rules for Buddhist monks. As you can see, there are many differences between Buddhism and Hinduism than there are similarities. They both have holy books and gods. Though they are both different with their beliefs on how to reach their Nirvana or gods. They might also believe in reincarnation, but both have different opinions on it. Even with their differences, they are both great religions and were interesting to learn about.Kumar, M. (2018, January 09). Difference Between. Retrieved October 9, 2018, from, J. (1996). A Basic Buddhism Guide: The Eightfold Path. Retrieved October 9, 2018, from, A. (2012). Buddhism vs. Hinduism ( Compare & Contrast Diagram). Retrieved October 9, 2018, from vs. HinduismDas, S. (2018, August 10). What Are the 4 Stages of Life in Hinduism? Retrieved October 9, 2018, from https ://‘1' Margins Times New Roman12 pt FontDoubled SpaceAPA FormatTwo Pages of Information
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